Chapter 1141 Want to cut her open
When the little Chinese doctor saw Zhang Qiaoer for the first time, he was indeed amazed by her beauty.But the amazement only lasted for two seconds. The little Chinese doctor went to see Zhang Qiaoer again, only to think that she looked just like that.

Why is there a sudden "amazing"?Why did the "amazing" only last for a second or two?

This simply cannot be explained by science!
So wicked!
"Jin Dou, if you look at Zhang Qiaoer now, will you still be fascinated by her?" The little Chinese doctor faintly glimpsed something strange.

Jin Dou shook his head: "I won't be fascinated by her now—"

"Jindou, sister Qingtian, you two, hurry up, don't fall too far behind." Zhang Qiaoer's soft voice drifted over, waving her long arms like lotus roots, with a gentle and bright smile.

Jindou Xiaojun's face turned red.

As if possessed by a Gu, she stared at Zhang Qiaoer who was not far away. Such a beautiful sister with a nice voice.

The little Chinese doctor noticed the strangeness of Jindou, lowered his voice, and tugged at Jindou's arm: "Jindou!"

Like a bell ringing.

Jin Dou woke up instantly.

His Xiaojun's face was blank, recalling his reaction just now, his face turned pale with fright: "What happened to me just now! Suddenly I thought that Zhang Qiao'er's voice was nice and she was pretty, but now, I think she's just like that I, am I bewitched by an evil spirit? If I knew it earlier, I would have brought Grandpa Yuan’s exorcism charm with me!"

The little Chinese doctor narrowed his eyes.

Looking forward to Zhang Qiaoer and Lin Xiaorou, who are performing the scene of sisterly love, a hint of amusement flashed across the little Chinese doctor's face.

She just participated in this broken variety show instead of Wen Qingtian, and she actually found something interesting!
She stared at Zhang Qiaoer with piercing eyes.

Could this woman know the rumored charm technique?Or is there something unsolved about her?
"Sister Qingtian. You, why are you staring at Zhang Qiaoer all the time? You're also bewitched by her?" Jin Dou inadvertently caught the eyes of the little Chinese doctor, oh my god, such enthusiastic eyes!It was as if he wanted to swallow Zhang Qiaoer.

The little doctor raised the corner of his mouth, as if he was talking about a trivial matter: "I lived in Zhang's house after I lost my memory. I have nothing to do. I like to play dissection the most. Cut open the little rabbit's head, check the lesions inside, and then it's intact. Stitch it up, and the bunny can still jump around."

She wanted to dissect Zhang Qiaoer and study her brain carefully.

A layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Jindou's back.

Don't be impulsive!It's on the show!
The photographer in front also noticed the "ambitious" expression of the little Chinese doctor, rolled his eyes, and took a photo of the little Chinese doctor's expression - this scene fell into the eyes of the audience, and it was another interpretation:
"Look at Wen Qingtian's determined eyes! Three points are murderous and three points are jealous!"

"Wen Qingtian must feel that Fu Jun's heart has been taken away by Qiaoer, and she wants to target Qiaoer!"

"Qiaoer is in danger!"

"The program team protects the goddess Qiaoer! Don't let the vicious girl succeed!"

"I'm the only one who thinks that Wen Qingtian's eyes are weird. It doesn't look like looking at a rival in love, but like looking at a test product."

Fu's house.

Tianbao and Gu Xiaoying, two cute babies, were lying on the sofa with their buttocks pouting, their heads next to each other, and they were engrossed in watching the live broadcast of the variety show.

Tianbao wondered: "It's strange, I think Zhang Qiaoer looks very ordinary, why everyone seems to be attracted by her."

In the eyes of children, everything is pure and unpolluted by the outside world.So in the eyes of Tianbao and Gu Xiaoying, this Zhang Qiaoer is just in good shape, but not particularly beautiful.

But the strange thing is that everyone is obsessed with Zhang Qiaoer's beauty.

Gu Xiaoying shook his head: "Now adults' aesthetics are becoming more and more strange."

Tianbao was a little distressed and worried: "The male guests like Zhang Qiaoer very much. Tell me, will Dad also like Zhang Qiaoer? Tianbao doesn't want her to be a stepmother."

The two cute babies looked at each other, and quietly pushed down the sofa, quietly moved to the outside of Fu Jingyi's private office, and quietly opened the door to peek inside.

Sure enough, Fu Jingyi was also watching variety shows.

Give your full attention.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Tianbao's heart skipped a beat, and the alarm rang loudly. Dad wouldn't be bewitched by Zhang Qiaoer too!
Fu Jingyi was indeed watching variety shows. He had never been interested in such childish and vulgar variety shows.But this female guest named "Wen Qingtian" in the program group brought him an extremely familiar feeling.

Like now-

"Wen Qingtian" stared at Zhang Qiaoer with piercing eyes. The look of "Wen Qingtian" almost made Fu Jingyi lose control and thought of the little Chinese doctor again.

this look
In the past, small Chinese medicine practitioners were obsessed with medical skills and liked to do research on anatomy.It is normal to dissect a small rabbit and frog, and from time to time, I will go to the general teacher to do research.

When encountering a person or animal she is interested in, the little Chinese doctor will stare at the person with such "enthusiasm", "obsession" and "expectation" eyes, and conceive the anatomical steps in her mind.

"How could it be so similar." Fu Jingyi muttered to herself.

Is it the illusion that he thought too much?

Fu Jingyi sent someone to investigate Wen Qingtian, and this was indeed Wen Qingtian himself, and his life history would not be faked.However, it gave Fu Jingyi a feeling of deja vu.

All members of the program team arrived at the ward of the nursing home.

This ward is spacious and bright, with an internal area of ​​at least one hundred square meters, and the interior is luxuriously furnished.A middle-aged wealthy businessman in his forties was slowly practicing walking with the support of a rehabilitation therapist.

When the wealthy businessman saw Zhang Qiaoer, obsession flashed across his face.Then he noticed the little Chinese medicine doctor not far away, and the rich businessman's expression instantly collapsed.

"So it's Miss Wen, long time no see." The rich businessman almost gritted his teeth, wishing to poke two holes out of the little doctor.

The wealthy businessman's surname is Wang, and he is the investor of the program group.Originally, he just had an ordinary leg problem, but he went to Wen Qingtian for treatment, and he became disabled in both legs!
How can this kind of hatred be easily let go!

So the wealthy businessman secretly manipulated Wen Qingtian to become a clown guest on a variety show, and wanted to expose her ugly quack nature on the entire network!
The little Chinese doctor glanced at the rich businessman, looked at his swollen eyes, and thought about everything.

"This live broadcast is a special part of a variety show." The male host found the right time and hurried forward to explain, "Qiaoer searched for famous doctors and found a highly respected Chinese medicine practitioner. Please come and treat Mr. Wang.

Lin Xiaorou didn't think it was a big deal when watching the excitement, and said with a sweet smile: "Sister Qingtian, you can exchange medical skills with this famous doctor. This is a rare and good opportunity."

Obviously, this is a pre-arranged face-slapping session.

Let the well-known and respected doctors personally uncover the disguise of the little Chinese medicine doctor and create a public opinion gimmick.

Zhang Qiaoer said gently: "Mr. Wang has kindness to me, and helping him recover is also a kindness." As she said, Zhang Qiaoer looked at "Wen Qingtian" not far away.

I thought I would see panic on the face of "Wen Qingtian".

Unexpectedly, "Wen Qingtian" stared at him with piercing eyes, which made Zhang Qiaoer's scalp tingle.
 The system in Zhang Qiaoer is not a system, but a mutated old acquaintance
  New Year's codewords are troublesome, hey, there are many things every day
(End of this chapter)

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