Chapter 1002 Gu Mingfei's Nightmare (2)

Gu Mingfei dreamed of this place for more than 40 consecutive days, and he had already become accustomed to it. He walked into the palace along the path of white jade carvings, and walked into the luxurious boudoir of the princess.

The boudoir is huge in size, elegantly and luxuriously furnished, the desk is full of memorials and calligraphy, and the bright red characters [囍] are pasted on the window lattices.Behind the screen, one can faintly see the princess in a red wedding dress and a delicate red hijab, sitting quietly on the head of the bed.

Anyone else would have been terrified by this eerie scene.

But Gu Mingfei is different.

He was bold and believed in science.

"Have you found out my identity? A descendant of the Gu family." Under the red hijab, the bright red lips were slightly parted, and the princess's voice was hoarse and hoarse.

Floating in the wedding room, the voice is ethereal, as if it is everywhere.

Gu Mingfei obediently knelt and sat on the other side of the screen, imitating the ancients in the Tang Dynasty.Gu Mingfei tilted his head: "Princess, why did you lead me into the dream again? I am a person who believes in science, and I suspect that this dream was constructed by my subconscious mind."

The well-behaved boy Gu Mingfei is not afraid of nightmares or ghosts.

"Princess, I can tell you responsibly that you are the one who knows your identity best. I just dug your grave legally. This is called archaeological work in the 21st century, and everything is for science." Gu Mingfei Sit down obediently, and babble non-stop, "But since I had this strange nightmare, and you seem to be an ancient person, can I ask you some questions?"


Gu Mingfei: "You are from the Tang Dynasty. May I ask what level did the technological level of the Tang Dynasty reach? Have the people enlightened the idea of ​​capital? Is capitalism sprouting in Jiangsu and Zhejiang? Oh, yes, capitalism is a kind of private ownership of means of production. based social system."


Gu Mingfei is an archaeologist and a loyal lover of ancient culture.He was pulled into a horrible dream, not afraid, and even seized the time to ask the princess about ancient customs and etiquette.

Gu Mingfei asked again: "You have experienced death in a tomb once, I would like to ask you about the layout characteristics of the mausoleum system in the early Tang Dynasty—"

Princess: "Shut up!"

The red curtains flew wildly, and the bronze mirror on the table was crumbling.

It can be seen that the princess held back her anger in the dream.

Gu Mingfei sat down obediently, and saw the princess in the red wedding dress slowly stand up from the wedding bed, took off the red hijab on her head, and could vaguely see her vague figure through the screen.

Gu Mingfei was very surprised: "Is the princess of the Tang Dynasty eating so well? Your height is already over 1.8 meters."

Princess: "Shut up!"

I don't want to listen to this young man at all.

Very noisy, very noisy!Her mouth is full of weird things, and she doesn't have the slightest awe of her as a princess.The princess even felt a little regretful, why did she choose this descendant of the Gu family?

"Find out my identity, otherwise, I will always be your nightmare." The princess waved her sleeves.

Gu Mingfei: "From a scientific point of view, I don't think this is a nightmare, and I even think it is of great research value."

The princess flicked her sleeves, and Zhulou collapsed and turned into fly ash.

Gu Mingfei woke up from the nightmare and rubbed his temples. The sun had already shone on the Berk Islands in the morning, and it was another new day.Gu Mingfei, who was outstanding in his memory, recalled the dream from last night.

long silence.

Gu Mingfei murmured: "Ask the princess again tonight, about the historical materials of the court lady system in the Tang Dynasty. I finally met an ancient person, and I can't let her go easily. Ask more."

 Gu Mingfei: Defeat ghosts with science!
  Guess who the princess is?

(End of this chapter)

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