Chapter 1091 is a reborn
Golden Bean: .
The moment he met the white eyeballs, Jin Dou was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground with a scream, shaking like chaff.

"There's a ghost!"

"Ahhh, sister Tang, save me!"

Jin Dou's face was pale.

With a bang, he tilted his head and fell to the ground, and passed out directly.

Tang Tang bent down to help Jindou, and gave Fu Jingan a look. Fu Jingan nodded slightly, and walked to the door to check.

Fu Jingan is bold in everything, and even more courageous.

He leaned over to the slightly open door and saw the paper eye inside.

Those eyes seemed to be alive, scarlet red for an instant, staring at Fu Jing'an horribly, there was the faint sound of rustling paper in the wind.

Fu Jingan was expressionless, not frightened at all, and told Tang Tang: "There is a paper figure inside, probably blown to the crack of the door by the wind—"

After a pause, Fu Jingan commented: "And it's ugly."

Tang Tang snorted and continued to pinch the golden beans.

The paper figurines in the room seemed to hear Fu Jingan's complaints, probably because they were so angry that the paper figurines trembled even more.The papery hands clattered, trying to get out of the door.

But the paper figurine has limited strength and cannot get out.

Had to keep drilling in the crack of the door.

"Yo, so you can't come out." Fu Jingan put his hands in his pockets, watching the paper figurine move wildly through the crack of the door, with a playful twitch at the corner of his mouth.

He, Fu Jingan, has died several times, so he is still afraid of a weird paper man?There are knives in the sky, and Fu Jingan doesn't blink.

paper man:.
So angry!

Jin Dou over there had already slowly woken up, his little face was pale with fright, and he muttered to himself: "Grandpa Yuan is doing something messy again, scaring me to death."

Tang Tang frowned: "Is Mr. Yuan not at home?"

Jin Dou shook his head: "It looks like he's not at home. Grandpa Yuan wants to hide, but no one in our village can find him."

Tang Tang's heart sank slowly.

If Yuan Tiangang's descendants were really unwilling to help, even if she and Fu Jingan forced him, it would be useless.

It's all fate.

"Sister Tang, you have a strange expression. What are you thinking?" Jin Dou glanced at Tang Tang, only to see Tang Tang drooping his eyebrows slightly, with a messy strand of hair scattered on his forehead, showing inexplicable sadness.

Tang Tang sighed: "I'm thinking about the cemetery of me and Fu Jing'an, and there are more flowers in front of the grave."

Jindou burst into tears biu~, and burst into tears: "Sister Tang."

Before crying twice, a dissatisfied voice came from outside: "Little Jindou, why are you crying in front of my door? I'm not dead yet, so there's no need to send the old man to my funeral in advance."

Jin Dou looked up in surprise.

Walking across the road was an old man in shabby clothes, with gray hair and two braids swaying as he walked.The sleeves of the black robe flicked and flicked, and the bell hidden at the waist jingled.

Jin Dou: "Grandpa Yuan!"

Grandpa Yuan came back shaking, first glanced at Tang Tang, and clicked: "It's a rebirth."

Then I saw Fu Jingan in front of me: "There are many disasters and illnesses."

"Grandpa Yuan, why are you back! I thought you didn't want to help Sister Tang!" Jin Dou happily ran over, tugging on the long sleeves of old man Yuan and acting coquettishly, his tone full of joy.

Grandpa Yuan let out a long snort: "Follow me into the house."

Jin Dou's face changed suddenly: "Grandpa Yuan! A paper doll in your family has become a spirit! I saw its eyes just now, it's so scary!"

Grandpa Yuan took out the copper key, unlocked it, and pushed the door open.

A gust of wind blows, accompanied by the cry of "Wow, woof, woof".

"Wang Wang Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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