Chapter 1170 The best dowry for a man
Jin Dou's white and tender face flushed instantly, from head to ankle, like a small boiling teapot, and steam could almost come out from both ears.

Embarrassed, I can't wait to find a seam in the ground and get in!
Mr. Zhou, a polygraph expert, slowly raised a "√" sign and praised: "Just a very honest kid."

Jin Dou covered his face, he wanted to go back to the village, the outside world was so dangerous.

The male host did not expect that Jin Dou would answer the question so directly and tell the truth!The male host hurriedly asked: "Jin Dou, you haven't held hands with girls before?"

Jin Dou's face turned into a pig's liver: "My father said that chastity is the best dowry for a man."

Male host: "...your father is really an excellent educator."

[Barrage: Fuck, did the polygraph expert make a mistake?Jin Dou is clearly supported by a rich wife and sister! 】

[Upstairs, are you suspicious of Mr. Zhou? 】

[Jin Dou is definitely not lying, the child's face turned red like a tomato, I haven't seen such an innocent little boy for a long time. 】

[I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! 】

[Jindou actually wants to be on the grassland. There is too much cow dung and sheep dung on the grassland, and it is easy to stain the skin when rolling. Don't ask me how I know. 】

Halfway through the game, an advertisement was inserted for 2 minutes in the live broadcast room.Lin Xiaorou hurriedly touched up her makeup, Zhang Qiaoer also touched up her makeup, and the guests were busy with their own affairs.

Jin Dou shut up and fell into a deep autism.

Just now, in front of the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, he admitted that he has no relationship and is still a green little yellow flower. He has no face to face people.

Jin Dou shrank his neck and muttered, "It's so strange, why did I suddenly tell the truth?"

The little Chinese doctor narrowed his eyes when he heard Jin Dou's words.The little Chinese doctor glanced at Lin Xiaorou with a tangled expression, Hemenda with a cold face, and the autistic Jindou. The little Chinese doctor frowned slightly and noticed something strange.

For a long time, Lin Xiaorou had been sneering at the little Chinese doctor, but today she suddenly said "I like Wen Qingtian".

The thoughtful Hemenda publicly claimed to hate His Majesty of the Yinlun Kingdom in the live broadcast. This is not in line with his meticulous character, and may even attract the attention of the Yinlun Kingdom's royal family.

As for Jin Dou, after a short contact with Jin Dou, the little Chinese doctor knew that this child was a thin-skinned child, and he should never discuss his privacy in public.

However, today these three people are very strange.

"Jin Dou, just ask me a private question." Taking advantage of the advertisements in the live broadcast room, the little doctor lowered his voice and asked Jin Dou to ask her a question.

Jin Dou was dumbfounded: "Question. Ah, let me think about it. Sister Qingtian, do you have any enemies?"

The little Chinese doctor blurted out: "I have."

After speaking, the little doctor himself was stunned.The little Chinese doctor discovered that he couldn't tell a lie!It's too weird to explain with any science.

There is no Chinese medicinal material that can make people tell the truth uncontrollably.

Since coming to this love variety show, little Chinese medicine practitioners have discovered two phenomena that cannot be explained by science:

Zhang Qiaoer exudes a charm that men can't control; today, the guest seems unable to lie.

The little Chinese doctor's brain was spinning rapidly, and every bit of what happened today was replaying in his mind like lightning.Finally, his eyes fell on several glasses of strawberry juice on the table.

Before drinking strawberry juice, the crowd can lie.

After drinking strawberry juice, people can't lie.

In order to verify his guess, the little Chinese doctor picked up the unfinished strawberry juice of Jindou and walked to the door of the studio.She handed the strawberry juice to the fat man who was the security guard: "Drink it."

After all, the fat man is the chief bodyguard of the Fu family. He guessed that the little Chinese doctor's behavior had something to do with it, so he drank the strawberry juice without asking.

The little Chinese doctor observed the fat man's face, and suddenly asked: "Are you a virgin/male?"

The fat man stared round his eyes, and quickly denied: "Of course I am. Damn, how can I tell the truth!"

The little Chinese doctor now confirmed that it was the problem of strawberry juice.

She lowered her voice: "There may be something in this strawberry juice. People who drink it can only tell the truth. Go and investigate the origin of the strawberry juice. The staff who have been in contact with the strawberry juice may gain something."

The fat man frowned tightly: "Okay, I'll go right away."

In this day and age, even the most advanced lie detectors cannot accurately determine whether a person is lying.Of course, it is even more unlikely that there is something that makes people tell the truth uncontrollably.

If it really exists, it can only be that some mysterious force is involved.

The advertisement in the live broadcast room will end soon.

The guests sat down one by one.

"Everyone in the live broadcast room, our Sunny Sky will draw truth balls next." The male host passed the box over, "Sunny Sky, here are two balls."

The little Chinese doctor took out two balls.

Zhang Qiaoer observed secretly, her red lips slightly hooked.After drinking the "Truth Telling Water", no one can tell lies!Let the little Chinese doctor make a fool of himself in front of everyone!
The little Chinese doctor was about to open the ball, when suddenly there were angry curses from outside the studio, there were rude curses from men, and bitter curses from women.

The man scolded: "Wen Qingtian, you bitch! You're still doing live broadcasts. Back then, you were looking for a man behind my back, and put a bunch of cuckolds on me! You still have the face to participate in any crap show!"

"get out!"

The woman was crying: "Wen Qingtian, your father put my precious daughter to death, and only paid 300 yuan in compensation! 300 yuan per life! You Wen family are all rotten people! Woooooo, my baby girl is only three years old, and she was surnamed Wen The quack doctor is dead!"

This is called too much scolding, which was directly transmitted to the studio, disrupting the rhythm of the live broadcast.

Zhang Qiaoer covered her mouth and said in surprise, "Strange, what's the sound outside?"

The live stream can no longer continue.

The director behind the camera stood up: "Someone go and see what's going on! We're live broadcasting, don't let messy people destroy it."

Several staff immediately went to investigate.

A few minutes later, the staff rushed over with panicked expressions: "Director, director! There was a group of people at the door. A man claimed to be Wen Qingtian's ex-boyfriend, and said that Wen Qingtian cheated on her. There was also a middle-aged couple and a dozen or so The villagers, the couple held up a banner, saying that Wen Qingtian should kneel down and apologize for taking human life on his shoulders. Those people turned on the loudspeakers, and some villagers were broadcasting live on their mobile phones. The commotion was earth-shattering, and we couldn’t control it at all.”

The director stood up angrily: "Did you call the police?"

Staff member: "I reported it, but it hasn't arrived yet——Director, what should I do now? I see that there is already a commotion in the live broadcast room. There is no way for the show to go on."

A good live broadcast of a love variety show was directly destroyed by trouble.

I can't hide it even if I want to.

The director's eyeballs rolled around, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Notify the program group immediately to change the direction of the program! Send chairs to the troublemakers outside and let them sit down first. Talk to Wen Qingtian, let her and these troublemakers Confrontation debate, live broadcast the whole process!"

 Update update, typo stamp
(End of this chapter)

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