Chapter 1001 Gu Mingfei's Nightmare (1)

On the Pacific Ocean, Bock Institute Central Library.

The library has a huge collection of books, and there are countless students in the library who are immersed in their studies every day, swimming in the ocean of knowledge.The handsome young man swiped his card, pushed his black-rimmed glasses, and walked into the library.

People greeted him along the way.

"Brother Gu, good morning."

"Brother Gu came to the library to read again today, as expected of the great Brother Gu!"

"Principal Gu asked you to find him in the office at noon tomorrow."

"Thank you, Brother Gu! We won a three-day online open day every month for all the students in our school. Brother Gu, you are my god!"

"Brother Gu, after I graduate, I will definitely work for the Gu Corporation and work for you."

Gu Mingfei doesn't like the frequent greetings from the crowd, nor does he like the adoring gazes that can be seen everywhere.He walked on the campus like an emperor on tour, and the hearts of the people were all about him.

A few days ago, Gu Mingfei entered the school board meeting room alone with a lot of documents.

Tongue war group Confucianism.

With the strength of one person, he debated with the high-level officials of the whole school and won!
In the end, it successfully exchanged for the three-day Internet Open Day every month for all the students in the school, which completely broke the ancient tradition of the Berke Academy.In the past, Bock Academy implemented closed education, and students were not allowed to contact the outside world during enrollment.

Gu Mingfei broke this unreasonable rule.

So for the nth time, he became the god in the hearts of all the students in the school, his reputation far surpassed that of Tang Tang and Gu Yanting back then, and he has countless followers wherever he goes.

This year's batch of graduates from the Bock Academy, because of Gu Mingfei's outstanding influence, many outstanding graduates offered an olive branch to the Gu family and were willing to work in the Gu family's company.

For this reason, Gu Yanting also specially called Gu Mingfei to praise him for a good job.

Eldest brother Gu Mingshi also called Gu Mingfei, hoping that Gu Mingfei would have more contact with the School of Economics, School of Pharmacy, and School of Physics. The group is short of talents in this area.

Gu Toolman Mingfei: "Got it."

Carrying a small schoolbag, Gu Mingfei walked into the bookshelf in the corner of the fifth floor of the library.The category of bookshelves in this area is [Folk Mysteries], which collects ancient customs, traditional culture and mysterious magic from all over the world.

Gu Mingfei is an atheist, but recently he comes to the library to read these books every day.Gu Mingfei took out a copy of "Strange Tales of Customs in Remote Areas of Huaguo" and read it at a glance.

He used to work with an archaeological team to excavate the tombs of a mysterious princess in the Tang Dynasty in the deep mountains and old forests in the southwest of China.Gu Mingfei has been dreaming recently, dreaming of the ancient tomb, dreaming of the princess who turned into a skeleton.

Strangely, as long as he fell asleep, he would only have this one dream.

I have been dreaming of the princess for more than a month.

Gu Mingfei was affected and decided to find out the truth.

He went to the library to look for clues, hoping to learn about the princess' life and the reason why the nightmare was similar.Gu Mingfei spent a whole day reading in the library, reading a lot of ancient legends of the Hua Kingdom, but he still couldn't find any records about the tomb of the princess of the Tang Dynasty.

It was dark, and Gu Mingfei walked back to the dormitory under the moonlight. Gu Mingfei was a rigorous young man who was meticulous in his work, study, and life. He planned his every day in an orderly manner.

Eat on time, sleep on time.

It was late at night, he fell asleep, and started dreaming again without accident.

The dream is illusory, in a gorgeous palace, there are blood-red veils flying everywhere.The pavilions, towers and pavilions are strange and gloomy in their antique flavor.

(End of this chapter)

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