Chapter 181 Like a Couple
Tang Guozheng comforted his wife: "Maybe the Zhou family is busy."

Zhou Shulan couldn't hide her disappointment.

It has been more than 20 years, and her natal family has not forgiven her yet.This time Zhou Shulan's own daughter was admitted to a prestigious school, and Zhou Shulan specially sent invitations to her parents about the matter of honoring her ancestors. However, there was no news.

The Zhou family seemed to have completely given up on her low-marriage daughter.

Zhou Shulan suppressed the bitter emotions in her heart, and planned to take her daughter and granddaughter back to her natal home in a few days.

Before entering the venue, Zhou Shulan deliberately grabbed Tang Wanru's hand: "You don't drink well, and you get drunk easily after a few drinks. After drunk, you are very powerful and easy to cause trouble. You can't drink too much tonight, you know?"

Tang Wanru nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said perfunctorily, "I know."

Tang Wanru used to like drinking.

However, she has a very poor capacity for alcohol, and after a few glasses of high-alcohol alcohol, she will be completely drunk. After getting drunk, she also likes to play drunk in stages, first to be quiet and then to move.

"It's useful to know, but remember." Zhou Shulan shook her head helplessly, and told Tang Ya next to her, "Xiaoya, watch your sister carefully, and don't let her drink too much."

Tang Ya nodded gently: "Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of my sister."

Looking at Tang Wanru who had already run into the dance floor, Tang Ya's eyes flashed a trace of calculation.

Tang Ya would not stand by and watch Tang Wanru gain the limelight. Now that Tang Wanru was admitted to a prestigious school, it was widely circulated that many people acquiesced that the heir of the Tang family was Tang Wanru.

The Tang family has a big business, and with the fat in hand, how could Tang Ya give up such a huge family property?
After Zhou Shulan gave a few instructions, she happily followed Tang Guozheng to socialize.

Tang Ya walked to the corner and stared at Tang Wanru who was dancing in the center of the dance floor with cold eyes. Tang Ya opened the communication interface of her mobile phone expressionlessly and sent a text message to someone.

[Tang Ya]: "Uncle, how did you do what I asked you to do?"

[Uncle]: "Don't worry, I've found people and medicine for you."

[Tang Ya]: "Thank you uncle."

【Uncle】: "You are my only surviving relative, so I don't need to say thank you."

Tang Ya clenched her phone tightly, her eyes flashed with determination.

The dancefloor was full of feasting and feasting, and there were so many guests. This scene seemed familiar. At Tang Wanru's birthday party, it overlapped with the scene before Tang Ya's eyes.

"Sister, I can ruin you once, and I can ruin you a second time." Tang Ya smiled and muttered to herself, "Miss Qianjin, who was admitted to a prestigious school, was found to be entangled with a stinky man. What a scandal."

All the famous families in the capital are optimistic about Tang Wanru, so I will destroy you in front of everyone.

Even if a woman with corrupt moral character is admitted to a prestigious school, she is still a broken shoe in the eyes of everyone!Gold-rimmed shitpan!

On the dance floor, Tang Wanru dragged He Chen in a tuxedo to dance, unaware of all this.

As soon as the dance was over, the surrounding applause was thunderous.

Tang Wanru wiped off her sweat and returned to the guest seats.

"Wanru, drink some grape juice."

Ruan Meng saw Tang Wanru coming out of the dance floor, and smiled as she handed over a glass of chilled grape juice.

Tonight's Tang Wanru was undoubtedly the focus of everyone. She was born beautiful, and she wore a delicate light red dress fluttering like a butterfly on the dance floor, attracting countless people's admiration and admiration.

Tang Wanru took a few sips, put down her ladylike airs, and said with emotion: "Before I was obsessed with studying and didn't exercise much, but I was tired after dancing. My physical strength is not as good as before. I will go to the gym in a few days and work hard."

She, Tang Wanru, used to be able to hit a dozen without panting.

Now after dancing for a while, I am out of breath.

Sure enough, there is still a lack of exercise.

Tang Wanru looked at Ruan Meng today, and jokingly said, "Mengmeng, you're dressed so nicely today, why don't you go dancing? My mother hired a lot of rich men, some of whom are handsome."

Ruan Meng had obviously been well-dressed, her long hair was permed into princess curls, and she was wearing a beautiful light purple evening dress, looking like a princess from the Middle Ages.

Ruan Meng's face did not have the sad look of the past, she looked in a good mood, with a charming smile on her face, which made her look even more radiant.

"I don't dance with them." Ruan Meng's pretty face flushed slightly, pinching the glass with her slender fingertips, "I'll wait for someone, wait for him to come."

Tang Wanru wondered, "Who are you waiting for?"

I've never heard of Ruan Meng's boyfriend.

Ruan Meng was full of anticipation, and she twitched her delicate fingers together: "I'll wait for Ye Bai, he said he would come to dance with me tonight."

Speaking of Ye Bai, Ruan Mengqiao blushed even more.

Tang Wanru groaned in her heart, grabbed Ruan Meng's hand, and then touched her smooth forehead: "You don't have a fever, do you? Ye Baitian has a messy bowels, and there are countless women. We ran into him messing with women in the garden before." Come on, it's only been a few days, why did you suddenly change your mind about him?"

This Ye Bai was short of writing the word "scumbag" on his face.

Ruan Meng still bumped into it?

"He has changed now." Ruan Meng rested her chin in memory, her beautiful eyes full of love, "Wanru, I think Ye Bai has changed his bad habits. He has been very kind to me these days. Go to work, and have dinner with me at night. And he never went to another woman, really, he changed."

Ruan Meng felt that it was very strange.

Ever since he was smashed in the Tang Family Garden, Ye Bai seemed to have changed his appearance, and he didn't flirt with women anymore.Instead, I would text and call Ruan Meng every day to send her to and from get off work. Even if I couldn't pick her up because of busy work, I would send a message in advance to explain.

This is the scene that Ruan Meng waited for 18 years for her to appear in her dream.

It actually happened!

Tang Wanru frowned deeply, but she still didn't quite believe it: "If a man can get rid of his flirtatiousness, Nanny Rong can be good, and a gray wolf can stop eating sheep. Ruan Meng, don't be fooled—"

"He's here!" Ruan Meng's eyes were sharp, and she saw Ye Bai who was late.

Tang Wanru turned her head to look.

The waiter pushed open the spiral glass door of the party, and Ye Bai in a light gray suit walked in slowly.He is tall, with a slender waist and long legs. He has an impeccably handsome face, and his eyes wander around the party as if looking for someone.

A glamorously dressed female guest noticed Ye Bai and approached him shaking her waist, but Ye Bai politely refused.

"Ye Bai, here!" Seeing him rejecting other women, Ruan Meng felt better and waved happily.

Hearing the familiar voice, Ye Bai looked over, showing a gentle and charming smile.

Ruan Meng happily ran over like a little fairy.

Ye Bai took her hand into the dance floor, put his arms around her shoulders, and the two danced warmly and sweetly, like a couple who just fell in love.

Tang Wanru's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.
What is Ye Bai planning?
Suddenly becoming good, suddenly falling in love with Ruan Meng?

Could it be that the prodigal son really changed his mind and turned around, planning to live with Ruan Meng in a down-to-earth manner?
 ticket ~ ()
(End of this chapter)

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