Chapter 1109 Who Are My Parents?
after dinner.

Gu Mingfei returned to the studio and continued to study his subject.Gu Xiaoying took the initiative to contract the work of washing dishes, and the specific work was to put the dishwasher into the dishwasher.

After a while, Gu Xiaoying brought the brewed coffee into the study: "Brother Mingfei, you want instant coffee."

The studio is empty.

Gu Xiaoying was silent for a while, could it be that brother Mingfei is busy in the underground studio tonight?Thinking of the studio on the first floor, Gu Xiaoying shuddered.

Gu Mingfei's studio has a very large area, at least two hundred square meters, and it is divided into a studio on the ground and a studio on the first floor.In the above-ground studio, half of the bookshelves are filled with his daily reading books.

As for the studio on the first floor.
It was hell on earth.

Gu Mingfei picked up the hot coffee and nervously walked down the stairs to the first floor.The temperature on the negative first floor was very low, and the ventilation purifier was humming at a low frequency. Gu Mingfei walked into the studio cautiously: "Brother, coffee?"

Studio lighting is dim.

Only the headlights are on in the anatomical area at the farthest corner, and only dim small wall lamps are on in other places, so you can barely see the position of the items.

Brother Mingfei said that exposure to light for a long time will accelerate the decay of ancient corpses.

"Brother Mingfei?" Gu Xiaoying walked towards the dissection table. Gu Mingfei was wearing a white protective suit and was holding a rotten skeleton to watch intently.

Hearing Gu Xiaoying's call, Gu Mingfei turned his head and smiled: "Put the coffee in the old place."

Gu Xiaoying shivered: "Brother, can you stop laughing, just like a ghost!"

This environment, this scene, the handsome guy holding the skull and smiling, is super scary!
Gu Mingfei lightly put down the head of the ancient corpse, took off his gloves, took a sip of the coffee that Gu Xiaoying handed over, and then continued: "Xiao Falcon, I have told you many times, if you are afraid, you don't have to drink it every day. They all come to bring me coffee. In fact, I prefer cream cakes and matcha cakes to coffee. Drinking too much coffee is not good for your health."

"Eating too much cream cake is not good for your health!" Gu Xiaoying was full of anger.

Gu Mingfei: "At least I get spiritual pleasure by eating small cream cakes."

Gu Xiaoying:
Gu Mingfei drank the coffee in one gulp, and handed the coffee cup back to Xiao Falcon.Gu Xiaoying was holding the coffee cup, but he didn't leave as quickly as in the past, a little hesitation flashed across his fair face, as if he was struggling.

"I've already allowed you to play King of Glory for two hours tonight." Gu Mingfei lightly waved the small brush to sweep away the mud from the skull's eye sockets. "Do you want to play for three hours?"

Gu Xiaoying shook his head: "Last month when I was playing Glory of Kings, I met a weird teammate who actually had a pure magic outfit playing Lu Bu, so I completely gave up on this game—Brother Mingfei, I don't want to play Glory of Kings, I I want to ask you, where are my parents?"

This is something Gu Xiaoying has always wanted to know.

Today, when the school teacher was talking about Mr. Fei's book "Homeland and Huaguo", he mentioned the social structure, blood relationship and geographical relationship of Huaguo.Gu Xiaoying suddenly wanted to know his origin, who his parents were.

Gu Mingfei put down the skull in his hand.

"Xiao Falcon, I went to the southwest mountains with the archaeological team to do research. On the way back, it rained heavily, and the archaeological team went to the wooden house in the mountain to hide from the rain. I found you in the wooden house, covered in blood, and the umbilical cord hadn't been cut yet." Gu Mingfei said in a calm tone. , explained patiently, "There is no village nearby, and I didn't find out who your parents are. Later, I took your DNA sample and searched for your parents' DNA matching data in Huaguo Big Data, but I still couldn't find it. Unfortunately, I There is reason to suspect that your mother is dead."

"But don't be disappointed, your mother certainly didn't abandon you on purpose. When I found you, you were warm in a ragged blanket, and your mother made you very well. It is very likely that she must have I left, so I put you down for the time being. She may plan to come back to you after the matter is settled, but unfortunately, she did not come back. At that time, a mudslide and heavy rain broke out in the deep mountain, and there was a high chance that this lady died."

"As for the fact that no male footprints were found at the site of your father's wooden house, his identity is unknown."

Gu Xiaoying drooped his little head.

Eye circles are red.

I feel like crying.

Gu Mingfei lowered his eyes and said in a gentle voice, "I'm not good at raising children, Xiao Falcon, if you long for fatherly and motherly love, I can send you back home. It just so happens that my sister has no children yet, so I can give you to my sister. She and her brother-in-law experienced the happiness of being parents in advance."

Gu Xiaoying's head shook like a rattle, and he backed away again and again: "No, don't! I like Sister Tangtang, but I'm a little afraid of Brother Jing'an. He is so fierce, every time Sister Tangtang kisses me, Brother Jingan's eyes seem to be I killed it."

It's better to follow Brother Mingfei!
Brother Mingfei is a super warm man, but he is more nagging and has a wider range of research interests.

"Brother, you are busy first, I'm going back upstairs! Call me if you need it." Gu Xiaoying shook off the troubles in his mind, and ran out of the studio.


Rhododendron Village.

Led by the village chief, Fu Jingyi visited the medicine garden base opened outside the village.Dujuan Village is located in a remote place, but fortunately, the soil is fertile and there are a lot of wild herbs.

Some transplanted medicinal herbs are neatly planted in the medicinal garden outside the village. They are all common medicinal herbs and there are a lot of them.

"Our village used to sell herbs, but the quantity was small, and it was very dangerous to go to the deep mountains and old forests to collect herbs. The villagers preferred to farm." The village head introduced as he walked, "Later, Tianbao and Grandma Zhou suggested that artificial planting of herbs and wild picking Combining drugs can make a lot of money."

Fu Jingyi raised her eyebrows: "Suggested by Tianbao?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the little milk ball beside him.

Tianbao raised her little neck proudly: "Of course, Tianbao will make money! Dad, you will definitely not lose money if you recognize me as your daughter. I can earn you a lot of small money!"

Grandma Zhou, who picked up the sweet treasure from the water, seems to have a great background and profound knowledge.

Tianbao is talented and intelligent, and has been carefully taught by Grandma Zhou. At a young age, she has a broad view of the world and knows how to draw inferences from one example. She is a very powerful little genius.

Xiao Tianbao's proud little appearance is extremely cute.

Fu Jingyi's thin lips were bent, and she pinched Tianbao's chubby face. The picture was very loving and filial, warm and beautiful.

Zhang Qiaoer, who was accompanying her: .
What a powerful little bitch!
Visiting the medicine nursery in the morning, Fu Jingyi was very satisfied with the quality of the medicinal materials, and immediately signed a long-term medicine purchase agreement with the village head.The village chief couldn't stop smiling, and the wrinkles on the old man's face were like blooming chrysanthemums.

The afternoon activity is doing charity.

Zhang Qiaoer tried every means to come to the home court.

Zhang Qiaoer is a big star in the entertainment industry, she is gorgeous and extremely popular.This time she wants to add a "love" character to herself, and wholesales a lot of toys, schoolbags and teaching materials for the children in the village who go to school.

(End of this chapter)

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