Chapter 1013 The Mysterious Mural in the Cave (2)

Tang Tang stared at the mural for a long time.

I have been looking at the beautiful woman in the mural.

Wearing a crown on her head and stomping on bones, this woman represents the evil villain.It is worth mentioning that the beautiful woman is no shorter than the four warriors.

The four warriors and wizards represent the power of justice, and the wizards in the murals are probably the ancestors of the Miao clan.

Tang Tang remembered that the villagers in Taoyuan Fantasyland said that they fled to the village after being hunted down.This pursuit is likely to be hunted down by the beautiful woman in the mural.

After the four warriors killed the princess, one warrior disappeared, and the remaining three warriors each took one of the princess's things. Blood, bones, and the crown.

Um, wait, this crown?
Tang Tang approached the mural. The shape of this crown seems to have been seen somewhere. It is full of jewels, and it is extremely gorgeous.Even if it is an ancient handicraft thousands of years ago, its beauty is not inferior to that of contemporary art.

Crown, where have you seen it?
"Tangtang, I, I have been recognized by the holy object!" Over there, Miao Xiaojun came back happily, holding that simple dagger in his hand, about twenty centimeters long, and the whole body was pitch black.

When Miao Xiaojun went down the stone steps, he did not forget to kowtow three times to his ancestors again.

"It's amazing. As soon as my hand touched the dagger, my mind instantly cleared up a lot. I felt that my five senses were instantly cleared up, and my vision, hearing, and sense of smell became better than before." Miao Xiaojun happily handed the dagger to Tang Tang looked.

This dagger is extremely black.

It is not made of iron or copper, but a bit like a meteorite.

"Okay, time is running out, let's go out first."


The two turned on the flashlights and walked back along the dark tomb passage. The ancient tombs behind them seemed to be silent old people, quietly watching their departure.

Soon outside the cave.

A thick layer of white mist was still shrouded outside the cave.

At this time, Tang Tang suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Tangtang, where are you, Miss Tangtang?"

It was Wang Xiaogui's voice.

Tang Tang immediately pointed the flashlight at the thick fog and shook it.The white light of the flashlight penetrated part of the white mist, and soon, Wang Xiaogui and Ming Sichen found their positions.

Ming Sichen's face had already turned blue, his appearance was haggard, obviously invaded by toxins, his tall body needed Wang Xiaogui's support to stand firm.

Seeing Tang Tang, Wang Xiaogui said directly: "Miss, I listened to your orders and went back to take care of Mr. Ming. But when I went back, I found a few people from the Miao tribe rushed in and dragged away the seriously ill Miao Xiaomeng. The cabin is no longer safe , I can only bring Mr. Ming here."

"What, they took my sister away!" Miao Xiaojun gritted his teeth.

While speaking, Ming Si coughed heavily.

Vomited a pool of black poisonous blood.

He tilted his body and passed out completely.

Tang Tang hurriedly stepped forward to support Ming Sichen, then turned around and said, "Miaomiao, you detoxify Ming Sichen first, he can't hold on any longer. Wait until we get out, and then find a way to save your sister."

Miao Xiaojun wiped away the tears that came out, squatted down, and cut a small gash in the pulp of his finger with a dagger.

Blood gushed out, opened Ming Sichen's mouth, and fed the blood into Ming Sichen's mouth.

Tang Tang was waiting by the side, maybe the dense fog around her was too weird, or maybe it was the strange dagger that inspired her, between the lightning and flint, Tang Tang suddenly remembered——

Fresco of a crown on the head of a beautiful woman.

Isn't it the family treasure of the Wilde family, the crown worn by the kings of all dynasties?

 Seeing this, everyone should know how the four big families came here~~ Oh, I really admire my brain hole, haha
(End of this chapter)

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