Chapter 1043 She Knows Everything
Tang Tang always felt that something was weird, and was about to ask, when Fu Jingan bowed his head and kissed him.

Pull on the futon.

Stop Tang Tang from thinking wildly.

Fu Jingan leaned over with a smirk on his face: "I'm going home for a while in a while, so I have to eat enough in advance. It's not dawn yet, so I'll rub~ rub~"

Tang Tang: "."

A few more days passed.

The roses in the garden bloomed more luxuriantly, and each one weighed heavily on the branches, filling the garden with a clear fragrance.Fu Jingan said that two days would be the anniversary of his birth mother's death, so he wanted to go back to Fu's house.

Tang Tang wanted to follow, but Fu Jingan refused with a smile.

"Tang Xiaoer, you've become really clingy lately." Fu Jingan patted her forehead, "I just go home to burn incense and worship at the grave, and I'll be back soon."

Tang Tang was very reluctant.

She has formed a habit of being with Fu Jingan every day.Fu Jingan wanted to leave suddenly, Tang Tang couldn't accept it for a while.

Habits are a terrible thing.

"Go early and come back early. Remember to call me when you arrive at Fu's house. The Fu family's ancestral temple is in the deep mountains and old forests, with snow all the year round. You can just wear a sweater." Tang Tang handed a sweater to Fu Jing'an, the red sweater she had just knitted , not too ugly.

Fu Jingan took the sweater with a frown, and joked, "Fortunately, I'm good-looking, no matter how ugly the sweater is, I can wear it like a catwalk."

Tang Tang wanted to roll his eyes.

The sun was shining in the sky, and the air carried the heat of early summer.Parting always comes, Fu Jingan hugged Tang Tang lightly, and said softly: "Tang Xiaoer, I'm leaving first, remember to miss me."

Tang Tang let him hold him obediently and asked him: "Will you come back?"

Fu Jingan: "Of course."

Tang Tang was silent for a moment, and muttered to himself: "Fu Jing'an, I will deal with you later"

Her voice was so low that Fu Jingan couldn't hear her clearly.

Fu Jingan hugged her deeply, sighed, and said in a low voice with infinite nostalgia, "Tang Xiaoer, I really miss you but I'm leaving, so don't be angry with me."

He really wants to leave.

Can't stay any longer.

From then on, I am afraid that the two will never see each other again.

What is more cruel than being separated from each other is that he and her are separated by yin and yang.But Fu Jing'an felt very content, at least he could get along with Tang Tang every day in the last days of his life.

He didn't think about how broken Tang Tang would be when he knew the truth, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Let Tang Tang think that this time is just a short farewell.

In late spring, the sun hurts people's eyes, Fu Jingan is almost reluctant to let go of Tang Tang's hand, but if he hugs Tang Tang any longer, it will really reveal his secrets.

He got in the car and left.

Tang Tang watched Fu Jingan get into the black car until the car was no longer in sight.

Tang Tang stood at the door for a long time without moving, like a petrified sculpture.

Until Zhou Shulan came to find her, Zhou Shulan didn't know what happened, she just thought it was because the young couple couldn't bear each other.

Zhou Shulan went forward to pull Tang Tang's hand with a smile, and comforted her with the tone of someone who came here: "My dear grandson, the young couple is only a temporary separation, and Xiao An will be back soon. Come, come, don't stand at the door, talk to grandma Go back to the house for afternoon tea, the freshly dried rose tea is delicious."

Zhou Shulan went to pull Tang Tang's hand, only to find that Tang Tang's little hand was cold and scary.

Zhou Shulan looked at Tang Tang suspiciously: "Tang Tang, what are you doing?"

But found that at some point, Tang Tang had burst into tears.

 These chapters are a bit of a montage

  simply put

  Fu Gou knew that he was going to leave, so in the last few days, he was with Tang Tang every day, and he could watch Tang Tang every second.

  He thought Tang Tang didn't know
  But Tang Tang already knew
  Tang Tang will not just watch Fu Jingan die, she will find a way to save him, as for how to save him, no spoilers.
(End of this chapter)

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