Chapter 1138 Love Variety Show
Seafood porridge, it looks like it came from the handwriting of a small Chinese medicine doctor.She used to live in Zhang's family, and occasionally cook this kind of seafood medicinal porridge for Zhang's family.

She thought it was her own invention.

Unexpectedly, this young man named Jindou would do the same.

"Of course we have met." Jin Dou is an acquaintance, sitting down on the empty seat next to the little Chinese doctor, babbling non-stop, "We met each other in the last program, it's only been a few days, sister Qingtian You actually forgot, haha, you have such a good memory. Don’t talk so much, try this porridge, Sister Tang said it’s delicious.”

The little Chinese doctor took a deep look at Jindou.

She definitely met Jin Dou before, it's just that she temporarily lost her memory and forgot about Jin Dou.

Next, the director group continued to pick up other guests.

The next one to appear was the unsmiling, mysterious and stern male guest Hemenda, who came from Yinlun country and was a well-known impressionist painter.

He has a calm and indifferent personality, doesn't like to talk, and exudes a unique melancholy atmosphere of a painter.Among the male guests, the popularity is second only to the rich second generation Fu Jun.

Then came the idol singer Lin Xiaorou, who became popular in the entertainment industry with her soft voice and sweet looks, and she is a rising popularity flow.

"The next thing we're going to is Mr. Fu Jun's house. Miss Qingtian must be very happy." The male host looked at the little Chinese doctor who was reading a book in the corner with a smile in his eyes.

He looked forward to seeing surprises appear on the face of the little Chinese doctor.

But the little Chinese doctor is still reading quietly there, exuding the aura of "Don't beat me up".

Male Host: .
This doesn't fit your personality!Your character is a gold digger!
In the last episode of the program, Wen Qingtian took the "black and red" route, and people hate dogs.Wen Qingtian has been trying her best to show affection to Fu Jun, the rich second generation. She approached him deliberately, poured water on him on purpose, knocked on his door at night, and almost wrote the words "I want to catch the rich second generation" on her face.

The studio was also stunned:

"What's the situation, Wen Qingtian is so strange in this episode?"

"In the last episode, she wanted to stick to Fu Jun, but this episode she is reading the whole time?"

"What kind of books does a quack doctor read? It's a f***ing design on purpose."

"I think she is planning to take the literary route to attract Fu Jun's attention. After all, Fu Jun likes women with connotations like Goddess Qiaoer."

"Really good at pretending"

The oversized nanny car of the program group drove slowly.

In the car, the young and beautiful Lin Xiaorou came over, her almond eyes revealed a look of surprise: "Sister Qingtian, you are actually reading a book! You are working too hard. My sister is really good, unlike my younger sister, who only cares about playing and even reads a book. None."

The little Chinese doctor glanced at Lin Xiaorou who was flamboyant.

The tea is tea-like.

Lin Xiaorou followed the "silly, white and sweet goddess" route, like a little girl pretending to be innocent, with clear and innocent eyes, many straight men like this.

The photographer broadcast this scene live, and almost everyone in the barrage praised Lin Xiaorou's innocence and cuteness.Some male audience shouted: "Silly Rourou, Wen Qingtian is not studying, she is clearly pretending to be knowledgeable."

The little Chinese doctor said, "Do you want to study?"

Lin Xiaorou nodded obediently, the corners of Fenrun's mouth curled up slightly, and her sweet face showed a bit of annoyance: "I am a genius. I dropped out of high school in order to realize my star dream. But I have always regretted that I didn't study hard. When I have the opportunity in the future, I must study hard for the exam." Going to college. I really envy my sister, who can still find time to study in variety shows."

If it were someone else, they would have already started to praise Lin Xiaorou.


The little Chinese doctor said: "A high school education is indeed not high. Since you like to study, I suggest you stop working for a year and prepare for the college entrance examination."

Lin Xiaorou:
Lin Xiaorou was secretly annoyed, she just wanted to ridicule the little Chinese doctor pretending to be literary, but instead she was ridiculed for not being educated?Lin Xiaorou's pretty face froze, and she pretended to ask innocently, "Sister Qingtian, you like reading so much, which school did you graduate from?"

There is no specific information about Wen Qingtian on the Internet, only that she is a quack doctor who is greedy for vanity.

Lin Xiaorou was secretly proud. Are you laughing at my high school education?Hehe, what kind of onion are you!

The little Chinese doctor turned a page in the medical book: "Graduated from the School of Medicine of Bork Institute."

Lin Xiaorou was stunned for a moment: "What Bokeh Institute? Why haven't I heard of it? Is this a junior college or a vocational high school?"

Jin Dou's eyes lit up in an instant, and he leaned over: "Sister Qingtian, you are also from the Berkeley School? God, I didn't expect that we are still alumni! I'm from the School of Music of the Berkshire School, but I was dropped out halfway, hey."

The live broadcast room was full of question marks.

There are still a few who know the inside story, exclaiming!

Lin Xiaorou was in a fog.

What Bock Academy?
Are these poor boys Jindou and Wen Qingtian alumni?
Over there, the painter Hemenda, who has always been taciturn, looked over, his dark blue eyes swept over the little Chinese doctor and Jindou, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Bock Academy? Not bad. I failed to apply for three times, so I can only settle for the next best thing." , went to a second-rate school."

Lin Xiaorou was even more confused.

Before she came to the show, she knew about Hemenda's background.Hemanda is a talented painter of the Yinlun Kingdom, who studies art in the most famous Royal University of the Yinlun Kingdom.

Hemenda said that he failed to pass the admissions of the Bork Institute after applying for it three times?
"Hmm, is Bokeh Institute a very great university?" Lin Xiaorou's face was full of doubts, like a child who didn't know much about the world.

Hemanda gave her the look of a purebred old idiot.

Lin Xiaorou felt that she had been insulted.

What Bock Academy, why have I never heard of it!

At this time, someone in the live broadcast room was already popularizing science:

"Popular science, Bock Academy is a place where the world's geniuses are concentrated, and those who can enter Bock Academy are geniuses selected from a million. The entry threshold is extremely high!"

"The Bock Academy is not well-known because there are too few students. But every student who comes out of the Bock Academy is a leader in one field."

"Many of the President of Country XX, the Minister of Finance of Country A, and the well-known writer XX are all alumni of the Bock Academy."

"I have a question. Since Bork Academy is so awesome, why are there students with bad records like Jindou and Wen Qingtian?"

"...Maybe I'm bragging! I must be bragging! The students of Berke Academy can't be such rubbish!"

Fu's house.

Tianbao and Gu Xiaoying secretly watched the live broadcast.

Doubt appeared on Tian Bao's chubby face, and he tilted his head: "Brother Xiao Falcon, is Boke Academy really that powerful?"

Gu Xiaoxuan nodded solemnly: "That's natural. There are many grandparents in Noah's Ark Village who used to be students of the Berke Academy."

Sister Tangtang, brother Jingan, and brother Mingfei were all former students of Boke Academy.

Tianbao opened her small mouth slightly, with admiration in her eyes: "Wow, this Chinese medicine sister is so amazing! She is also a student of the Berk College! She is beautiful and talented, very suitable to be my mother~"

The more Tianbao watches "Wen Qingtian", the more intimate she feels.

Gu Xiaoying rubbed his chin: "Sister Tianbao, let's work hard in the future and strive to study in the Boke Academy as well—well, but when the time comes, I have to change my surname, not Gu."

"Why can't your surname be Gu?" Tian Bao was extremely curious.

Gu Xiaoying shook his head, and his small face was also a little puzzled: "I don't know the inside story, but I heard from Brother Mingfei that Boker Academy doesn't seem to like students named Gu very much."

The two cute babies chatted and continued to watch the live broadcast with relish.

The program team soon arrived at the door of the rich second generation Fu Jun's house.

Fu Jun's house is a single-family villa manor, covering a rather large area.It is said that this is just one of Fu Jun's many houses. In order to facilitate the filming of this variety show, Fu Jun randomly chose the house with the smallest area.

But the small house in Fu Jun's eyes is already unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people.

The photographer deliberately used several shots to show the "luxury" of this house in all directions.

Lin Xiaorou exaggeratedly covered her mouth: "Wow, what a big house! Mr. Fu Jun is really rich!" He looked like he had never seen the world, with a little girlish innocence, very lovable.

The camera turned to the poor boy Jindou again.

Jin Dou's family is poor, claiming that his father is raising sheep, and has no place to live in country B, so he sells himself to a rich woman to make ends meet.The photographer expects to see "longing" and envy on his face.

Jin Dou lived up to everyone's expectations and exclaimed: "This house is so beautiful! The two big lions at the door are so big, they are almost as big as Grandpa Zhou's house in our village!"

Ghost letter!
Can your village have such a nice house?
The camera turned to the little Chinese doctor again, and the photographer expected to see the ambition on the face of this gold digger.But the little Chinese doctor just casually glanced at the mansion, opened the medical book again, and indulged in reading.

The book is so beautiful?Don't you love money the most?

The photographer and the male host held back their full stomachs and knocked on the door of Fu Jun's house.It was the nanny who opened the door, and the nanny personally led the program team into the house.

"The young master is still running in the morning, please wait a moment." The nanny bowed respectfully and brought the black tea drink.

The super-large luxurious living room is luxuriously decorated to the extreme.A representative work of a well-known painter is hung on the wall, and the auction price is as high as tens of millions, and the aura of local tyrants is overwhelming.

"Mr. Fu Jun is the young master of a side branch of the Fu family. He followed his father in business since he was a child. He is only 28 years old and manages several companies. He is still unmarried and a well-known golden bachelor in the circle. He signed up for this "Heartbeat" 100 points", I look forward to finding true love in the show." The male host rambled, and once again focused on introducing Fu Jun's background.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Fu Jun arrived late.

He had just finished his morning jog, wearing a sports shorts, a white towel around his neck, and sweat from running on his handsome forehead.The chest muscles on his body are bulging, and he looks like he works out regularly, and his appearance is a bit indescribably simple and honest.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the barrage soared directly:
"Ahhh! Freshly baked young master! The slave is here! Today is also the day I want to be a slave for the young master!"

"So handsome, so handsome! I want to bury him in the young master's chest!"

"Flip the camera to that gold digger, I want to see if she's drooling!"

"Master, the old slave is here!"

"You guys are called young masters, and I'm called husband! My husband is also very handsome today!"

"There was a loud noise in the sky, and the old slave made his debut!"

As soon as Fu Jun appeared on the stage, netizens who called themselves "slaves" lined up to be Fu Jun's slaves, and the number of comments on the screen reached a new height.

Fu Jun wiped the sweat from his brow, looked at the program crew and guests in the living room, and said in a humble and polite tone, "I've kept you waiting, I'll go change a piece of clothing."

The male host hurriedly said respectfully: "You are busy first, we have time to wait."

Fu Jun nodded slightly, his eyes swept over the guests sitting on the sofa without any trace.Lin Xiaorou looked like a nympho girl, staring at him without blinking.

But it was beyond Fu Jun's expectation. He originally thought that Wen Qingtian would come over shamelessly, but now Wen Qingtian is sitting calmly by the sofa——


Fu Jun raised his eyebrows secretly, what kind of tricks is this woman up to?
Hehe, this woman is trying to get my attention in another way, stupid.

Fu Jun returned to the bedroom, took a shower, and changed into low-key and luxurious ordinary clothes.He looked handsome in the mirror, a very pleasing appearance for women, very easy to attract the attention of little girls.

He came to participate in the variety show, and his goal was Zhang Qiaoer, the national goddess.He pursued Zhang Qiaoer for a long time, and asked about his health, but Zhang Qiaoer always had a nonchalant attitude, which made Fu Jun secretly puzzled.

But Fu Jun didn't intend to force it.

He appreciates Zhang Qiaoer's serious efforts. Fu Jun has repeatedly proposed to give Zhang Qiaoer some resources in the entertainment industry, but Zhang Qiaoer politely refuses.Zhang Qiaoer said that she hopes to achieve success in her career through her own efforts.

This made Fu Jun appreciate her independence even more.

"I'm ready, I can go." Fu Jun returned to the living room, without giving the little Chinese doctor an extra look.He is not interested in this kind of gold digger and liar who is full of lies.

Fu Jun boarded the oversized nanny car of the program group.

The little doctor walked behind him, the car door was narrow, and the little doctor accidentally stepped on the heel of Fu Jun's leather shoes.

Fu Jun turned back and glared at her: "You woman, stay away from me! Don't think that you can get my attention with such a low-handed method!"

Little Chinese doctor:?

This man must be mentally ill.

Who wants your attention?

After getting in the car, Fu Jun chose to sit next to the painter Hemenda, and moved away from the little doctor.He wants to abide by male virtues for Zhang Qiaoer, and never give this woman a chance!
"Just now I received a call from guest Zhang Qiaoer. She was visiting an old friend in a nursing home. The program team temporarily changed the plan and went to the nursing home to meet Zhang Qiaoer." The male host boarded the car and said with a smile.

The guests had no objection.

Half an hour before heading to the nursing home, the host took the microphone and started looking for a topic: "We will do an interview during the half an hour before going to the nursing home. Please talk to all the guests, who do you like the most - we will Start with, um, sunny days."

"Be sure to talk about a person, and don't be sloppy."

The microphone was handed over to the little doctor.

The camera also fell on her.

Other guests cast gossipy eyes one after another.

Only Fu Jun in the corner sneered, who does this woman like the most?Is this still a guess?So among the male guests, I am the most handsome and richest!

The little Chinese doctor took the microphone, remained silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "At present, I have the best impression of Jindou. It is not the relationship between men and women, but the relationship between siblings."

Golden Bean:?
Fu Jun who is ready to meet the rainbow fart:? ?

 typo, poke
(End of this chapter)

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