Chapter 1169 Annoying Truth
After speaking, Lin Xiaorou was dumbfounded.

Why didn't she just say what was in her heart without preparing her heart?

She was going to say [I like everyone and I don't hate anyone], but what she blurted out was the truth!
The male host hurriedly asked Mr. Zhou, a polygraph expert, gossiping, "Mr. Zhou, do you think Xiao Rou is telling the truth?"

Mr. Zhou, who has a very big boss temperament, held up a sign with a "√" aloofly, which means that she is telling the truth.

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room:
[Ah this?Isn't Lin Xiaorou's relationship with Zhang Qiaoer like sisters? 】

[Mr. Zhou judged it to be true, so these two are really fake sisters.]

[The water in the entertainment industry is really deep]

[He actually said it directly, haha ​​Lin Xiaorou is quite straightforward. 】

[Why does Xiaorou even have a crush on Wen Qingtian?This Wen Qingtian is poisonous, right? Will he play Gu? 】

Lin Xiaorou was fidgeting, and felt that she seemed to have taken the wrong medicine today, and it was so strange that she couldn't control her mouth.

Jin Dou looked suspiciously at Lin Xiaorou in the corner, wondering in her heart, this woman is so strange, she was clearly targeting Sister Qingtian everywhere before, but now she is openly admiring Wen Qingtian?
What script is this?
The male host coughed slightly: "There is a second ball, please continue to draw Xiao Rou."

Lin Xiaorou had no choice but to grit her teeth and fish out the second ball from the box.When I opened it, the note read: [Please describe the celebrity you hate the most in 50 characters or more. 】

It's not a big deal for the male host to watch the excitement. Anyway, in the love variety show, this round of truth-telling games is the most popular, and it often pushes the show's ratings to new heights.

For example, a popular male guest in the previous season got the question "How many ex-girlfriends do you have?"The male guest lied and said he didn't have time to fall in love, but the lie detector master Mr. Zhou Lao revealed that he was lying in public.

Netizens who eat melons took a deep look, only to find that this male guest, who was created by a nobleman, actually had dozens of ex-girlfriends and cheated on many people at the same time.This incident caused a frenzy of public opinion at the time, and the ratings of the program group also reached a peak.

"Countdown, 5, 4" the male host started the countdown.

Lin Xiaorou was very anxious, but her mouth seemed to be unable to control herself, and she poured out all her brains: "I admit that Zhang Qiaoer is very beautiful, but she definitely used some methods to become beautiful, I have seen her before, she is ugly and ugly Yes, it turned out to be more and more beautiful! I doubt she can do magic tricks! She even looked for a spare—"

Lin Xiaorou tightly covered her mouth, her beautiful eyes widened in horror.

Finally got control of my gibberish.

A stream of cold sweat trickled down her forehead.Although she could not understand Zhang Qiaoer, she would never provoke Zhang Qiaoer on the surface. After all, the other party was a movie queen, and there were several wealthy fathers in the entertainment industry to escort her.

Lin Xiaorou didn't dare to offend Zhang Qiaoer's financial backer.

Lin Xiaorou quickly and secretly sent a message to her manager, asking him to quickly deal with the crisis caused by her words.Fortunately, Lin Xiaorou didn't say too harsh words, she only needed to cover up a little, and the public opinion on the Internet would be suppressed quickly.

"Fifty words are enough, and Mr. Zhou also raised the √ sign to prove that Xiao Rou is telling the truth." The male host laughed and smoothed things over.

The more Zhang Qiaoer listened, the angrier she became.

Lin Xiaorou should have drank the truth-telling water, otherwise she wouldn't have spoken the truth so brazenly.But what annoyed Zhang Qiaoer was that Lin Xiaorou was targeting her publicly!

Got fat?

Next, it was the turn of the painter Herman to answer the extraction questions. The questions were:

[What job do you least want to do? 】

【Who is the person you hate the most? 】

Hemenda replied without changing his face: "The job I hate the most is being a king, and the person I hate the most is Snow Wilde."

Crowd: ? ? ?
Studio:? ? ?

Mr. Zhou, a polygraph expert, carefully observed Hemenda's expression, and slowly raised the "√" sign to prove that he was not lying.Now, everyone looked at Hemenda differently.

What's the situation, the painter Hemenda is really related to the royal family of Yinlun Kingdom?

As we all know, the wealthy Yinlun Kingdom is a country with a constitutional monarchy. His Majesty the Emperor of this generation is Snow Wilde, who is young and promising.

Hemenda actually publicly stated that he hates His Majesty the Emperor of Yinlun Kingdom?
The male host was stunned for a moment, and joked: "Haha, our Mr. Hemenda is really humorous. Are you still the legal heir to the throne of Yinlun Kingdom?"

Hemenda lowered her eyes and said calmly, "Yes."

Everyone: .
Zhang Qiaoer next to her couldn't sit still anymore, and quickly asked the system in her mind: [System system, is this Hemenda related to the royal family of Yinlun Kingdom?you sure? 】

The system paused for a while: [Yes.Hemenda is a direct descendant of the Wilde family. If His Majesty Xue Nuo has no descendants, Hemenda will be the second heir of the Yinlun Kingdom. 】

Zhang Qiaoer was very moved.

She had always set her sights on Fu Jingyi before, but it was a pity that she couldn't capture Fu Jingyi, but she never thought that Hemenda was also a descendant of the four major families.

The four great families, the existence beyond the reach of the world, the four giant pillars standing on the top of the world.Zhang Qiaoer was thinking secretly, should he take the opportunity to take down Hemenda?As one of her spare tires.

The truth game continues.

The next turn is Jindou.

Jindou excitedly took out two balls from the box. He was very playful and always liked this kind of interesting game.Jin Dou unfolded the small note inside in front of the camera:

Question [-]: 【Are you a virgin/male? 】

Question [-]: [If you have a partner, where do you most want to have ooxx with her/him.]

The smile on Jindou's face froze.

What the hell?Can this be aired?

Other guests also exclaimed, looking over with gossip eyes.The live broadcast room is even more lively:
[Haha is still the familiar show group with no morals. 】

[Golden Bean Cub is cute, but he has many rich wives, what a pity. 】

[The rich woman's favorite little milk dog, I remember a few days ago, he was live in a rich woman's house during the live broadcast. 】

[The program team is bad, hahaha, what did our Jindou do wrong?He's just a kid with a lot of diarrhea, lol. 】

Jindou Xiaojun blushed.

The fat man who was guarding the door subconsciously pushed his sunglasses and curled his mouth, showing great interest in Jindou's private life.

The male host started the countdown with a smile: "5, 4"

Jin Dou gritted his teeth and vowed not to admit the facts. He said, "Of course I'm still a virgin! I haven't even held a girl's hand! I will have a date in the future, and I hope to do it on the grassland."

Jin Dou covered his mouth violently, his dark eyes filled with panic and bewilderment.

what's going on?
I was clearly determined to lie, but once I opened my mouth, my mouth was completely out of my control, and I took the initiative to tell the truth!
(End of this chapter)

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