Chapter 1047 After Tang Tang Amnesia (2)

"You are in a meeting, then I will come in later." Tang Tang rushed into the study recklessly, scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and quickly exited the study.

In the study, Ming Si pressed his temples deeply, and said to several subordinates: "You go out first."


The subordinates slipped away with oil on their feet.

Ming Sichen changed into a white gown and went out to look for Tang Tang.Since Tang Tang woke up, she completely forgot all the past of the Gu family and the Fu family, and happily lived with Ming Sishen in this seaside town.

The town has a university.

Ming Si Shen deliberately forged an identity for Tang Tang, and Tang Tang believed it was true, and studied in university and studied music.She doesn't like living in school, and she has to go home to see Ming Sichen every day.

Ming Sichen left the study to find Tang Tang. The nanny in the manor said that Tang Tang was in the garden, and she took a small shovel and a shower.Ming Si stepped into the garden and saw Tang Tang squatting in the corner of the garden.

Tang Tang was digging the soil and planting flowers with a small foreign shovel, and her two white and beautiful hands were dirty with mud. When she heard the movement behind, Tang Tang turned her head: "Brother Ming, you are here."

After two lives, Tang Tang is just a girl under 20 years old after all.

Forget about the past.

Now she is like a childish child, flamboyant and lively, with long black hair pouring down from her shoulders, her chin slightly raised, revealing her slender and beautiful fair neck.More than one Ming Sichen thinks that Tang Tang is good-looking, which is different from the bright and beautiful in the eyes of the world. Tang Tang's beauty is full of vitality, reminiscent of vigorous flowers.

Ming Si stared at her for a long time, and he suddenly realized that maybe he was obsessed with keeping Tang Tang by his side, or maybe it was because he was nostalgic for the freshness in her bones.

Ming Sichen is a pool of stagnant water, and Tang Tang is the sunshine breaking in.

"Today I went to the garden department to snatch some flower seedlings. I want to take them home and plant them. This kind of flowers bloom beautifully, and the flowers are big and dense." Tang Tang planted the flower seedlings and patted the mud on his hands.

Ming Si said solemnly: "Go and wash your hands, dinner is ready."

Tang Tang: "Okay."

Dinner is simple, not extravagant, with seafood porridge served with a few plates of fresh side dishes.While eating, Tang Tang happily told Ming Si Shen Jiang the interesting things in school.

"I played a piece of piano today, and the music teacher was shocked. She said she would worship me as a teacher."

"Brother Ming, sometimes I really feel that I am the reincarnation of Ms. S, and I am a musical genius."

"By the way, tomorrow weekend, my schoolmates invited me to go surfing at the beach - I won't go with them, are you free tomorrow? I want to go with you." Tang Tang looked at Ming Sichen eagerly, and poured him a bowl graciously. There is a piece of fried shredded pork with green pepper in it.

Probably due to the influence of the concentric Gu, Tang Tang was especially close to Ming Sichen.

She likes to talk to Ming Sichen, and likes to stay with Ming Sichen.

He didn't see Ming Sichen all day, and he was always absent-minded.

"Eat more fried shredded pork with green peppers, I remember you like it very much." Tang Tang murmured, "I see there are skewers of candied haws on the beach, you must like it."

Ming Sichen's expression turned cold instantly: "I have work to do tomorrow, so I can't accompany you."

The blue eyes narrowed slightly, hiding a bit of dark light.

He doesn't like Chinese cuisine, let alone stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers and candied haws skewers.

Obviously, Tang Tang regarded him as someone else, and this perception made Ming Sichen very dissatisfied.

Tang Tang was so lost that the whole person was stunned.

I didn't eat much for dinner.

In the evening, Ming Sichen asked the nanny to bring Tang Tang some supper, but she didn't touch it, obviously losing her temper.Ming Sichen finds it interesting that Tang Tang after amnesia always brings him various novel feelings, fresh and lovely.

(End of this chapter)

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