Chapter 1033 Escape?
Ming Si smiled without saying a word.

left the bedroom.

The bedroom suddenly became quiet, the garden outside was windy, and the vibrant plants in the garden rustled.Tang Tang was silent for a while, took a few sips of the smelly liver juice on the small table, and now she had to recover her strength as soon as possible and wait for the opportunity to escape.

A few days later, in the small monitoring room.

Ming Sichen watched Tang Tang eat all the food, and his thin lips slightly curled up, finally satisfied, this is an obedient toy.

But before he was happy for a long time, he watched Tang Tang in the surveillance screen open the window, and fled through the window flexibly.

Ming Si thought to himself: Sure enough, he is still disobedient.

"Master, do you want me to catch her back?" Miao Xiaojiao behind her volunteered, eager to try.She has long disliked Tang Tang.

Originally thought that the master would dispose of Tang Tang at will after drawing Tang Tang's blood.But the master actually placed her in a beautiful small manor, and delivered food to her every day.

Miao Xiaojiao's eyes were red with jealousy.

"No need." Ming Si stood up gracefully, and pinned a rose diamond-shaped brooch on his suit, "I want the Gu you cultivated, when will it be completed?"

Miao Xiaojiao hurriedly replied: "Master, it will take about half a month. You also know that it is difficult to cultivate the One Heart Gu, and I spend more than 20 hours refining it every day."

She also secretly added some other things, the refining time will be longer.But the matter of adding ingredients is all her own selfish desire, and the master must not be aware of it.

Ming Sichen straightened his tie and left the monitoring room.

Tang Tang took advantage of the night to escape in the dark.

Ming Sichen confiscated all her electronic products, Tang Tang could only find a way to escape from the garden first.Looking for a passerby at random, as long as she reports to her family, she will be rescued soon.

The most troublesome thing now is how to get out of the garden
The garden is too big.

Roses were planted everywhere, and piles of them bloomed prosperously, and the air was tuned into a rich fragrance.Tang Tang was originally a road idiot, turning left and right, his feet were red, swollen and swollen by gravel and weeds.

My body hasn't fully recuperated, and I'm too tired to run for a while.

The garden was dark in the middle of the night, with only the faint moonlight left, not even a single lamp.Tang Tang walked dizzy and stopped suddenly when he turned the corner.

The moonlight was bright, and Ming Sichen was standing at the corner, his slender body wrapped in a black suit, and his glasses reflected the cold and sharp light under the moonlight.Beside him are clusters of strong red roses, half of his body is covered by shadows, and the other half clearly appears in the moonlight, with a vague smile on his lips.

Tang Tang had a trembling feeling of bumping into a ghost, and took two steps back.

Run in another direction.

After running for a while, Ming Sichen stopped in front of her again.

Tang Tang: This man is haunted!I doubt he is human!
Tang Tang's feet hurt from running.

Ming Sichen walked out from the shadow of the rose bushes, walked under the bright silvery white moonlight, hooked the corners of his red lips, and said in a gentle voice, "Are you still running?"

Tang Tang's feet were soft, sitting on the grass in the garden, weakly pulling a few roses and smashing them over.The rose flower fell on Ming Sichen's leather shoes, slowly slid down the edge of the shiny leather shoes, and fell into the grass.

"Run again tomorrow, I'm exhausted." Tang Tang wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Ming Sichen walked to her side, bent down very gentlemanly, and took Tang Tang's hand.

Tang Tang seemed to have touched a poisonous thorn, and quickly retracted his hand, saying in a bad mood: "Don't move your hands and feet, I don't think it's fun to play cat and mouse every day."

 To put it simply, Ming Sichen wanted to collect the princess's taken bones, blood, crown and dagger for some purpose.

  In his previous life, Ming Sichen was not capable enough, so he planned to kill Tang Tang, and used Fu Jingan to collect these things.

  Going against the way of heaven, Fu Jingan carried the curse for Tang Tang.

  In this life, Ming Sichen arranged for himself and collected these things one by one.He also designed Fu Jingan so that Fu Jingan's life would be short.


  The current Ming Sichen: engage in business!Don't love!
  Later Ming Sichen: Hey, Tangtang, look at me, please look at me more.
(End of this chapter)

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