The group pet is three and a half years old: don't delay my mother's exam to Tsinghua Univ

Chapter 157 For the sake of Tangtang, it is worth sacrificing freedom

Chapter 157 For the sake of Tangtang, it is worth sacrificing freedom
Mrs. Bai used her power to intimidate and lure her, so that her great-granddaughter was eligible to enter the primary school attached to Shenghua. This is the skill of the Bai family!

The Tang family didn't have the ability, so they should stand up straight and get beaten.

These words were not only for Zhou Shulan and others, but also for the parents who were watching the fun.The old lady Bai's meaning is obvious, I am using power for personal gain, what can you do to me?
The other parents looked at each other in blank dismay, sighing endlessly. Apart from muttering a few words on their lips, they really had nothing to do.

"Ahem, today's kindergarten graduation ceremony has come to a successful conclusion. Parents, please leave in an orderly manner." The principal was trembling, he didn't want to stay in this terrifying Shura field anymore.

It's better to end early and get rid of it earlier.

Zhou Shulan became dizzy and hypoglycemic with anger, and her body was a little unsteady. This frightened Tang Guozheng, and quickly helped her pale wife: "Tangtang, I will take your grandma to the car to rest first. Come and find her when you are done. Don't worry, Tangtang, Grandpa will find a way to get you justice."

Tang Tang nodded: "Well, grandpa and grandma, you are waiting for me in the car. I will come over in a while."

Watching her grandpa and grandma leave, Tang Tang couldn't help but clenched her little fist secretly. She had to go to the primary school attached to Shenghua, which was the honor she deserved.

Fu Jing'an next to him thought for a while: "Tang Xiaoer, why don't I use my family's power?"

Tang Tang looked at him, spread out her snow-white palms, and said helplessly, "Your father's company is about the same size as my grandfather's. What kind of background does your family have?"

Of course Fu Jing'an knew that Fu Ming's small company couldn't be compared with the Bai family at all.

But Fu Jingan's background is far more profound than Fu Ming's. If he can be contacted with the Fu family, let alone a small quota of Shenghua, even "Tianliang Bai's broken family" can easily be achieved.

But if you contact the Fu family, it means that Fu Jingan must sacrifice his future freedom
Fu Jingan frowned. For Tangtang, it was nothing for him to sacrifice a little freedom.

Fu Jingan raised his head and gave Fu Ming a firm wink.

Fu Ming was taken aback, quickly shook his head, and silently denied it with his eyes: No way!

Fu Jingan's small face was firm: I have to do this.

Tang Tang leaned over curiously, looked at Fu Jing'an, and then at Fu Ming: "What are you father and son doing?"

Fu Jing'an: "I'm trying to solve your predicament."

Tang Tang waved his hand, nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, even if the admission qualification is taken away, I can still pass the entrance examination to enter the primary school attached to Shenghua. It's more difficult, maybe I can do it if I work hard."

The difficulty is really not as easy as taking Tsinghua University.

"Get in?" Tang Tang's words were heard by Bai Mu passing by.

Mother Bai mocked with a half-smile, "Little Tang Tang, you are so naive. Except for recommended students who already have admission qualifications, if ordinary students want to enter Shenghua Primary School, they also have to look at their family background, their parents' education, and their family power. This world is cruel, and I will give you a free lesson today."

Mother Bai was so proud. Seeing Tang Tang suffering and seeing Zhou Shulan suffer, she felt extremely relieved, and felt that the Tang family was severely trampled under her feet.

Mrs. Bai didn't bother to entangle with the Tang family either. After the graduation ceremony, she wanted to go home to recuperate.

Leaning on crutches, he was about to leave when suddenly everyone noticed that a young man in a suit and holding a bouquet of sunflowers was walking towards the other side of the lush green lawn.
 Let us invite the next face-slapping master to come on stage~~~
(End of this chapter)

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