Chapter 1048 After Tang Tang Amnesia (3)

On weekends, the seaside town is very sunny.

Residents of the town head to the beach in groups to bask in the sun, surf, and enjoy a leisurely weekend.Tang Tang got up early in the morning to find Ming Sichen, but learned that Ming Sichen had left.

"Miss, Mr. Ming is going back to the family for a meeting, and he probably won't be back until tomorrow." The nanny told her in a gentle voice.

Tang Tang's brows drooped in disappointment.

She has no memories of the past. According to Ming Sichen, she is an orphan from a branch of the Ming family who fell into the sea and lost her memory.Tang Tang accepted her past frankly and had no interest in investigating, but she found that she was very dependent on Ming Sichen, and she had an inexplicable feeling.

If I don't see you for a day, I will always miss him inexplicably.

Tang Tang thought, before I lost my memory, I must have liked Ming Sichen very much.

He is good-looking and kind to people, and he must have secretly liked him before he could remember.

"Miss, do you want to go surfing at the beach?" the nanny asked.

Tang Tang waved his hand, lacking in interest: "I don't want to go."

With Ming Sichen absent, she had no interest in doing anything.

In the garden, the roses bloomed in clusters, layered upon layer, Tang Tang sat on the swing frame with nothing to do, swinging on the swing to watch the roses.

It was a violent voice from outside the house.

"Don't stop me! I want to see which little goblin stole my brother's soul!" The man's arrogant voice came from outside.

The nanny stopped Ming Simo who broke in: "Young master, you can't come in without the owner's permission."

It was none other than Ming Simo, Ming Sichen's younger brother.

This young master of the Ming family was born with a bad temper, and the family turmoil has continued, and it has been difficult for him to stabilize recently.Ming Simo found out that his elder brother often went to the beach, and even moved his office to the beach.

Ming Simo has a keen sense of smell and can detect tricks.

The eldest brother must have hidden the goblin!
Maybe it's that witch named "Miao Xiaojiao"!

Ming Simo had seen that Miao Xiaojiao a few times in his eldest brother's study, she looked so bewitching, her eyes were as charming as a fox's.Ming Simo felt uncomfortable all over. He had worshiped his elder brother Ming Sichen since he was a child.

In his heart, the eldest brother is the moon in the sky, where did this little fairy Miao Xiaojiao come from, and dare to tarnish the noble moon?
Ming Simo tried his best to investigate secretly, and finally found the place where the eldest brother "golden house hides the beauty".Taking advantage of his elder brother having a meeting outside, Ming Simo was caught off guard and broke into this small seaside manor.

"Don't stop me, let me tell you, elder brother usually loves my younger brother the most, if you bump me, my elder brother will never forgive you." Ming Simo strode into the small courtyard.

Seeing the elegantly furnished manor, Simo Ming's heart was about to fall to the bottom of the valley.

My eldest brother, unexpectedly the golden house hides the beauty!

My elder brother actually secretly hid a witch!
My elder brother must have been confused by that witch named Miao Xiaojiao!
Ming Simo strode into the house, ignoring the obstruction of the servants in the house, and quickly entered the house to look for someone with the momentum of "the principal house catches the mistress", "the queen beats the little goblin", "Nurse Rong beats Xia Yuhe violently".

In the living room, no one was seen.

In the bedroom, no one was seen.


Ming Simo broke into the garden and saw the slender figure on the swing frame, Ming Simo's anger instantly surged. Sure enough, my elder brother was fascinated by this little fairy!

Angry in his heart, Ming Simo pulled out a flower seedling in the yard, used it as a weapon, and rushed over aggressively: "You witch, I tell you that you'd better stay away from my elder brother. My elder brother has a high status, and you are not worthy at all—" "

The rest of the words were stuck in his throat when he saw the true face of the witch.

The witch in front of her was not Miao Xiaojiao.

It was someone Ming Simo was more familiar with - Tang Tang.

Tang Tang didn't know Ming Simo, and tilted his head: "Who are you?"

Ming Simo was stunned for a moment, rubbing his eyes, the beautiful girl with black hair and big eyes in front of him was indeed Tang Tang, he knew him even when she turned into ashes.

But the problem is, Tang Tang is not staying in the capital of Huaguo, why is he suddenly being spoiled by my elder brother Jinwu?Ming Simo had a simple mind and couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time.

But the next moment, Tang Tang broke out——

Tang Tang saw the flower seedling Ming Simo was holding in her hand. It was a rose seedling she brought back from school, planted in the garden, and watered every day!
It was pulled out by this strange man!

Tang Tang's outburst of temper couldn't be tolerated, so he picked up his sleeves and rushed over, grabbed Ming Simo's collar, and threw it fiercely over his shoulder.

Ming Simo was thrown into a daze, dizzy in front of his eyes: "No, Tang Tang, why did you show up at my brother's house? Don't you have a boyfriend—ah, be gentle!"

Tang Tang was not in the mood to listen to Ming Simo's nonsense.

Hit the ground and beat him.

Ming Simo screamed after being beaten, but he didn't dare to fight back. In the end, he was rescued by the family bodyguards who came after hearing the news.Tang Tang refused to let him go, and forced Ming Simo to plant the pulled out flower seedlings back.

Ming Simo's head was full of question marks, and he planted the flower seedlings aggrievedly, and Tang Tang's face eased a bit.

"You woman is still as violent as ever. I really don't know what my elder brother likes about you. Look in the mirror, you look like a little girl?" In the hall, Ming Simo covered his cheek with an ice pack, and his face was covered by Tang Tang. It's swollen.

Faced with Ming Simo's accusation, Tang Tang showed no regrets at all, and even tore open the snack bag to watch TV leisurely.

Ming Simo was furious: "Tang Tang! Aren't you falling in love with a kid from the Fu family? Why did you come here to hook up with my elder brother again!"

Tang Tang took a bite of potato chips: "I can't remember, I don't have any memories of the past in my mind. I only like Ming Sichen now, and I think he is the best person in the world."

When Ming Sichen was mentioned, Tang Tang's cheeks flushed twice.

Ming Simo was dumbfounded: "What? You can't remember? You still fall in love with my elder brother?"

Tang Tang glared at him: "What empathy, I really like Brother Ming - I can't tell how much I like it, but I think about him every day anyway."

Ming Simo:
Who can tell him what happened?

The Tang Tang in front of me has the same bad temper as before, but he is actually being spoiled by my elder brother Jinwu, which is simply unscientific!

"You like my elder brother, are you sure?" Ming Simo's handsome face was full of disbelief. Back then, my elder brother sent a boatload of roses, and I didn't see you take a second look.

Now that he keeps saying that he likes my elder brother, Ming Simo suspects that Tang Tang is either out of his head or has ulterior motives.

Tang Tang knocked on the table, gritted his teeth and said: "I see that you are brother Ming, I will endure you for a long time—"

Before the words finished, the nanny's words came from outside the house: "Miss, young master, Mr. Ming is back."

Tang Tang's eyes lit up.

Ming Sim stood up silently, why did my elder brother come back suddenly?Isn't he having a meeting with the family?

(End of this chapter)

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