Chapter 1139 This Zhang Qiaoer is so wicked!
No one expected that the little Chinese doctor would say such a thing.

The male host couldn't sit still, and asked deliberately: "This is a bit strange. I remember that in the last episode of the show, Qing Tian seemed to have a great affection for Mr. Fu Jun."

It's only been a few days, and the taste has changed?

Or in order to win Fu Jun's attention, did he change his method and play hard to get?

"The last episode of the show," the little Chinese doctor murmured. The last episode was a character design imposed on Wen Qingtian by the director. After the devil's editing in the later stage, Wen Qingtian was turned into a complete buffoon.

The little Chinese doctor has sincere eyes and a calm tone: "People's aesthetics will change."

Male Host: .
The barrage in the live broadcast room is about to explode:

"What does this woman mean? Empathy?"

"She doesn't piss and take pictures of herself. Fu Jun is someone she can't afford, and now she actually despises him."

"But. Wen Qingtian is a graduate of the School of Medicine of Boke University. Even if he is married to the president, he is also qualified."

"Upstairs, if Wen Qingtian is really a student of Boke Academy, I'll live broadcast live handstand diarrhea!"

"It's just a way to play hard to get. Didn't you see that Fu Jun's eyes have fallen on her? Tsk, scheming~"

The little Chinese doctor is not interested in this variety show at all, she is only temporarily taking part in Wen Qingtian's place.

Pretending to be a nympho and gold digger?nonexistent.

"Sunny, you ignored Jin Dou in the last episode, why did you suddenly change your mind about him in this episode?" The male host continued to stir up conflicts without giving up.

The little Chinese doctor closed the medical book: "School friendship, from the same school."

She thought Jindou looked familiar.

Before I lost my memory, I should have admired this kid.

Jindou over there rushed over, nodded with a smile, and couldn't hide the admiration in his eyes: "Yes, yes, sister Qingtian and I are both students of the Bork Academy! Sister Qingtian, you are better than me, I dropped out of school halfway, and went to Ms. S orchestra practiced, but failed to get a graduation certificate"

"Ms. S's band is a good place, suitable for further study." The little Chinese doctor said lightly.

The two chatted quickly.

Lin Xiaorou, a beautiful female guest who was left out, came over with a smile all of a sudden: "Sister Qingtian, you and Jindou are so good~ You are actually a student of the Bork Academy, can you introduce the Bork Academy to the audience in our live broadcast room? Sister I hear it's a great school."

Lin Xiaorou secretly went online just now and found information about the Berk College.

Lin Xiaorou was shocked.

Bock Institute, the world's top university where geniuses gather.Jin Dou is just the son of a shepherd, and Wen Qingtian is just a scheming cunning, can these two be admitted to the Berke Academy?
Bragging is not drafting.

"That's right, can you show the relevant documents of the Boker Institute, such as graduation certificates, admission certificates, etc., to open the eyes of the audience in our live broadcast room." The male host secretly prodded and handed the knife.

That's right, the popularity of the show has been fired!

The two guests who forged their academic qualifications and have a stubborn mouth will definitely attract discussions on the entire Internet!

Jin Dou frowned, and shook his head distressedly: "I dropped out of school, and didn't get a diploma from the Berk College. However, the Berk College of Music is not a good place. The teaching is rigid, and there are serious gender issues. Discrimination. But I was lucky, I met the great Ms. S, hehe."

Lin Xiaorou blinked her eyes, her face innocent: "Well, so Jindou, you can't come up with specific evidence, alas, it's not good to lie."

Jin Dou glared at her angrily: "I didn't lie! If you don't believe me, ask my dad! I'll call my dad! My dad can prove it!"

As he said that, Jin Dou took out his mobile phone, found [Daddy Selling Sheep] in the long list of contacts, and dialed the number.The photographer immediately stepped forward and pointed the lens at Jindou.



The phone rang for a while before the communication was connected.

The thick and loud dialect with a bit of local accent sounded, and Jindou’s father said, “Hey, son smashing? What’s the matter? Dad is very busy now. There are two sheep running in the laboratory. You, Uncle Zhang and I I'm chasing sheep."

There was a whirring wind from the other end of the phone, and a few sheep bleating.

Jindou babbled non-stop: "Father, I was admitted to the Boker Academy back then, so you can give me a certificate."

Jindou's father: "Sure, I was your father back then and I personally took you to the pier and watched you get on the boat of the Berke Academy - no more talk, no more talk, dad is going to catch the sheep, and this sheep has to be sent Do the experiment, don't lose it, so goodbye! If you are short of money, ask your father for it, and it doesn't matter how much money you want."

Jin Dou: "Goodbye, Dad, don't let the sheep run away."

All the sheep in the lab are cloned sheep.

To be sent to the research institute for experiments, each end is very precious.

Jin Dou hung up the phone and raised his eyebrows triumphantly at the camera: "Look, my dad testified that I was indeed admitted to the Berk College."

Male Host: .
Live audience:
Ghosts believe it!

Your father speaks a lot of dialect, he must be a dark shepherd man!What can he understand about Berkeley?Not convincing at all!

Lin Xiaorou pretended to be worried and asked: "Jin Dou, your father lost two sheep, so it must be a big loss."

Jin Dou counted on his fingers and nodded seriously: "Yes, it costs at least 100 million to breed a sheep in the laboratory. If the two sheep are lost, my father will be scolded to death by Grandpa Zhang and the others."

Lin Xiaorou frowned her cute little eyebrows, and pouted her lips to look at Jindou: "I don't know how to write a draft if I'm lying. Is your sheep made of gold? It can still be worth millions. I hate dishonest boys the most."

She looks delicate and innocent, like a straightforward little girl, and she has gained a lot of fans in the live broadcast room.

"I'm very honest, our Jin family is the most honest!" Jin Dou hated this Lin Xiaorou a bit, she was pretentious, but it was Sister Qingtian who was straightforward and cute.

The male host stopped interviewing Jin Dou, and asked the little Chinese doctor next to him: "Sunny, you said that you studied at the Berk College and got a diploma—can you share with everyone something related to the Berk College? "

Small Chinese Medicine:
She lost her memory, and she really couldn't remember anything about the Boke Academy.

"Could it be that you have studied at the Bock Institute for four years, and you can't even remember the school?" the male host asked sharply, gloating in his heart.

The ratings for this episode are guaranteed!
Two buffoons!

It can definitely open up the topic!
The little Chinese doctor was silent for a while, and said, "The medical skills of the instructors at the Bork School of Medicine are average. I won't say much about the rest."

This is what Wen Qingtian told her. Wen Qingtian said that in the medical school of Berk College, all the tutors were looking for small Chinese medicine practitioners to consult medical problems.

Come to think of it, the Burke School of Medicine is nothing more than that.

Lin Xiaorou burst out laughing, she lightly covered the corner of her mouth, and said embarrassedly: "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh but I didn't expect you to say such a thing, sister, you seem to be very confident in your medical skills. "

Who doesn't know that "Wen Qingtian" is a quack doctor.

Treated a rich businessman into a disabled person.

They also privately resell medicinal materials and sell fake medicines.

The little Chinese doctor's speech was too arrogant, Fu Jun secretly laughed at the side, a stupid and conceited woman.The painter Hemenda, who has a crush on Jindou and the little doctor of Chinese medicine, also frowned his handsome eyebrows without any trace, and began to suspect that the two had forged their academic qualifications.

The little Chinese doctor opened a page of medical books, and glanced at Lin Xiaorou lightly: "I am very good at medicine, and when I look at you, I know that your nose has moved, your chin has been padded, your mandible has been rubbed, your eyelids have been moved, and the corners of your eyes have been dilated—— By the way, the back of the neck should have had shoulder thinning injections, so the shoulders are right-angled."

The smile on Lin Xiaorou's face froze: .
A trace of unnaturalness flashed across her pretty face: "My sister really knows how to joke. Xiao Rou only had her four wisdom teeth pulled out before she lost her face. The dentist even said that tooth extraction is like plastic surgery."

Little Chinese doctor: "The dentist must be a quack doctor, talking nonsense."

Lin Xiaorou couldn't speak anymore.

I hate it to death.

How did Wen Qingtian know where the knife was placed on her face?And he said it verbatim!99% of the female stars in the entertainment industry have used knives on their faces. Lin Xiaorou made her debut with a "natural face" gimmick. Fans firmly believe that she looks pure and natural.

But now it was pierced by Wen Qingtian.
The barrage in the live broadcast room was polarized, and Lin Xiaorou's black fans came out:
"Haha, I've already said that Lin Lvcha has undergone surgery. If you have to say that she lost weight and had her teeth pulled, ghosts will believe it."

"She had a square face before her debut, but she immediately turned into an oval face after her debut, even the blind can see it."

"I laughed so hard, I didn't expect Wen Qingtian to be quite straightforward, I like it +1"

"Get rid of the black fans! Our sister is pure and natural! If you have time to make a fuss on the Internet, why don't you look in the mirror and see your stinky face."

"Wen Qingtian is a liar. She keeps saying that she graduated from the Boke Academy, but she can't get any evidence out. Can you believe her words?"

The male host smiled mischievously, and quickly smoothed things over: "We really know how to joke on a sunny day——"

The little Chinese doctor glanced at the male host and was quite sure: "I'm not kidding. Your nose, chin, and the corners of your eyes have also been repaired—and your ears have also been moved."

An excellent doctor can tell at a glance whether someone has had plastic surgery. This is a basic ability.

Let’s take a look at the male host who was punctured:
Whoever loves to be the host of this shit can do it!

In order to divert attention, the male host threw the topic to the other two male guests, the painter Hemenda and the rich second generation Fu Jun.

Hemanda said that currently he has a good impression of the female guest Zhang Qiaoer, and he sees the artistic beauty in Zhang Qiaoer, and Zhang Qiaoer is the source of inspiration for his paintings - this is undoubtedly a great compliment.

As for Fu Jun, facing the camera, he was even more unstingy in his admiration for Zhang Qiaoer.Fu Jun came to this variety show because he was chasing Zhang Qiaoer.

The nanny car was speeding all the way towards the nursing home.

The Imperial Capital Sanatorium is one of the industries run by the Fu family.

Located on the mountainside with beautiful scenery, there is a top medical team and excellent service. Many rich people like to come here to recuperate.

"Miss Qingtian, you have to be careful." Jin Dou quietly rushed over, and lowered his voice to tell the little Chinese doctor, "The program team is very good at doing things, and we will meet a rich businessman later. This rich businessman is an investment from the program team." People are also your former patients."

The little Chinese doctor didn't know, so he asked, "Patient?"

Jin Dou nodded: "That's right, sister Qingtian, you have treated this rich businessman before, turning him into a disabled person. Zhang Qiaoer brought a miracle doctor here, who is said to be able to cure the rich businessman. Later, the program team will focus on filming this scene. "

The little doctor of Chinese medicine has heard Wen Qingtian mention about the wealthy businessman.Wen Qingtian's family used to be relatively wealthy, but it was because of this medical accident that they lost a lot of money that the Wen family began to be impoverished.

This program group is too good at making troubles. Let quack doctors and patients face to face, that scene must be very exciting.

"Anyway, Miss Qing Tian, ​​you have to be careful in everything." Jin Dou told her.

The little Chinese doctor glanced at him: "Thank you for reminding me."

Jin Dou's ears turned red, and he scratched his head resentfully.For some reason, he always felt that Wen Qingtian gave him a very familiar feeling. It was very similar to the little Chinese medicine sister in the past.

It was a complete accident that Jin Dou came to participate in this variety show. He sent his resume to a friend in the S Orchestra, and by mistake sent it to the program group of "100 Points of Heart", and was selected as a guest.

Sister Tang saw that he had nothing to do every day, so she asked him to participate in variety shows to relax. If she could find a girl to marry, it would be a good thing.

Jin Dou and the little Chinese doctor talked in a low voice. Looking at them from a distance, they were very intimate.Lin Xiaorou walked up to Fu Jun and joked, "I didn't expect Sister Qingtian's taste to change, and she actually likes the little milk dog like Jindou. Sister Qingtian is really brave and never hides her preference. I really envy her."

Fu Jun's face was not very good-looking.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at Jindou and the little Chinese doctor who were talking happily, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.This woman, a few days ago, was so considerate and considerate to him, but in just a few days she moved on, it's really uncomfortable!
A skittish woman!

It was probably because Fu Jun's eyes were too cold and stern, which attracted the attention of the little doctor. The little doctor looked up at Fu Jun. Why is this man always staring at me?
Her eyes were slightly dazed, like a beautiful fox, unexpectedly kind of indescribably cute.

Fu Jun's heart skipped a beat, it was strange, it was the same woman, why did she feel that her temperament had changed drastically?People can't take their eyes off for no reason.

Fu Jun shook his head fiercely in his heart, this is definitely Wen Qingtian playing hard to get!
Woman, I've seen through you a long time ago!

"Sister Qingtian, why does Fu Jun keep staring at you?" Jin Dou wondered.

The little Chinese doctor shrugged: "I have a brain disease."

Jin Dou nodded in agreement.

The program team and the guests came to the independent nursing home ward. They said it was a ward, but more like a private villa. The environment along the way was quiet and the scenery was excellent. Fragrant herbs were planted on both sides of the garden.

The little doctor looked around, this sanatorium looked familiar. The decoration style fit her aesthetics very well, the little doctor even had the illusion that this sanatorium was designed by her.

"Qiaoer is here!" the male host suddenly said, his tone could not hide his joy.

The photographer next to him immediately aimed his camera at the door of the ward.

"Sorry, I delayed the shooting." A wonderful voice sounded from the door.

A slender beauty walked down the white jade steps gracefully.In the scorching summer, the national goddess Zhang Qiaoer wore a long white chiffon dress, her long black hair was pulled lightly, and her neck was slender and white.

She has an irresistible charm about her.

Even Jin Dou, who was not interested in beautiful women, was dumbfounded.

When the little Chinese doctor saw her for the first time, cold sweat rolled down his back—this Zhang Qiaoer is so wicked!


【Author's Note: Happy New Year~】

 Who is still updating on New Year's Eve

  it's me!

(End of this chapter)

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