Chapter 1044 The end of science is metaphysics (1)

Zhou Shulan was startled.

Quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe Tang Tang's tears, and said distressedly while wiping: "My dear grandson, don't cry, the little couple separated for a short time, Xiao An will definitely come back again-oh, don't cry, don't cry. I fell in love with your grandpa back then , was blocked by the whole family, I didn't cry at that time."

Zhou Shulan thought that Tang Tang couldn't bear to be separated from Fu Jingan, so she cried so much.

Zhou Shulan comforted Tang Tang softly from the perspective of someone who had come here: "Xiao'an just went home, separated for a few days, Xiaobie is better than newly married. Come, come, go back to the house with grandma first, don't cry, don't cry."

Tang Tang's tears rolled down.

She couldn't talk to her grandmother about the inside story.

She actually knew everything, she knew Fu Jingan's entanglements and choices, and she also knew that a farewell today might mean a farewell forever.

"Grandma. Why did things become like this?" Tang Tang sniffed, her eye circles were completely red, and big tears rolled down her eyes.

Why did things turn out this way?

How much does Fu Jingan have to sacrifice?

What should she do to change this helpless fate and bring Fu Jingan back?
It's a pity that Zhou Shulan didn't understand Tang Tang's thoughts.

The bright sunshine in May hurt people's eyes.

Country B, Fu Family Ancestral Temple, covered with snow.

Fu Jingyi has already returned.

He failed to bring back the pregnant little doctor, and was beaten up by the little doctor. The bruise on his right cheek has not completely disappeared.

At this moment, Fu Jingyi appeared in the Fu Family Ancestral Temple and was chatting with Fu Jingan.In other words, Fu Jingan was explaining the funeral to Fu Jingyi.

Fu Jingan looked in good spirits, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, and there was no trace of illness at all.But he actually calmly explained the funeral to Fu Jingyi.

"Brother, all the property I have accumulated over the years has been transferred to Tang Tang's name. She likes money very much. She used to dream of becoming a rich woman, so leave more money for her."

"Several teams in my hand are also transferred to Tangtang. The bodyguards beside her, brother Wang Xiaofu and Wang Xiaogui, are of average ability - she has many enemies, and there are many people who want to harm her. With my team protecting her at any time, she can be safe point."

"By the way, big brother, you must take good care of the sacred objects I entrusted to your family. Ming Sichen really thinks he can steal our family's sacred objects? Dreaming. In the previous life, this bastard Ming Sichen plotted against me during the rebirth ceremony. In this life, I Death will count against him once."

"By the way, I plant more roses in front of my grave, and burn more pictures of candy for me during New Years and holidays. I really hope that there is a soul in this world. After I die, the soul will stay with her and look at her every day. "

Fu Jingan was rambling on.

Fu Jingyi's face was gloomy.

Fu Jingan said again: "Brother, you should work harder. The little Chinese doctor just can't think about it for the time being. When she thinks about it, she will definitely bring the child back to you. The task of carrying on the family of our Fu family is left to you, big brother. It's a pity, originally I wanted to carry on the family with Tangtang, but I even thought about the name of the child, what a pity."

He even named Tang Tang's future child.

it's a pity.

There will be no more chances in the future.

I don't know which man will be cheaper in the future
So jealous.

"Fu Jing'an, this isn't funny at all!" Fu Jingyi gritted her teeth, and a deep voice escaped from her throat.

Fu Jingan raised his eyebrows lightly, and a smile flashed across his narrow and beautiful eyes. He tilted his head and looked at his elder brother: "Brother, I'm not joking, but don't worry, I won't die in a short time, and will be in a vegetative state for a long time."

Fu Jingyi was a little annoyed: "Xiao An, is it worth giving up the entire Fu family for a Tang Tang?"

Fu Jingan laid back on the bed leisurely, and sighed: "Brother, when my dad chose you between me and you, I gave up on the Fu family. For Tangtang, I can give up everything——Brother, you don't understand , for a long time my world was dark, but she lit up my world."

Some people show up in your life and surprise the whole time.

Fu Jing'an will always remember the first meeting with Tang Tang in his previous life, in the kindergarten, in the wild grass.Tang Tang appeared during the lonely years when Fu Jingan was exiled by the Fu family.

Since then, unforgettable.

"It was the whole family's consideration to exile you back then. My father and I were already thinking of ways to make up for you." Fu Jingyi took a deep breath, "I know you had a bad life when you were a child, and it was my elder brother who sorry for you, but you are still young, so there is no need to do it for sugar." Sugar give up your future."

Fu Jingan rubbed his face and looked at the sunlight outside the window: "Okay, big brother, don't persuade me - please follow my arrangement. Make arrangements for my funeral. Also, I have signed a cooperation agreement with Master Gu, and in the future You can rest assured that you can cooperate with Patriarch Gu and the Wilde family to crush the living space of the Ming family, and I can't let Ming Sichen bully Tangtang again."

Even if he dies, he will clear the obstacles for Tang Tang.

The three major families work together to seize the Ming family's market and squeeze the Ming family's living space.Without money and power, let's see how Ming Sichen acts like a demon
Ming Sichen left the room without saying a word.

Fu Jingan heaved a long sigh.

Outside the window is the Fu Family Ancestral Temple covered with snow, a bit cold.Fu Jingan found the red sweater that Tang Tang knitted for her, held it in his hand and looked at it for a moment.

This sweater is really ugly


On the Pacific Ocean, Bock Academy.

Gu Mingfei was lying on the bed with regular movements, breathing evenly, and sleeping soundly.

He entered that fantastic dream again.

However, a slight change occurred in the dream. The princess in the red wedding dress in the dream did not force Gu Mingfei to find out her real identity.

A sandalwood long table, a pot of tea.

The princess in red sat upright at the other end of the long table, quietly pouring a cup of tea and sipping slowly.Gu Mingfei sat obediently across the long table, tilted his head, and observed the princess's movements of pouring tea and drinking tea: "Princess, I heard that the ancient nobles loved making tea, and everyone has a good tea skill. .Why don't you make tea instead of brewing tea?"

The princess stopped drinking tea.

Gu Mingfei glared viciously.

"Forget it, when I return, there are plenty of opportunities to kill you." The princess in red adjusted her mood and sipped her tea.She was just a ray of soul that floated to the Berk Islands, and happened to meet the descendants of the Gu family, and appeared in Gu Mingfei's dream by accident.

The ancestors of the Gu family were her enemies and took away the blood from her back then.The princess in red originally wanted to torture Gu Mingfei so that he would not die.

It's a pity that Gu Mingfei's brain circuit is not the same as that of normal people. The princess failed to torture Gu Mingfei to death, but was almost driven into a nervous breakdown by this brat.

Gu Mingfei looked puzzled: "When you return, princess, what do you mean, you can still be resurrected? Wow, this is too inconsistent with modern scientific concepts."

The princess sneered: "Of course I can be resurrected. Back then, your ancestors of the Gu family united with several people, but my body was annihilated. As everyone knows, this princess has two souls in one body, and the soul is immortal. As long as the other soul can retrieve those things , I will be able to return to the world.”

(End of this chapter)

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