Chapter 1003 Terrible Houttuynia cordata

He thought this dream was really amazing.

Cannot be explained by science.

The tall princess in the dream, the remote princess tombs in the southwestern mountainous area of ​​Huaguo, and the "Gu family descendants" that the princess said. Gu Mingfei has a faint intuition that this strange ancient princess may be related to the Gu family or even It is related to the four major families.

Remote Mountainous Areas in the Southwest of Huaguo
By the way, it seems that my sister recently went there for a tour.Looking back for an opportunity to ask, did my sister also have a nightmare about the princess.

"Go to the library and look for materials."

Gu Mingfei wakes up to welcome a new day.



Outside Miaozu Village, there is a beautiful mountainside.

The piglet in the pigsty ran away.

Tang Tang and Miao Xiaojun chased for five or six miles before they caught the chubby little pig back to the pigsty.The little pig kept screaming, curled up in the corner, and looked warily at the two people lying on the railing of the pigsty.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you." Tang Tang comforted the frightened little pig.

Piggy: "Aww!"

You humans are all big liars!
Tang Tang laughed out loud.

Miao Xiaojun is a kind-hearted and hardworking young man with superb cooking skills.At noon, the kitchen made fried shredded pork with green bamboo shoots, stewed pork ribs with white radish, and Miaozu beet soup.

"There are still six days before the selection of the team leader. Miao Miao, you really don't want to participate in the selection?" After the meal, Tang Tang took Ming Sichen for a walk on the mountain road to digest food, and Miao Xiaojun was digging Houttuynia cordata by the side of the road with a bamboo basket on his back .

The sickle cut off a handful of fresh and tender Houttuynia cordata, and Miao Xiaojun put it in the basket: "No. The patriarch's grandfather is not dead, and my sister hasn't come back yet. I will wait for them at home."

Even if he has the purest blood of the Miao Clan, he doesn't want to be the patriarch, and it's useless to force him.

The sacred objects of the Miao clan have spirits.

If he hadn't been the patriarch sincerely, the sacred object would not have chosen him.

Tang Tang helped him pull out some Houttuynia cordata: "In that village, who is most likely to be elected as the next patriarch?" To cure Ming Sichen's poison, Tang Tang also needs to establish a good relationship with the patriarch in advance.

Put a handful of Houttuynia cordata into Miao Xiaojun's basket.

Tang Tang rubbed his nose, he couldn't stand the strange smell of Houttuynia cordata.Houttuynia cordata, also known as Zheergen, is a plant that exudes a faint fishy smell. However, many Southwesterners regard it as a treasure, and make it into cold Houttuynia cordata, fried Zheergen with bacon, and scrambled eggs with Houttuynia cordata Waiting for food. .

Really horrible food.

Tang Tang would never eat Houttuynia cordata!

"It should be Agui from the third uncle's family, and Miao Xiaojiao, the granddaughter of the great elder. They are both very talented." Miao Xiaojun dug out a long Houttuynia cordata, put it in front of the bridge of his nose and sniffed it in satisfaction. sniffed.

Tang Tang muttered, remembering the names of these two people: "Agui, Miao Xiaojiao."

I'll let Brother Xiao Gui check it out later.

In April, the spring is bright and beautiful, and the hillsides are covered with various small beige flowers, and the Houttuynia cordata on both sides of the field ridges sprout green leaves.Miao Xiaojun was digging Houttuynia cordata, while Tang Tang and Ming Sichen were taking a walk.

Ming Sichen was still weak due to poisoning, but he could not stay in the house every day, and he had to go out to breathe fresh air from time to time.

When the mountain wind blew, thin hot sweat broke out on Ming Sichen's forehead.

Seeing this, Tang Tang took out a big white rabbit toffee and handed it over: "Eat a candy, let's walk for another half an hour."

Ming Si smiled lightly: "I'm not a child."

Having said that, he still took this small, milk-scented candy.To be honest, the taste of the white rabbit toffee is not good, the taste of milk is too strong, but Ming Sichen still ate the candy obediently.

He likes Tang Tang's concern very much.

(End of this chapter)

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