Chapter 1165 The Means of the Entertainment Industry
"Anyway, Sister Qingtian, you can change to other dishes." Jin Dou scratched his head embarrassedly, "Ma Po Tofu, stir-fried vegetables, and vegetable salad are all fine!"

The little Chinese doctor: "...Okay."

Not to be outdone, Fu Jun also took the initiative to invite Ying: "My young master's skill in frying steak is excellent, and I will show my skills today."

Fu Jun is full of confidence.

Wen Qingtian, a woman who has seen his craftsmanship, will definitely fall in love with him!
In the end, the cooking list was confirmed: Zhang Qiaoer, Fu Jun and Jin Dou, Hemenda and the little Chinese doctor helped wash the vegetables, and Lin Xiaorou had a foot injury and rested first.

The ingredients in the kitchen were sufficient, and Fu Jun paid for top-notch steak ingredients from his own pocket, and the kitchen became busy.The cameraman seized the time to shoot the material, and strived to capture every bright spot.

The meal will be ready in an hour.

Six fried steaks made by Fu Jun.

In the middle of the table is a pot of spicy boiled fish made of golden beans.

And two plates of exquisite French side dishes made by Zhang Qiaoer.

Zhang Qiaoer remembers that there used to be a popular young student in the entertainment circle who was photographed smoking in a restaurant, and was directly scolded by black fans and netizens to quit the circle; there was also a female star who used lipstick to draw a circle on the mirror of the hotel when she was putting on makeup , was also exposed by those who cared, and was sprayed all over the Internet.

The detective frowned: "But the family of the little girl who died originally extorted money from the doctor."

Even if it is washed clean later, the shooting of the variety show has ended, which does not prevent Zhang Qiaoer from surrendering the popular guests who won the show steadily.

Gu Xiaoying was doing his homework in the small study, and when he saw Tianbao alive and kicking, he was a little helpless: "Before watching the live broadcast, can you finish your kindergarten homework!"

Gossip involving male and female couples, cheating, cheating, and cuckolds will definitely attract netizens who eat melons.When the time comes to release various scandals, Wen Qingtian will be charged with the crimes of "engaging in privileges", "unfilial piety", "a quack father" and "chaotic private life", and she will definitely be pushed into the abyss in a short period of time.

The detective said: "The first one, Wen Qingtian's high school entrance examination score is only 400 points, and the full score is 700. She was a scumbag in junior high school, and she looks average."

Zhang Qiaoer ran to the room to answer the phone on the pretext that she was full.Zhang Qiaoer lowered her voice and asked eagerly, "Have you found it?"

"Go and contact the little girl's family immediately, they will be of great use!" Zhang Qiaoer ordered the detective.

The detective was quite impressed: "Tsk, you people in the entertainment industry are really good at mobilizing public opinion."

Zhang Qiaoer: "Tell me."

Zhang Qiaoer thought for a moment: "Scores in the high school entrance examination. This can be used. If a scumbag is admitted to a world-renowned school, Boke Academy, public opinion can be fabricated, saying that she got into a prestigious school through connections. And looks, you can find more ugly photos of Wen Qingtian's junior high school , compared with her current pretty face, implying that she has undergone a full-body plastic surgery."

The detective continued: "The third black material is medical skills. Some patients said that she had good medical skills, and some patients said that she was a quack doctor. Wen Qingtian's father put to death a little girl that year, which caused trouble among the patients' family doctors. Later, she My father sold half of the herb shop, and the family gave up. In fact, the little girl was already dying before she was sent to the hospital, and the family insisted on sending her here to show that she was wronging the doctor."

During lunch, Fu Jun, Jin Dou, Hemenda and even Lin Xiaorou were paying attention to Wen Qingtian!Zhang Qiaoer has almost become a transparent person, whenever she wants to stir up a topic, no one pays attention to her at all!
According to this progress, she will definitely not become the popular king of the program group.Points cleared, what should she do?

The detective opened the second page of information and continued: "The second black story is that Wen Qingtian's mother was vain, disliked the poor and loved the rich. When Wen Qingtian was young, her mother had a bad relationship and often quarreled. Later, her mother left and married another Others. Her mother met Wen Qingtian before she died of illness, but she refused."

The detective hung up the phone.

Now, she finally waited until the detectives called.

She had to earn system points, and only points could keep her status and her teacher's life.

The phone in his pocket rang.

In order to deal with Wen Qingtian, Zhang Qiaoer spent a lot of money to hire detectives to investigate Wen Qingtian's past.There is no perfect person in this world, as long as they are born, they will definitely be accompanied by stains, ranging from throwing garbage casually, swearing at random, to breaking the law and committing crimes.

Gu Xiaoxuan was forced to undertake all the homework of Tianbao, from Chinese and English to art and painting, helping every day.

A public figure with a background can clean himself up through hot search; a star without a background is waiting to be whipped repeatedly.

No one is perfect, but everyone on the Internet is a moral model.

And public opinion can annihilate a person.

Zhang Qiao'er said impatiently: "What do you know? You open your mouth when you start a rumor, and you lose your legs when you refute it. I just need to get Wen Qingtian out of the game in a short time. Whether she cleans up in the future has nothing to do with me."

A trace of cruelty flashed across Zhang Qiaoer's beautiful eyes.

After many years of ups and downs in the entertainment industry, Zhang Qiaoer knows how to use public opinion to crush her enemies.

Zhang Qiaoer tasted the fried steak made by Fu Jun, and was about to praise him, when Fu Jun handed the best steak to the little Chinese doctor, with a look of anticipation in his arrogant eyes: "Try it."

"A lot of clues have been found." The detective on the other end of the phone opened the book, "There are currently four [black materials] that can be used."

The detective shook his head, as if his eyes were wide open: "Okay, as long as your money arrives on time - the fourth black story, Wen Qingtian has an ex-boyfriend, and the two broke up peacefully."

Zhang Qiaoer's eyes lit up!
This is not bad!

Zhang Qiaoer:
Zhang Qiaoer didn't know how to eat, and was worried. This scene is so strange!

Zhang Qiaoer's eyes brightened slightly: "Yes, find her ex-boyfriend and spend some money to clear it up."

Little Chinese doctor: "Oh."

Zhang Qiaoer asked the detective to investigate Wen Qingtian, but also wanted the detective to find out the "black spots" in Wen Qingtian's life and enlarge them.Use public opinion to force Wen Qingtian to leave the program group.

Fu family.

My sister is good everywhere, but she doesn't like doing homework.

The detective really opened his eyes and said, "Everyone in the entertainment industry is not simple."

Zhang Qiaoer rubbed her chin: "That's good, [unfilial piety] has always been a public minefield. If it is serious, it will attract the attention of the government."

Quack doctors misunderstood people, the poor little girl lost her life forever, and Wen Qingtian blatantly participated in variety shows to make money.When this matter gets publicized, some netizens will definitely say [Wen Qingtian steps on other people's corpses to success].

Tianbao checked Weibo with her mobile phone, saw the latest announcement on the official blog of "Heartbeat 100 Points", jumped up happily, and rushed into the small study: "Brother! There will be a live broadcast tomorrow! I can see Sister Qingtian again!"

The style of dishes is completely different.

"I know how to do my homework, but I'm just too lazy to do it." Tianbao moved to the small desk, pointed to the homework book, and reminded her childishly, "My handwriting is not like this. You have to imitate my handwriting, or you will be punished." The teacher can see it. The teacher will tell my grandpa and dad, grandpa will not blame Tianbao, and dad will definitely be angry."

Gu Xiaoyu put the pen in front of her: "... so many requests, write it yourself!"

 update update

  Typo poke me

(End of this chapter)

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