Chapter 1012 The Mysterious Mural in the Cave (1)

The illusion of Taoyuan dissipated, revealing a dark and strange cave in the holy mountain.

Shaking his hands, Miao Xiaojun took out the flashlight from his backpack, and with the light of the flashlight dispelling the night, rows of graves appeared in front of him in an orderly manner.The inside of the cave is huge and empty. At a glance, there are at least hundreds of graves, all of which are the tombs of the ancestors of the Miao clan.

The white banners of the soul-calling are fluttering, and the cool wind coming from nowhere makes people shiver.

Miao Xiaojun shrank his neck tremblingly, this weird scene was horrifying no matter how you looked at it.Or Tang Tang patted him on the shoulder and pointed to the largest tomb: "Did you see that dagger?"

"Where?" Miao Xiaojun was a little scared, and followed the direction Tang Tang pointed to, and saw the largest grave in the middle.This tomb is almost five times the volume of the other tombs, built as a raised platform, and a row of white jade stone stairs can reach its tombstone.

In front of the tombstone, a similar dagger was enshrined.

The dagger is dark in color and is deeply embedded in the stone niche in front of the tombstone, only a small part of the blade and the black dagger handle are exposed.

"I guess the sacred object may be the dagger. You may have to climb up the stone ladder, hold the dagger, or pull it out." Tang Tang's speculation is reasonable. In the dark tombs, only the dagger looks the most special.

Miao Xiaojun's legs were trembling.

He is actually very timid.

But thinking of the patriarch's grandfather who had disappeared and his sister who was seriously ill at home, Miao Xiaojun gritted his teeth and walked quickly towards the stone stairs with his fists clenched: "Tangtang, wait for me here, I will come as soon as I go."

He knelt down in front of the stone ladder and kowtowed three times.

Only then did he climb up the stone ladder carefully.

Tang Tang waited for him in place, while secretly observing the walls of the cave.With the light of the snow-white flashlight, Tang Tang seemed to see some fuzzy murals on the wall, which were severely weathered.

Tang Tang took a closer look, and there are many characters and scenery depicted on the wall, all of which are related to the past dynasties of the Miao Clan.

There was a heroic ancestor who caught the evil beasts in the mountains and saved the whole village, and his great contribution was recorded by later generations;
There is a poignant love story in which a certain generation of patriarchs and their wives met, fell in love, stayed together, and went to death one after another;

There is a story about a certain patriarch in modern times leading tens of thousands of Miao youths rushing out of the mountains and going to the front to fight against the invaders;

The farther the mural goes, the more serious it falls off, and the more difficult it is to see the recorded content.

Tang Tang looked all the way and walked to the center of the mural, which is an ancient mural with four squares and severe peeling. The content of the picture is very special.

The first frame of mural: In the center of the mural is a beautiful woman in a beautiful dress, tall, wearing a crown, standing on the throne and accepting the worship of all people.She may be a queen, or she may be a princess.

The second mural: Four warriors and a wizard approach the beautiful woman cautiously.

The third mural: four warriors and wizards, wrestling with a beautiful woman.

The last mural: the beautiful woman was defeated in a pool of blood, the wizard stabbed the woman's heart with a dagger, a warrior took away her blood, a warrior took away one of her bones, a warrior took away The crown on her head was lost, but another warrior was missing.

The murals were blurry, and Tang Tang worked hard to identify them for a long time before he could barely analyze the contents of the four murals.

She took out her mobile phone and took pictures of the contents of the four murals.

Waiting to go out and send someone to restore the murals in the photos may be able to dig out more content.

Tang Tang is very curious about these four murals. The content presented in the murals is just like the nursery rhymes sung by children in Taoyuan Paradise:
[I found you and got my blood back~
I found you and got my meat back~
I found you and got my bones back~
I found you and got my crown back~
Find you, draw out the dagger of my heart~
Young man, who am I~]

A creepy nursery rhyme narrated by the beautiful woman murdered in the mural.

(End of this chapter)

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