Chapter 1092 Prepare for funeral affairs early

In the small yard with blue bricks and stone tiles, overgrown with weeds, a big fat black dog rushed over barking, its black tail wagging and afterimages could be seen.Excitedly circled around Grandpa Yuan.

On the big black dog, there is also a paper man dressed in red and green, crooked.

Jin Dou's eyes widened: "So it's Xiao Hei! I'm scared to death, what kind of paper dolls are you playing with?"

The paper figurine I saw in the crack of the door just now was just teased by the big black dog, and it was all a prank in the end.Jin Dou knelt down and patted Xiao Hei's head. If he had known that Grandpa Yuan's dog was spiritual, it must have been too spiritual.

He even learned to pretend to be a ghost.

The chubby little black barked twice, noticing Tang Tang and Fu Jingan who had entered the room. Xiao Hei seemed to have encountered something terrible, his black hair was standing on end, and he grinned at Fu Jingan, showing a fierce look.

Fu Jingan tilted his head: "Master Yuan, has your dog been vaccinated against rabies?"

Xiao Hei: "."

Grandpa Yuan laughed and patted Xiao Hei on the head: "Don't bark, these two are my guests."

With his tail between his legs, Xiao Hei dissipated all his viciousness, looked at Fu Jing'an with dark eyes, and slipped into the house in a despondent manner.

Grandpa Yuan invited Fu Jingan and Tang Tang into the yard.

Ask Jindou to look for tea in the house.

"The two of you are reborn, it's very strange." Grandpa Yuan pinched his fingers to calculate, his eyes looked weird, "I only saw reborn people in the records of the ancestors, and I met them in my lifetime——It was a thousand years ago origin."

Fu Jingan was not polite to him, and went straight to the point: "Is there any way to resolve the backlash of rebirth?"

Grandpa Yuan stroked his beard: "Actually, rebirth is not a big problem, and the backlash is within reason. But the biggest problem for the two of you is that both of you have been reborn, so you have to bear double or even more backlash. If you want to resolve , it is very difficult, even if I am a descendant of Yuan Tiangang, I am not sure to save you two."

Tang Tang:.
Fu Jingan: "So?"

Grandpa Yuan: "So you two came here for nothing, and prepare for the funeral early."

Tang Tang feels that even though this is an old man, the way he speaks is still itchy.

"Grandpa Yuan, don't be joking! You are very capable, and you must have a way to save my sister Tang." Jin Dou strolled over with the teapot and teacup in his arms, and put the teapot down with a bang.

Grandpa Yuan blew his beard: "Just the two of them, I might lose my life! I have no children, who will burn incense for me when I die?"

Jin Dou: "I, I will visit your grave every Tomb-sweeping Day."

Grandpa Yuan: You are so filial to me.

"Furthermore, all of you metaphysicians pay attention to fate. You are destined to save Sister Tang. Grandpa Yuan, please save them." Jin Dou begged in a low voice, "At worst, I'll go home and discuss it with my grandpa. I get rid of the family tree, change my surname, and be your grandson."

As long as Sister Tang and Boss Fu can be saved, it's fine for Jin Dou to be Grandpa Yuan's grandson.

The corners of Grandpa Yuan's mouth twitched: "You really changed your surname to Yuan, and the surname Jin didn't kill me with a cannonball, that's all, no kidding."

The unruliness on Grandpa Yuan's face dissipated, and he finally returned to seriousness. He turned his head and looked at Tang Tang: "My ancestors left a magic circle to dispel the backlash, and we need the blood of the two of you as an introduction. I will find all the materials tonight. Do it tomorrow night—but I’m going to put my ugly words in front of me, and the chance of success is very low.”

After all, it was the backlash brought about by the change of fate against the sky. He is only a mere warlock, so it is difficult to fight against the backlash.

Seriously, it will damage lifespan.

(End of this chapter)

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