Chapter 1049 Believe in Big Brother
There was the sound of a car pulling up outside the house.

Ming Sichen came back suddenly.

He probably came in a hurry, he was still wearing a formal black suit, his dark blue eyes hid a bit of gloom, and his black leather boots fell to the ground, making a slight creaking sound on the floor.Even in a hurry, the handsome face still showed no signs of urgency.

Ming Si Shen was followed by several black-clothed secretaries, and Miao Xiaojiao in bright clothes.

"Brother." Ming Simo stood up quickly, with a respectful tone.Ming Simo, who was wanton and arrogant in front of Tang Tang, behaved like a puppy in front of his elder brother.

Ming Simo has a deep affection for his eldest brother.

Worship, yearn for.

In his heart, the eldest brother is the eternal god, the most important and greatest figure in the family.

"Brother Ming, you're back." Seeing Ming Sichen, Tang Tang immediately showed a bright smile on his face.Ming Simo secretly glanced at Tang Tang from the corner of his eye, and whispered in his heart.

what's going on?
Seeing my brother is as happy as seeing my husband.

Is this Tang Tang really in love with my elder brother?
Although my eldest brother is smart, handsome, elegant, and kind, but—but Ming Simo is very clear, this Tang Tang is entangled with the young master of the Fu family, why did he suddenly fall in love with each other in a short period of time?

Ming Simo is an idle rich young master who doesn't care about family affairs and doesn't involve the struggles of the four major families, so he is at a loss at the moment.

"I forgot to take something, so I came back." With gentle eyes in Ming Sichen's eyes, he stretched out his hand to rub Tang Tang's hair, with a kind of doting gesture.

Tang Tang's eyes were bent into beautiful crescents.

Ming Simo:? ?
Ming Simo was full of question marks, and followed his elder brother into the study. As soon as the study door was closed, Ming Simo's words came out chirping: "Brother! What's going on? Why is the daughter of the Gu family in our house? Why did you leave her here?" Here? She seems to like you, is this unlikely?"

A series of why, eager to get answers.

Ming Si pushed his glasses lightly, and the thin gold-rimmed glasses reflected the cold light. He said in a gentle voice, "Xiao Mo, without my permission, you are not allowed to inquire about my whereabouts."

In the gentle voice, there is a bit of the sternness of the elders.

Ming Simo lowered his head and murmured: "But, brother, I really didn't expect you and Tang Tang to be a couple."

"This matter is very complicated, and I can't explain it to you in the short term." Ming Si said calmly, "I hope you can keep it a secret and order you in the name of the Patriarch."

Ming Simo nodded sullenly.

He felt that his eldest brother seemed to have changed a lot.

Ever since the old patriarch disappeared and the elder brother ascended to the position of the patriarch, the elder brother sometimes showed expressions that even Ming Simo could not fathom.


a bit dangerious.

"Brother, I think you are a little strange." Ming Simo has always been a person who can't hide his thoughts. In the turbulent Ming family, Ming Simo rarely maintained his "silly, white and sweet" nature.

Ming Si sighed deeply, walked over, and gently patted Ming Simo on the shoulder: "Xiao Mo, I don't tell you the truth for your own good. You are my younger brother, no matter what, I will not harm you. "

Ming Simo's eyes moved.

Ming Si's thin lips curled up slightly, and his eyes were sincere and thorough: "Tangtang lost his memory for some reason, she is my friend, and I have an obligation to protect her—Xiao Mo, you stay here these days and help me protect her." Tang Tang, do you know?"

Simo Ming blinked, and nodded with a vague understanding.

He will always believe his elder brother's words unconditionally.

The eldest brother is his blood brother, so he won't lie to him.

(End of this chapter)

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