Chapter 1075 Luck
Ming Simo poked his head in, looked around the office, saw Ming Sichen with cold eyes, Ming Simo called out in a low voice: "Brother"

Ming Sichen: "What's the matter?"

Ming Simo pursed his lips and entered the room cautiously.After thinking about it, he closed the door to prevent outsiders from hearing the conversation between the two brothers.

This is Ming Sichen's private office, which has a huge area, and the bookshelves are full of files and documents.The temperature in the room was very low and the light was dim. Ming Simo wrapped his coat tightly, and carefully glanced at his elder brother: "Brother, I, I have never been involved in family affairs, and I am not interested in these. But, but these days, I've heard a lot of rumors about you. They say, about you."

Ming Sichen took off his thin-rimmed glasses: "You say I'm cruel, sinister and cunning, don't you?"

Ming Simo nodded gently.

Since Tang Tang was rescued by the three major families, a lot of gossip gradually emerged within the Ming family.Ming Simo secretly went to the punishment hall to meet Miao Xiaojiao.

Miao Xiaojiao betrayed the master, led wolves into the house, and was tortured to death in the family torture hall, losing all vitality.

Before she died, Jinming Sichen told Ming Simo about her real identity.Ming Simo's three views were greatly shocked, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Today, I finally mustered up the courage to come to Ming Sichen.

"Brother, I don't care if you are a good person or a bad person, and I don't care what people outside say about you." Ming Simo clenched his fists, his eyes serious, "In my heart, you will always be my brother. When I was young, I was raped by those illegitimate children. Bullying, only you are willing to help me, big brother."

When Miao Xiaojiao said that her elder brother was a "born evil spirit" and "an immortal reincarnated soul", Simo Ming was confused.But he still followed his heart and believed in his elder brother.

Ming Sichen stared at this younger brother for a long time, and asked, "What I have done is indeed a villain in the worldly sense. I even thought of killing you."

Simo Ming was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and said honestly: "But brother, you didn't kill me."

Ming Sichen felt strange.

Human beings are really strange creatures, stupid and stupid, and they still maintain ridiculous relationships with each other.His younger brother Ming Simo in this life is stupid and naive, with clear stupidity in his eyes.

But Ming Sichen miraculously did not hate Ming Simo, nor did he have the heart to hurt him.

"Brother, don't spoil Tang Tang and Fu Jing'an again." Ming Simo thought of the rumors he had heard, and persuaded him earnestly, "As the saying goes, a twisted melon is not sweet. Big brother, you have the power to return it." Good-looking, there will definitely be more suitable girls."

Gossip circulated within the family, indicating that Si Chen snatched Tang Tang, who had lost his memory, with evil intentions.

Ming Simo thought over and over again, and decided to persuade his eldest brother not to destroy the relationship between Tang Tang and Fu Jingan.

Ming Sichen: ".Get out."

Ming Simo: "Brother, just listen to your advice—okay, I'll go out. I'll ask the nanny to bring supper over later, don't be sad, brother, there are many good women in the world."

Ming Simo ran away in a hurry.

Ming Si pressed his brows together, speechless for a long time.



Before Miao Xiaojun returned to the Miao Clan, he checked Tang Tang and Fu Jingan again.Miao Xiaojun is the most talented descendant of the Miao Clan, with abundant spiritual power and clear eyes.

"Tang Tang, it's hard to say what happened to the two of you." Miao Xiaojun scratched his head and told the truth, "If you're lucky, you can still live for three to five years. If you're not lucky, you'll die in Huangquan within a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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