exclusive favor

Chapter 180 No one can touch the restricted area

Chapter 180 No one can touch the restricted area
On the other side, a black SUV was driving on the viaduct, and Ye Xi sat in the back row drowsy, chatting with the big director beside him, time passed extremely slowly.

"How long?"

In the driver's seat, Xiangcheng glanced at the navigation: "Hurry up, about twenty minutes."

Ye Xi took a long breath and put his head on the man's shoulder again.

Qin Chen rubbed her hair, and said in a warm voice, "If you feel stuffy, just lower the window."

She shook her head feebly.

"It's not stuffy, it's just a little uncomfortable in the stomach."

Qin Chen looked down, counting the days in his heart, and frowned a little: "I'd better take some time to go to the hospital when I go back to Jingzhou."


At this moment Xiang Cheng Leng interrupted: "If you are in a hurry, you can go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick first."

Ye Xi didn't react for a while.

After two seconds of eerie silence, the man beside him reprimanded softly: "Drive your car well, your hair isn't even growing, what do you know?"

Xiang Cheng: ...

He is 24 years old, why is his hair not fully grown?

I'm so wronged, I don't want to be so insulting.

Ye Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it seemed that the former assistant Xiang, who was pure and naive, had gone further and further away after Xiaotang's transformation.

Thinking of this, the phone vibrated slightly.

She picked it up and took a look, but it was a WeChat message from Shang Jinhan.

Only a few short words.

【Be careful of Jin Xiwei. 】

Ye Xi stared at the interface for a few seconds, and immediately recalled it.

The guess should be that Jin Xiwei found Shang Jinhan in order to win the spokesperson, and said some bad things about her in front of him.

In the entertainment industry, it happens from time to time to deliberately step down competitors for a little profit.

Ye Xi was not surprised, but he did not expect that Shang Jinhan would choose to believe her without reservation.

Feeling moved in her heart, she typed and replied: [Well, I know, thank you. 】

The faint smiles on the corners of the lips of the people around her fell into Qin Chen's eyes impartially, and the big hands resting on her waist slightly tightened, and asked in a low voice, "Whose WeChat is so happy."

Yeah, I was spotted by the great director.

Ye Xi regretted not restraining his expression just now.

She silently turned off her phone, and said solemnly: "Boss Shang told me to be careful of Jin Xiwei."

Qin Chen raised his eyebrows: "Where is the joke?"

It's a joke.

Ye Xi showed undisguised pride: "It means that LC's endorsement rights for next year should be stable on my side."

"Without Shang Jinhan, your LC's endorsement rights are still very stable."

She snorted softly, "Director Qin is jealous again?"

"There's no need to be jealous with someone who is useless."

After Qin Chen finished speaking lightly, he glanced at the phone that lit up again on her lap: "Who needs to be careful, I don't need him to remind me, I'm not blind."

Ye Xi blinked: "But Director Qin never reminded me like Mr. Shang did."

"Then I will remind you now."

"Be careful with Shang Jinhan."


Ye Xi was really convinced by him.

After a while, the man said coldly again: "With me here, no one dares to trip you up."

"What if there is, like Jin Xiwei, she is your teacher's daughter."

"If you touch my restricted area, the daughter of the Heavenly King Laozi will not work either."

With the expected answer, Ye Xi smiled instantly: "Director Qin, you are so handsome tonight."

She rubbed her head against his shoulder like a kitten, and in the rearview mirror, the man's eyes were full of doting.


The red light ahead turned green, Xiang Cheng looked away and stepped on the accelerator, taking a deep breath.

Arriving at the hotel, he bought pain relief patches at the pharmacy downstairs, and when he entered the lobby, Ye Xi clicked on Weibo.

Sure enough, there will be several photos of her and Qin Chen in the same frame at tonight's auction, which have been released by reporters. Although there is no public opinion for the time being, but if they are not complete, in an hour or two, there will be marketing accounts to use them to ferment.

The finale collection was photographed by Qin Chen, and everyone was guessing who would own that brilliant blue diamond in the end.

The same person's name appeared in the comment area, and every time Ye Xi finished browsing, he felt like he was deceiving himself at a high level.

While brushing seriously, Qin Chen appeared behind her at some point and patted her on the head: "Go take a shower first, and put the pain relief patch on later."

It's okay not to talk about it, but after talking about it, a certain pain nerve seemed to become more sensitive all of a sudden.

Ye Xi turned off the phone, got up from the sofa weakly, looked up at him, and walked slowly towards the bedroom.

While taking a shower, the manager sent a voice call. Ye Xi turned off the shower head, pressed the PA button and put the phone on the shelf.

Soon, Zhou Jing's voice came over: "Don't worry about those on Weibo for the time being, take a good rest tonight, and go back to Jingzhou tomorrow. I'll go to Yuxi Bay to find you and talk about the future arrangements."

She roughly understood what the manager said about the latter arrangement.

Since he wants to use his career to suppress the scandal, if he doesn't take specific action, Chen Chuhe's new play alone may not be effective.

After Ye Xi simply washed, he took off the towel next to him to dry off the water droplets on his body: "I have been photographed by paparazzi when I went in and out of the hotel in the past few days, but there has been no movement for a long time, which makes me feel a little strange."

"Not surprisingly."

Zhou Jing joked: "Generally, in this case, nine out of ten the photos have already fallen into the hands of your family."

"No way, I haven't heard him mention it."

"In the future, this kind of thing will become commonplace. If I don't tell you, it's probably because I'm afraid you will be upset."

Ye Xi stayed silent, rubbing the center of his brows: "But it's expensive."

Zhou Jing reassured: "My uncle spends too much money and we feel distressed. Don't worry, the public's attention will soon be diverted. I will try my best here."

What uncle.

Ye Xi couldn't laugh or cry, why even her manager has been brainwashed now.

Those people online are horrible.

After taking a shower, she went into the bedroom and went to bed, clicked on Weibo, and found that several trending searches were occupied by her, she sighed a little.

But after turning around and posting a pain-relief post, and refreshing it again, her manager had already posted on Weibo at exactly ten o'clock.

The pictures of five brand endorsements were released in a row, of which she knew about RENTA in advance, but the other four really gave her a bewildered surprise.

Above the picture, the manager's copywriting reads: Pay more attention to the goddess, she is more interesting than the scandal, this is the result of joint efforts, I don't know what you think, anyway, I am quite satisfied, worthy of my goddess.

As soon as Weibo was posted, the entire Internet was in an uproar.

Even though the team worked overtime in the middle of the night, the hot search was arranged within half an hour.

What is the concept of winning five high-end endorsements in a row? A goddess is a goddess.

It was nearly eleven o'clock, and under the strong suppression of the endorsement entry, there was no news about the auction on the Internet.

After seeing the result, Ye Xi was also very satisfied. Hearing the director's low voice on the phone, his heart moved, and he turned around and hugged the waist of the man beside him.

She raised her head and looked at his starry eyes, full of smiles.

 It's summer vacation, what do you guys do every day?

  It's so quiet recently.

  The comment area is deserted, the votes are deserted, and the follow-up is also deserted. Woohoo, where have you all been T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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