Chapter 1032 Fu Jingan doesn't have many years to live

Tang Tang said nothing.

"In my previous life, I have been trying my best to make arrangements in order to retrieve the stolen bones, blood, daggers and crowns. But unfortunately, someone has found all these things before me." Ming Si said in a serious tone. Silk's regret and gloat.

In his previous life, Ming Sichen had been trying to find ways to collect the things that were taken away.

The bones of the Fu family,
The blood of the Gu family,

Crown of the House of Wildes,

The dagger of the Miao clan.

"But my ability was limited in my previous life, and I didn't enter the direct line of the Ming family, so I couldn't gather all these things. But coincidentally, I found a person who seems to have the ability." Ming Sichen smiled slightly, and took a sip of black tea, "Tangtang , do you know who it is?"

Tang Tang lowered her eyes: "Fu Jing'an."

Ming Si said with a deep smile: "You guessed it right. But unfortunately, Fu Jingan doesn't want to inherit the family business from the Fu family, but he wants to become a lawyer in a small law firm. Tsk, so I designed a game to force him Little car accident."

Tang Tang:.
Ming Sichen designed a car accident, causing Tang Tang in his previous life to die on the spot.After Fu Jingan escaped from the dead, he immediately returned to the Fu family to take away the bones of the town's treasure, and then contacted Gu Yanting of the Gu family to get the blood of the direct line. Entering King Yinlun's Palace, beat His Majesty Xueluo and snatched the crown.

After collecting all these four things, the "spiritual spring" of the Ming family is still missing, but the Ming family refuses to hand over the spiritual spring.

In the end, it was Ming Sichen who "kindly" bestowed the Lingquan, and Fu Jingan used these holy objects to start the ceremony, giving Tang Tang a chance to be reborn.

"Actually, I planned to snatch all the things that Fu Jing'an had collected, but I found out that violating the law of heaven will cause people to be reborn, and they will be severely cursed, so I gave up." Ming Si said with a deep smile.

Tang Tang: "Curse?"

Ming Si Shen's tone was relaxed: "The reborn, until they reach adulthood, they will suffer from a catastrophe every year."

Tang Tang suddenly remembered that in the first few years after his rebirth, he was either kidnapped, had a car accident, or fell into the water and was washed away several times.

At the time, she still thought it was her bad luck.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a curse in the dark.

Sure enough, there is no free rebirth in the world.

"But since I was six years old, I have been safe and sound. The biggest disaster is being kidnapped by you to draw blood." Tang Tang said expressionlessly.

Ming Sichen laughed softly, and put down the black tea cup: "That's because someone carried the curse for you. Fu Jing'an is really the stupidest and most pitiful fool in the world, a clown trapped by so-called love."

Tang Tang was speechless for a while.

Throat choked.

The bridge of the nose is sore.

Fu Jingan resisted the curse for her?
No wonder, he insisted on leaving back then; no wonder, he disappeared for 12 years.
In the 12 years since Fu Jing'an left Tang Tang, he suffered disaster every year.

Tang Tang choked and felt uncomfortable.

Suddenly I miss Fu Jingan very much.

Ming Sichen frowned deeply, he really didn't like the way Tang Tang shed tears.He likes to see Tang Tang subdued, but he will never want to see her thinking about other men with red eyes.

It's obviously his toy, but his mind is always with outsiders.

"Fu Jing'an doesn't have a few years to live, so you should save some tears and save them for the future." Ming Sichen stood up calmly, and gently smoothed the wrinkled hem of his clothes.

Tang Tang suddenly raised his head: "There are not a few years to live, what is a few years to live!"

 Fu Jing'an: It's fine if there are fewer appearances, but also a short life?Ok?
(End of this chapter)

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