Chapter 158

The man wears thin gold-rimmed glasses. He is tall and tall. The black suit sets off his handsome and elegant figure, and he has an elite aura that cannot be concealed.

"Tangtang, I wish you a happy kindergarten graduation."

Assistant Wang handed a beautiful bunch of sunflowers to Tang Tang, and said gently, "Mr. Gu heard that today is your kindergarten graduation ceremony, so I specially asked me to send you flowers to congratulate you. Mr. Gu heard that you are working with Mr. Wang Kehao I am very satisfied with the promotional song for the movie."

The thing is like this, today Gu Yanting was finally free and listened to Tang Tang's song "Dream of Youth" again.

The sounds of nature convinced Gu Yanting, the picky overlord, to be convinced.Gu Yanting's insomnia for many years was cured by relying on this song, and he was quite grateful to this little girl.

So Gu Yanting asked Assistant Wang, how is that little singing girl doing now?Assistant Wang asked Ruan Meng a little bit, and then told Mr. Gu that today is Tang Tang's kindergarten graduation ceremony.

In the end, Assistant Wang went to a flower shop in the city and wanted to buy daisy flowers, but the daisy flowers were sold out.Assistant Wang went to several stores and finally bought a bunch of small golden sunflowers.
Tang Tang was still a little confused, and took the flowers obediently: "Uncle Wang, thank Uncle Gu for me."

"You're welcome." Assistant Wang's eyes were shrewd, and he saw Tang Tang's eyes were red, and asked curiously, "Tangtang, did you cry just now? Your eyes are very red."

Tang Tang scratched her head and said embarrassedly: "I didn't cry, I just did."

Tang Tang simply told Assistant Wang about the robbed of the admission qualification.

Assistant Wang's face was serious.

Turning around, he took a deep look at the head of the kindergarten, and then at the gray-haired Mrs. Bai.

"Principal Zhang, I remember that the enrollment requirements of Shenghua Primary School are: admissions are based on merit, and no favoritism is allowed." Assistant Wang pushed his glasses, his eyes reflected a cold light.

The principal was stunned. Who is this young man who looks imposing?

Mrs. Bai hadn't left yet, and when she heard Assistant Wang's words, she couldn't help but look back: she seemed to have seen this young man before, but Mrs. Bai couldn't remember for a while.

"Ahem, this gentleman, although Shenghua Attached Elementary School requires [merit-based admission], our kindergarten is still in charge of selecting candidates. You are an outsider, so it is best not to interfere in this matter."

The principal didn't pay much attention to Assistant Wang, and he didn't look like a top rich man in Assistant Wang's clothes.

Assistant Wang smiled coldly, and made a call in front of everyone.

When the phone was connected, Assistant Wang ordered the person on the other end of the phone: "Notify the Director of the Admissions Office of the Primary School Attached to Shenghua, and find out the inside story of the two admission places in Xiaosunhua Kindergarten. Bai Yueyue's child has taken over. I'll give you an hour to find out about this matter."

hang up the phone.

There was an eerie silence all around.

The corner of Tang Tang's mouth opened, with a look of admiration: Assistant Wang is so handsome! !
Fu Jingan rested his chin to watch the play.

The director's face paled instantly: Who is this person?Did he really call the Admissions Office of the Primary School Attached to Shenghua just now?
The principal was fidgeting, and looked at Mrs. Bai for help.

Shenghua Attached Elementary School is a famous school, not only with good teaching quality, but more importantly, it is backed by a strong background!
The principal of the primary school attached to Shenghua is a senior member of the Ministry of Education of Huaguo; the directors of the primary school attached to Shenghua are the largest families in Huaguo.

The prestigious schools of the Shenghua series have always adhered to the principle of "admission based on merit".The director secretly changed Tang Tang's admission qualifications. If this matter is exposed, his position as the director will definitely not be guaranteed.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Bai frowned and looked at Assistant Wang unkindly.

Assistant Wang smiled slightly: "I'm just an ordinary special assistant."

 Wang·Mediocre·Harvard high-achieving student·Ba Zong's confidant·Assistant~haha~ Remember to vote and leave a message Good night, there will be another update tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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