Chapter 1166 Plastic surgery?


Tianbao smiled obediently: "Brother, I have something else to do, I'll go first, you work hard to do your homework. Remember to have the same handwriting, bye."

Tian Bao ran away with her mobile phone in her arms.

Writing homework is impossible!

It is impossible to drop in this life!

Gu Xiaoyu watched his sister leave, shook his head like a little adult, spread out his homework, and continued to help his sister with homework.He knew that Tianbao was smart and could master the knowledge of kindergarten and even elementary school, but he didn't like to write, so he threw this boring job to him.

But what can be done?

My own sister deserves to be pampered.

The night was deep, and the moonlight shrouded the silent collective apartment.

Lin Xiaorou was also dressed up today, seeing Zhang Qiaoer whose ass had already occupied the C position, Lin Xiaorou curled her lips, this woman always knows how to steal the spotlight!

The audience's first attention will generally stay in the middle C position.This is the most eye-catching position, which also represents the status of a guest.

Zhang Qiaoer gritted her teeth.

Is this a face-to-face war?
"Sister, come here, sit next to my sister, who made us good sisters." Zhang Qiaoer didn't change her face, didn't move her position, and greeted Lin Xiaorou with a smile.

This is caused by practicing medicine all the year round. The little Chinese doctor learned medical skills from her mother since she was a child. She was born with a high IQ and excellent medical skills, which made the little Chinese medicine doctor feel a sense of alienation from the world.

She was exposed to the wind on the balcony for a while, and her face was itchy.The little Chinese doctor reached out to touch her nose, and it turned out that the medicine that disguised her nose had fallen off. She rubbed her nose and put the medicine back on.

The little Chinese doctor has the temperament of overlooking the common people proudly.

Turn around and return to the house, draw the curtains.

【Xiao Falcon】: "Sister, Tian Bao and I will watch the live broadcast tomorrow together! I also miss you Xiao Falcon today."

"Tomorrow will be lively." Zhang Qiaoer was full of confidence and made a call.

What a cute little kid.

System: [Only got a glimpse of it, but didn't check it carefully. 】

I originally thought that the little Chinese doctor would dress a little more delicately during the live broadcast.But she just wore a light green thin sweater with white wide-leg pants underneath, and her hair was still tied with a hairpin. She looked casual and natural, and she didn't even have much makeup on her face.

Big eyes, soft hair, sweet and soft voice.The little Chinese doctor found the phone, and among the unread text messages, he found a text message from Gu Xiaoying.

Unable to fall asleep, the little Chinese doctor went to the balcony to blow a breeze with soothing tea in his hand.The apartment is close to the suburbs, and the fields are as dark as ink under the night, and the moonlight shrouds it in a kind of gloomy and cold.On the golf course not far away, there are outline lights, which finally bring a little popularity.

Just a few lines of text dispel the night cold.

After she grew up, her parents took Su Xiaomo, the little doctor's elder brother, on a long trip to treat illnesses, and the little doctor lived alone for several years.

The live broadcast is scheduled for the afternoon of the second day.

Zhang Qiaoer: [How can ordinary people's noses be crooked?There must be something wrong with her nose!I knew that Wen Qingtian had definitely undergone plastic surgery this time. When encountering a plastic surgeon with poor skills, the structure of the nose and face would be deformed! 】

At best, the facial features can be regarded as handsome, but the advantage lies in the superior temperament.

As everyone knows, Zhang Qiaoer, who lives next door, saw her on the balcony.Zhang Qiaoer leaned against the wall of the balcony, feeling ups and downs.

She didn't have plastic surgery, but through the abilities bestowed by the system, her face became more refined step by step.Even the top plastic surgeons couldn't see the traces of plastic surgery on her perfect face.

Zhang Qiaoer will never give up position C!

Zhang Qiaoer and Lin Xiaorou raised their heads almost at the same time, looking at today's little Chinese medicine practitioner.

[System system!Did you see it just now?Wen Qingtian's nose!Crooked! 】

System: [There is such a possibility. 】

Lin Xiaorou squinted her eyes and strode to Zhang Qiaoer's side. One of them was beautiful and the other was lively and smart. They loved each other like sisters in front of the camera, and they fought each other to death in private.

There are doorways in choosing a location.

"The live broadcast will start in 3 minutes, everyone come and sit down." Zhang Qiaoer walked to the center of the sofa first. She was wearing a goose yellow spring dress, her long hair was tied high into a ponytail, revealing her sexy white swan neck.

No wonder fans called Zhang Qiaoer "Barbie in the world".

System: [Wen Qingtian does have something on her face, but it doesn't seem to be cosmetics. 】

Zhang Qiaoer herself is a special case.

Zhang Qiaoer carefully examined the face of the little Chinese doctor, and it was indeed a little strangely white.

"Miss Qingtian, come and sit down!" Over there, Jin Dou led the little Chinese doctor to the sofa.

More beautiful than a delicate Barbie doll.

The little Chinese doctor woke up from a nightmare sweating profusely. She dreamed of a terrible mudslide and blood all over the ground, as if something important to her had been dug away.

A pure and natural face is almost extinct in the entertainment industry.

She had to know quickly what she had lost.

Zhang Qiaoer: [Is there something on her face? 】

The little Chinese doctor could no longer sleep.

The little Chinese doctor smiled.

Zhang Qiaoer looked at the little Chinese doctor with her plain face up to the sky, and shouted System in her mind: [System System!Look it up, I don't believe this woman doesn't have makeup on!Did she deliberately put on plain makeup?Specialized in cheating on straight men? 】

The cool wind spread on the face, the pores seemed to be stretched, and the coldness irritated the eyes. The little doctor took a sip of the steaming calming tea, and his eyes became a little dazed in the dense white air.

"It seems that we need to find time to restore memory." The little Chinese doctor muttered to himself.

This is one of the reasons why Zhang Qiaoer has so many fans.

Plastic surgery is prevalent in the entertainment industry. As long as the stars appear in public, they will more or less undergo facial adjustments.But plastic surgery has always been a minefield for netizens. Even if the owner's face has been turned into an awl, fans firmly believe that her sister just lost weight and there is absolutely no plastic surgery.

Lin Xiaorou turned passive into active, with a cute smile: "Sister Qiaoer, can you move to the side? Xiaorou doesn't want to sit on the side."

Before the live broadcast started, the director asked the guests to choose their own location.The sofa is only that big, and the selection of seats by the guests can also reflect their respective mate selection tendencies.

There was no light in the room, only the cold moonlight pouring in from the balcony.There was only the sound of her terrified breathing in the room. She pinched the bed sheet in a daze for a while, then jumped out of bed and took a cup of calming tea and drank it all in one go.

Zhang Qiaoer dressed up today, and secretly made up her mind to grab the C position!Even if he can't grab the C position, he can't let Wen Qingtian win the C position.

Zhang Qiaoer's confidence increased greatly.

She suddenly thought of the little boy named "Gu Xiaoying".

"Sister Qingtian, you can sit here." Jin Dou sat down on another sofa, far away from Zhang Qiaoer.Tap the empty space next to it.

The little Chinese doctor didn't have too many requirements for the location, so he sat down happily.

Not a second after sitting down, Fu Jun stretched his long legs and sat down on the empty seat beside her.

On the left of the little Chinese doctor is Jindou, and on the right is Fu Jun. The scene is a bit weird.Jin Dou saw that Fu Junge was not pleasing to the eye, and shouted: "Fu Erdai, what are you doing! Stay away from my sister Qingtian! Don't you like Zhang Qiaoer? Go find her."

(End of this chapter)

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