The group pet is three and a half years old: don't delay my mother's exam to Tsinghua Univ

Chapter 1031 He doesn't like toys that don't listen to chapters

Chapter 1031 He Doesn't Like Disobedient Toys
The beautiful campus scene in the dream changed, the heavy rain turned into a rain of blood, the black umbrella handed by Ming Sichen turned into a sharp dagger, and the white summer suit on his body turned into a dark luxury suit.

There are eerie children's singing voices around, clear and crisp:

"I found you and got my blood back~"

"I found you and got my meat back~"

"I found you and got my bones back~"

"I found you and got my crown back~"

"Find you, draw out the dagger in my heart~"

"One day, the world will usher in a new king~"

Tang Tang woke up from the nightmare.

The bedroom was bright and majestic, and she found herself lying on a clean and bright bedroom bed, covered with a thick eiderdown quilt.Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is a beautiful spring garden. Across the window, the yard is full of fragrant roses.

Tang Tang's wrist has been bandaged.

The heating was turned on in the room, and she lost a lot of blood, and her body shivered intermittently.Not long after, the bedroom door opened slightly, and Ming Sichen came in with a delicate and delicious meal.

Tang Tang discovered that Ming Sichen had a quirk - he liked to wear suits, especially gorgeous and extravagant black satin suits.This kind of suit is not a simple three-piece suit, but the kind of suit with a lined vest for nobles. It dresses a scum in a gentle manner and labels it as "cultured, educated, and gentlemanly."

Not only that, Ming Sichen also likes to wear a thin glasses chain for his gold-rimmed glasses, and likes to pin a brooch in the shape of a rose flower on his heart.

"Drink this." Ming Sichen handed over a cup of dark red drink.

Tang Tang frowned.

This cup of dark red drink was cloudy and smelly, with a very strange taste, Tang Tang didn't touch it at all: "I don't drink it, it's not good."

Ming Si said solemnly: "This is the juice made from animal viscera, it nourishes the blood."

Tang Tang turned to look at the roses outside the window: "Then I won't drink either."

She observes the situation outside the window without any trace, it seems that this is not the ancestral hall of the Ming family, but a remote villa manor.

Ming Si Shen turned his head to look at her, Tang Tang just woke up and didn't have much strength, leaning sickly on the pillow, his face was still pale and bloodless.

Ming Si Shen narrowed his eyes slightly, he realized that he had nothing to do with Tang Tang like this.

Force her to drink it?It's not his style.

Advise her to drink it?He has never been good at persuading people.

Ming Sishen thought of the beautiful little white cat he had raised when he was a child, that cat was obedient and soft, and always hovered at his feet for intimacy.Later, when the cat fell ill, Ming Si Shen Yu respectfully handed the medicine to the cat's mouth, but the cat refused to prescribe the medicine.

So he personally ended the kitten's life.

He doesn't like bad toys.

The beautiful little white cat overlapped with Tang Tang in front of him, and Ming Sichen moved his fingertips. He couldn't strangle Tang Tang like he strangled a cat.

Tang Tang said lazily: "The blood was drawn, and the person was arrested. I didn't let me go, and I didn't plan to kill me. What do you want to do?"

Ming Si Shen smiled gently: "I just want to get back what belongs to me."

Tang Tang's eyebrows moved slightly.

In fact, Ming Sichen is full of mysteries, and Tang Tang can't see through him.

Ming Sichen sat down on the white leather sofa not far away, and there were fresh rose flower arrangements on the beautiful small glass coffee table.Tang Tang tilted his head to look at him, wanting to hear Ming Sichen's story.

The daylight was bright and gentle, Ming Sichen looked as handsome as a beautiful vampire, he said slowly: "Tangtang, have you ever thought that the so-called four big families are just a group of parasites. The corpse of the two princesses allowed the family of the four warriors to last for thousands of years and become rich."

(End of this chapter)

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