Chapter 180 The Most Excellent and Handsome Little Boy
In the eyes of little money fans, the taste of money is so wonderful.

This is also Tang Tang's first awareness of the financial resources of the Tang family. Grandpa is indeed an upstart, one of the largest furniture factory owners in China!

He held a school entrance banquet for his daughter, and actually booked two floors of a five-star hotel. I am afraid that the cost of this school entrance banquet is close to tens of millions.

"My family is really rich." Tang Tang was filled with emotion.

In her previous life, she lived a difficult life, obsessed with making money and starting a career, and was used to living a poor life.Now that she is reborn once again, Tang Tang enjoys many things that were unimaginable in her previous life.

"Mommy, you have to study hard when you go to university, and you will inherit your grandfather's company after graduation." Tang Tang grabbed Tang Wanru's hand and told her earnestly, "I don't want to work hard anymore, I want to be an ordinary rich third generation."

The mother works hard, and the baby wins.

Tang Wanru couldn't help but pinch Tang Tang's chubby face: "Little money fan, go in quickly, don't run around tonight."


The staff led the crowd into the hotel.Fu Jingan rolled his eyes, walked slowly to Tang Tang's side, and poked her chubby waist: "Tang Xiaoer, there is a shortcut to becoming a rich woman. When you grow up, find a man who is rich, handsome, and good to you. He will absolutely be willing to spend money on you."

Tang Tang spread out her snow-white palms: "Nowadays there are too few good men, knowing people and faces but not knowing their hearts."

In her previous life, Tang Tang handled many divorce cases. Most of the divorces between couples were caused by the man's problems: cheating, domestic violence, piao gambling, Tang Tang was almost numb to marriage.

Moreover, divorce lawsuits involve the division of family property. Most men are fighting for cars and houses, only for profit; women are fighting for custody of their children. Blood is thicker than water.

Fu Jing'an was persuasive and seductive: "You can find a man who knows the basics as a partner, preferably one you are familiar with. You can marry him with confidence when you grow up."

He has great confidence in himself, Fu Jingan is by no means a scumbag, he serves Tangtang wholeheartedly.

Tang Tang touched his chin and fell into deep thought: "I know the root and the bottom, I am familiar with it"

suddenly see the light!
Tang Tang turned her head slightly, looking at Fu Jingan: "Old Dog Fu, I understand what you mean."

Fu Jingan's little hands were sweating nervously, and Xiaojun's face was rarely tense.

She, she finally understood?

Did she see through my heart?
But she and I are still children, minors are not allowed to fall in love early, I really hope to grow up soon and marry her sooner.

"After I go to elementary school, I will try my best to make friends of the opposite sex." Tang Tang rubbed his claws expectantly, his eyes full of anticipation, "The students in Shenghua Primary School are all excellent, and there must be someone who is suitable for me to marry. I will work hard to find Appropriate little boy, approach him, gain his favor, wait for him to grow up, and then marry him!"

Shenghua Attached Primary School is a well-known top school, and there must be handsome and affectionate little boys in it!Be her foster husband!
Before school started, Tang Tang couldn't help but start looking forward to it.

Fu Jingan's mouth twitched.

Isn't the best and most handsome little boy by your side?
It's numb, can anyone tell me how to make the iron tree bloom?

At the entrance to school banquet, many guests have already come.

The news that Tang Wanru was admitted to a prestigious school has already spread among the upper class circles in Kyoto.The Tang family's business was already in full swing, Tang Guozheng was quite business-minded, and now he had a talented daughter, which meant that the Tang family would be more prosperous in the future, and might even become one of the top famous families.

Many of the guests who came to the school entrance banquet came to take this opportunity to make friends and discuss business with the Tang family.

"Husband, hasn't the Zhou family replied yet?" Zhou Shulan looked at the guest registration list, and the Zhou family column was still empty.

(End of this chapter)

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