Chapter 1074 Jealousy
Tang Tang took Fu Jingan's hand, patted it gently, and said in a gentle voice: "Fu Jingan, don't leave me alone. If you live together, you must die together, even if there are only 24 hours left in your life. stay with you too."

This is her confession.

Under the warm sunshine, in the flower-blossoming garden, she took Fu Jingan's hand to confess her love.

This is a love story that Fu Jingan has never heard before.

He waited for two lifetimes, and for decades, until Tang Tang finally opened up to him completely.In Tang Tang's heart, Fu Jing'an occupies the most important position.

"Tangtang." The sun was a little dazzling, Fu Jingan's eyes flashed, and his eyes seemed a little red, "Can you promise me one thing?"

Tang Tang: "You say."

Fu Jing'an: "Can I sleep in the bedroom tonight? The bed in the guest room is too cold."

Tang Tang: "."

Fu Jingan said: "I'm not in good health now, don't worry, I won't do anything, let's just chat under the quilt."

Tang Tang's eyebrows jumped, and she slapped Fu Jingan's hand open.

What a beautiful and warm atmosphere, it was broken by your mouth!

"Sun in the sun more, calcium supplement! It also nourishes the brain! It can also dry out the colored waste in your brain." Tang Tang gave him an angry look and sat back on her recliner.

The sun in the garden is warm, shining warmly on the whole body, the breeze blows the leaves, and the years are quiet.

The two bask in the sun together.

Like an elderly couple who have lived half their lives, accepting the last period of life calmly.

Live and die together, never leave.

Ming family.

On the old wooden table, there was a pitch-black dagger, a bottle of blackened blood, half of a scorched bone, and a crown with a dull luster.

The ceremony was not completely successful, and the mature spirit spring had lost its effect.

Ming Sishen pinched the half of the scorched black bone and looked at it carefully.After the ceremony, all holy relics are temporarily rendered useless, especially this "incomplete bone".

"It's actually been put together." Ming Si murmured.

The bones he tried his best to bring back from the Fu's family turned out to be half-truths and defective products.Using this bone cut can only barely catalyze the healing effect of the Lingquan, and cannot make the ceremony successful.

Even Ming Si Shen Hui's ceremony failed because of the unevenness of the holy objects, causing serious backlash, and his soul was scattered.

Don't even think about it, I know it's Fu Jingan's plan.

Even if Fu Jing'an died, he would drag Ming Sichen to his back.

Ming Si drooped his eyes and murmured: "Tang Tang, even if you saved Fu Jing'an, what's the use of it?" After saving Fu Jing'an, the ending was nothing more than two people dying together.

At this moment, Ming Sichen also figured it out, maybe Tang Tang spent a lot of time to save Fu Jingan, and he just wanted to die with Fu Jingan.

Why bother?
Ming Sichen didn't understand that Tang Tang worked so hard to calculate, but in the end, it was just for her and Fu Jing'an to live a few more years.

A lifetime is so long, but Tang Tang is only willing to be with Fu Jingan for a short time.

Ming Si Shen felt a very novel emotion - jealousy.

He is jealous of Fu Jingan.

Can actually get Tang Tang's wholehearted love.

Miao Xiaojiao planted the concentric Gu on Tang Tang, and the concentric Gu lost its effect. Tang Tang was only designing to use Ming Sichen from the beginning to the end.But Ming Sichen was not angry, and did not take revenge on Tang Tang.

At some point, Tang Tang planted an invisible concentric Gu in his soul, and he fell in love with that girl hopelessly.

"Knock knock—"

There was a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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