exclusive favor

Chapter 193 I Worry About You

Chapter 193 I Worry About You
On the way back to the park, Ye Xi wanted to speak several times, but when he saw someone's expressionless profile, he swallowed the words again.

She is in a complicated mood now.

Some thoughts will make Qin Chen angry if they are sorry to him, but if he keeps holding them back, then you will keep silent and maintain an inexplicable atmosphere, which will also make people panic even more.

A few minutes later, the car entered the gate of the park.

Ye Xi exhaled and turned his head to look at the man. Before he could spit out a word, he was the first to speak: "What do you want to say, you hold it all the way."

She choked, it turned out that this person also knew that she endured hard.

After two seconds of silence, Ye Xi tentatively called out, "Director Qin."

Qin Chen glanced at her: "What?"

The gentle and soft voice sounds good.

She rolled her eyes and said straight to the point: "Let's not pursue the matter of Jiang Kun, okay?"


"Because three years ago ... it didn't really hurt me."

Qin Chen turned his eyes to look out the glass window to find a parking space, and said in a flat tone, "What level of damage do you think is necessary? This is not the reason."

It's over, look at this calm look.

But the calmer he was, the more pressure she got.

Ye Xi lowered his eyes and his throat was dry: "I'm worried about you."

With just four words, Qin Chen's hand on the steering wheel tightened slightly, and his heart instantly softened.

Then listen to her continue: "Jiang Kun is a ruthless character, I don't want you to take risks for me, and I don't want you to break the principles and bottom lines again and again for this."

"What do you think my bottom line is?" he asked rhetorically.

Ye Xi didn't speak, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

The car stopped, he unfastened his seat belt, and leaned over to untie her again, his voice softened a lot: "What kind of person is to be dealt with, what kind of method is used, no matter how cruel the character is, there will always be his weaknesses and dead spots. .and also--"

Qin Chen paused, stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms: "For the rest of my life, there is only one you I want to protect. Those who have hurt you, I must make them pay the price."

In the small and quiet space, the man's soft voice fell to her ear, with indestructible power, it smashed into her heart and caused waves.

At this moment, she didn't seem to be so afraid.

She was in a weak position three years ago, and Jiang Kun's behavior once cast a shadow on her heart. Just like when she met at noon, her subconscious thought was to avoid it.

But now, it seems that all worries have calmed down under Qin Chen's comfort.

She was no longer alone, the sky fell, and he helped her carry it.

Ye Xi closed his eyes, rubbed his cheeks against his hard chin, wrapped his arms around his waist, and nodded lightly.

Once something happens, it is irreversible. The bad people in this world will not change their minds because of your patience. Just retreating will only encourage them to intensify and even cause a second injury.

Therefore, you must let those who have hurt you receive the punishment they deserve, not only because of a man's protection of a woman, but also to explain to yourself three years ago.

Ye Xi thought of the girl who was holding Jiang Kun at noon. She looked like she was only in her early twenties. She didn't know if she was forced to go to that step voluntarily or for some other reason.

In short, the big dye vat of the entertainment industry is really difficult to have another day of Qingming.

After going upstairs, Ye Xi did not take off his mask, and walked all the way to his lounge beside the big director.

The people in his team were so excited when they saw her that she was almost deformed. From time to time, they stopped at the door to look at the gap between going to the toilet, especially the group of big men in the post-production opposite, who stretched their necks almost to catch up with the giraffes. .

"What are they doing, they didn't know me before?"

Ye Xi held a cup and drank water, sitting with his back to the glass wall, feeling the attention, it was difficult to reduce his presence as much as possible.

"Don't worry about them, I haven't seen the world."

Qin Chen took out the yogurt from the refrigerator and handed it to her, glanced at the group of people lightly, and took it back lightly.

In the opposite office, receiving the warning from the man's eyes, Qi Qi retracted his head, and then saw their chief director closed the shutters expressionlessly.

Crowd: ...

You can't even look at it, Director Qin is stingy.

The line of sight was cut off, Ye Xi turned around, tilted his head and looked outside the glass wall, wondering: "The people in your team should have known about our relationship long ago, they shouldn't be so excited."

"They are excited just because you are Ye Xi, it doesn't matter if you are my girlfriend or not."

Um? ?

She looked at him without blinking, and after a while, the man said lightly, "It's all your male fans."


Ye Xi stayed silent for two seconds, the answer really surprised her.

After thinking for a while, he said suspiciously: "I don't have many male fans, why are they all concentrated in your studio."

"All personnel recruitment follows normal procedures. Who knows where this group of people came from."

Seeing the cool look of the director, Ye Xi twitched the corners of his lips, wanting to laugh inexplicably.

She couldn't help laughing and sighed softly: "It seems that the sweet and sour pork ribs at noon today are not very good."

The man looked at her: "What do you mean?"

"There is no sugar and no spare ribs. Director Qin is not happy."

Qin Chen:  …

After Ye Xi finished speaking, he turned his face away and took a sip of yogurt, pretending that he didn't see anything.

She turned on the phone and glanced at the time: "Don't you want to start the audition at three o'clock? Go and do your own thing, don't worry about me, I'll sit and leave in a while."

"Don't want to go and see?" Qin Chen asked.

Ye Xi thought of the crash at noon today, and jokingly said, "What are you looking at, watching Director Qin bow to the actors in the audition?"


The man squinted: "Who said that?"

"No one, just a group of female artists passing by. Hearing them say how humble and polite Director Qin is to newcomers, I was so frightened that I didn't even control the brakes."

Qin Chen laughed, pulled the person out of the chair and pinched her cheek: "What tone is this, thought I did it for you on purpose?"

Ye Xi bit his chin and said innocently: "How come, I just feel that a group of little girls are still too young."

The man stared at her.

She smiled and added a picture in her mind: "The new show will start and officially start shooting, and when they see it with their own eyes, the handsome and humble Director Qin got stuck on them because of a line and an expression that was not in place. After a hundred plays, they will understand that reality is often much crueler than imagined."

"You are exaggerating."

Qin Chen raised his eyebrows and corrected: "In my studio, if it's more than [-] times, I just change people directly. How can I waste a hundred times with them."


Ye Xi was surprised: "So, the last public welfare film Qin Dao stuck me a dozen times. If I have bad luck and come back a few more times, I will be in danger?"


The air was silent for a few seconds.

The director turned around and took out another bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator, unscrewed the lid and handed it to her: "Good, this is your endorsement, it tastes good."


There's one more chapter to come later in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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