Chapter 1108 Gu Xiao Falcon

There was a trace of remorse in her heart. She had no choice but to bind this system in order to raise money for the teacher's medical treatment and to live a prosperous life again.

Ten years have passed, and now she doesn't even have the right to regret it.

Fu Jingyi is too difficult to deal with!This is simply the ceiling for straight men!
If things go on like this, she, Zhang Qiaoer, might not only be worse than a dog, but even a single-celled organism!

After breakfast, Fu Jingyi coldly waved to Tian Bao, and Tian Bao followed happily.One big and one small went to inspect the medicine garden in the village, their backs were so discordant.

Zhang Qiaoer also followed after touching up her makeup. She hated her to death, and bad ideas kept popping up in her mind.

Huaguo, Noah's Ark Village.

At dusk, Gu Mingfei walked back to his small villa through the streets and alleys with a wealth of research materials.Just as dinner was ready, there were brisk footsteps outside the house, and his "son" Gu Xiaoying came back from school.

A little boy of three and a half years old.

The little boy was carrying a small cream-yellow schoolbag, wearing a children's suit and school uniform, and stepping on cute black boots, and happily ran into the kitchen.

"Brother Mingfei, I'm back!" Gu Xiaoying put down his schoolbag, and triumphantly took out a test paper from it, "This time, I scored another 100 points in mathematics in the junior class exam! How is it? Are you serious? "

Gu Mingfei put the food on the table: "That's right, show me the test paper."

Gu Xiaoying raised the corners of his mouth, and Xiaojun's face was extremely sullen: "I am the youngest in the juvenile class, but I am the best in math! Hehe!"

Gu Mingfei scanned the test paper with ten lines at a glance, squatted down, and patted Gu Xiaoying's shoulder lightly: "So it's just junior high school mathematics, but at your age, it is already a very good grade to be able to achieve full marks in junior high school mathematics. Today You will be rewarded for playing King of Glory for two hours."

Gu Xiaoying pouted: "But the teacher said that I am a rare genius"

Gu Mingfei: "You must be humble. Look at me. When I was three and a half years old, I not only undertook all my sister's winter and summer homework, but also taught myself advanced mathematics, world history, and anatomy. Bragging and showing off."

Gu Xiaoying:
Are you sure you're not bragging to me?

At the dinner table, Gu Mingfei put a piece of pork ribs in sauce into Gu Xiaoying's bowl, and explained in a calm tone: "Next month is Grandpa Fu's birthday, and he called me specially to force me to take you to attend the meeting." His birthday banquet. If I don’t bring you, he will hang himself on a swing on the beam of my house. I have reason to suspect that Grandpa Fu’s mental state is abnormal. After all, people who have died will only be with swings under the influence of external forces. The swing is similar. I am about to contact my brother-in-law and ask him to take Grandpa Fu to a psychiatric examination."

Gu Xiaoying's eyes lit up: "Okay! I'm going! I also want to show Grandpa Fu all my test papers!"

Gu Xiaoying really likes Grandpa Fu!
I can't wait to regard him as my own grandfather!
Gu Mingfei tilted his head, with doubts on his face: "...I don't quite understand your childish behavior of giving the test papers to your ancestors. When I was five years old, I went to the archaeological team and brought back a Song Dynasty skull for my father. I thought he would praise my talent in archaeology, but the fact is that my father spanked me. Sometimes the glory in our eyes cannot be recognized by our parents and grandparents."

Gu Xiaoying:
Anyone who brings a skeleton home will be beaten!

Forget it, get used to it.

The young Gu Xiaoying looked at Gu Mingfei, who was also his father and brother, and shook his head secretly. From now on, his elder brother Mingfei will be a bachelor all his life, so I will give him a retirement pension.

 Zhang Qiaoer is not a vicious female supporting role, the real villain is behind~ haha
(End of this chapter)

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