Chapter 1140 Strange Charm
There is no doubt that Zhang Qiaoer is like a fairy descending from the earth, shining beautifully and becoming the center of everyone's sight. All men and women at the scene surrendered under her pomegranate skirt.

As soon as she appeared, even the cameraman almost couldn't hold the machine in his hand.

[Barrage: Whoa whoa whoa!Sister, I can! 】

[Goddess Qiaoer is really getting more and more beautiful!Ahhh my sister is so beautiful! 】

[Mommy, I saw a fairy! 】

[Pure passerby, although Zhang Qiaoer's acting skills are not very good, but her appearance is still convincing. 】

[My Goddess Qiaoer came to participate in the love variety show, which is simply a blow to reduce dimensionality, and set off the other female guests as village girls. 】

The male guest couldn't move his eyes.

The female guest couldn't hide the jealousy in her eyes.Especially the idol singer Lin Xiaorou, who is beautiful and sweet, quickly returned to normal after being dazzled by Zhang Qiaoer's beauty.

Lin Xiaorou muttered to herself, this Qiaoer is really getting more and more beautiful.

However, Zhang Qiaoer's face did not show any traces of using a knife, it was a completely natural face.But Lin Xiaorou clearly remembers that Zhang Qiaoer looked ordinary when she first debuted, and then she gradually became more and more beautiful, her temperament and appearance reached a new high every day, and she became more and more beautiful.

Is it possible that Zhang Qiaoer is still a goblin?A spell that will make you beautiful?
Lin Xiaorou pursed her lips, planning to talk to Zhang Qiaoer about how to become beautiful when she has time.Zhang Qiaoer has countless fans, and her fans are highly sticky. Lin Xiaorou knows that she must not conflict with her.

If there is no conflict, then strive to create "sisterhood"!
A little more heat is also great!

Zhang Qiaoer maintained an elegant demeanor and slowly walked down the white jade steps.

There was an impeccable gentle smile on her face, intoxicating the spring breeze, and there was a natural elegance and nobility in her gestures.

But unlike the gentle and quiet beauty on the outside, Zhang Qiaoer was full of pride in her heart: [System system!Is my old lady the most beautiful woman in the audience today!Look at that Fu Jun, his eyes are almost glued to me! 】

System: [Host, you spent five points to redeem the "Charming Radiance", which lasts for five days.During these five days, you will always be the most beautiful woman in the audience. 】

With the help of the system, Zhang Qiaoer kept earning points, shed her mediocre appearance, and became the current national goddess.

As soon as she showed up just now, she immediately exchanged an ability called "Charming" from the system.This ability will make her a luminary in the crowd, a walking hormone, attracting the attention of both men and women.

Of course, this ability also has shortcomings: the effect on the child of luck is insufficient; it is not attractive to children.

The system coldly reminded: [Host, you only have 1 point left.You need to win the title of "Goddess of Love" in this love variety show to get 10 points.If the task fails, the remaining 1 point will be cleared within one month, and the effects of all the items you exchanged in the system before will be cleared. 】

In other words, Zhang Qiaoer must win the first place in this love variety show.If the task fails, she will return to the ordinary looking woman in a month or so.

Zhang Qiaoer murmured: [Why in the past two years, the system has consumed more and more points]

In the past, it only cost one point to redeem the "Charming" effect once.Now it actually takes five points, it's getting harder and harder.

The system replied coldly: [System operation also requires energy, please work hard to complete the task.The end of next month is Fu Jingyi's birthday, and it is also the host's last chance. 】

Zhang Qiaoer's heart skipped a beat, and she had an inexplicably bad premonition.

If she fails the task, the points will be cleared, and the consequences may be serious
"Hello everyone, Mr. Fu Jun." Zhang Qiaoer suppressed the anxiety in her heart, raised a gentle smile, and greeted Fu Jun and others.

With the beauty so close at hand, Fu Jun felt elated.

He was born in a wealthy family, and he has seen countless beautiful women since he was a child, but Zhang Qiaoer gave him a different feeling.Zhang Qiaoer's beauty is not like a mortal, Fu Jun's heart is thumping, and he regards Zhang Qiaoer as a fairy.

"Qiaoer, you look so good today." A suspicious blush appeared on Fu Jun's face.

The innocent and innocent Lin Xiaorou came over, hugged Zhang Qiaoer's arm affectionately, and said coquettishly, "Mr. Fu Jun, our Miss Qiaoer looks good every day, how could she look good today~~"

Then, like a well-behaved kitten, Lin Xiaorou smiled and said to Zhang Qiaoer: "Sister Qiaoer, I haven't seen you for a few days, Xiaorou misses you so much! Xiaorou also prepared a gift for you, and when all our guests live The apartment, I will secretly give it to you."

That appearance, charming and innocent.

Like a cute girl who doesn't know much about the world.

Lin Xiaorou was secretly proud, look, look, now I'm on camera again!The old lady's ability to rub the heat and the camera has always been outstanding.

Zhang Qiaoer's eyes were bent, and she said affectionately: "Thank you Xiaorou, I miss you too."

Zhang Qiaoer hated her to death!

This scheming girl came to rub the camera again!They are all foxes who have practiced for thousands of years, so they are addicted to playing with me in Liaozhai, right?Wait until my old lady has earned enough points, and then I will clean you up!

Zhang Qiaoer and Lin Xiaorou looked at each other and smiled, which was faithfully recorded by the photographer.The male photographer lamented that these two female stars are really rare and true sisters in the entertainment industry!

Fu Jun followed Zhang Qiaoer step by step and walked towards the ward.

Fu Jun's heart and eyes are full of Zhang Qiaoer, and he is overwhelmed by her beauty.When passing the corner, Fu Jun accidentally caught a glimpse of the little Chinese doctor and Jindou walking at the end of the crowd.

The little Chinese doctor and Jin Dou are chatting, and the relationship between the two seems to be good.

Fu Jun was a little dissatisfied. Could it be that Wen Qingtian really planned to "transfer love"?Did she feel that she was inferior to Zhang Qiaoer in every way, so she made the second best choice and chose the poor shepherd's son?
"This woman is definitely playing hard to get." Fu Jun murmured, and couldn't help but look at the little Chinese doctor's appearance again.

The figure is not as good-looking as Zhang Qiaoer.

Zhang Qiaoer's face is not as delicate.

Zhang Qiaoer's dress is not as fashionable.

Fu Jun stared at the little doctor for a while, then turned to look at Zhang Qiaoer in front of him.Strangely, he suddenly found that Zhang Qiaoer was not so attractive.
The charm shrouded in Zhang Qiaoer seems to have dissipated a little.
He was obviously fascinated by Zhang Qiaoer just now, why did he change all of a sudden?
Fu Junzhang couldn't figure it out, what's going on?

Jindou, who was walking at the end of the crowd, muttered softly, Xiaojun's face was full of puzzlement: "Sister Qingtian, it's so strange, just now I was so fascinated by Zhang Qiaoer, I talked to you for a while, and then went to see Zhang Qiaoer, just I think she looks like that."

The little Chinese doctor touched her chin, she felt that Zhang Qiaoer was very wicked.

It reminded her of the rumored enchantress Daji.

(End of this chapter)

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