Chapter 211 Tang Wanru is too gentle, she doesn't fit!
She changed into a light gray schoolgirl uniform from the last century, a gray top, a knee-length dark gray skirt, and black women's boots.

Her long, silky hair was scattered over her shoulders, and the makeup artist added eyebrow-level bangs to her.

At first glance, it is extraordinarily delicate and beautiful, like a blooming lily.

"Oh, it's so beautiful!"

"As expected of director Hetu, he has a good eye for casting."

"Miss Tang looks like a female student who came out of a script."

The compliments from the people around are endless.

Even Shen Yunsu's eyes were a little more appreciative.

He Tu looked left and right around Tang Wanru, and was very satisfied with his eyes: "Later, you and Shen Yunsu will try out a scene, the second scene on the fifth page of the script."

Tang Wanru nodded slightly, holding the book in her hand tightly: "Okay."

Everyone was full of praise, only the assistant director frowned secretly.

He took Hetu to the corner, and was very dissatisfied: "Director, although this actress is beautiful, she has a different temperament from Ruan Menghua in her youth."

The assistant director is over forty years old, he is a strict director, and he is also one of Ruan Menghua's ardent fans.

He made great efforts to win the position of assistant director of the movie "Ruan Menghua"; he read the script countless times and recited all the lines backwards.

He is willing to give all his efforts to make this movie.

Ruan Menghua is the goddess of a generation, and her singing has led an era.But the Ruan Menghua played by Tang Wanru is very different from the Ruan Menghua in the script.

"What's different? Isn't it pretty?" Director Hetu shrugged and didn't care.

The assistant director gritted his teeth and said in dissatisfaction: "Tang Wanru is too quiet and elegant, like a rich lady. Ruan Menghua is not such a person, she is confident and generous, lively and brave!"

Although she is a goddess in the hearts of a generation, Ruan Menghua is not a lady in the traditional sense!

She was born in poverty, and fought with gangsters in the slums since she was a child. She has a good kung fu, and she is more heroic and heroic.

When she grew up, Ruan Menghua pursued her dream of singing, but she was too straightforward and offended many bigwigs in the industry.She has been kidnapped, suffered domestic violence from her ex-husband, and been chased and killed by evil forces, but she survived tenaciously, and finally found a lover who entrusted her life to her, and she lived in the sun and lived out her own legend.

Her life is magnificent and vast, and she represents an independent woman in the new era!
But the assistant director felt that Tang Wanru was too ladylike!

He speaks softly, walks lightly and gracefully, and is completely different from Ruan Menghua in the script!

"I don't like Tang Wanru, she can't play my goddess at all!" The assistant director put his hands on his hips, "If you want her to be the director, I will resign and go home to raise pigs!"

Hetu laughed loudly, and patted the assistant director on the shoulder: "Wanru and Shen Yunsu will audition later, you can see the effect, I believe you will be satisfied."

The assistant director snorted coldly, and reminded: "I wish the chamber of commerce will bring a new actress over later. I like this actress very much and have seen her performance. Let her compare with Tang Wanru later to see who will play it." better."

The assistant director has a more favorite candidate.

Singer Zhu Shang had a relationship with him, and Zhu Shang knew that the crew of "Ruan Menghua" was looking for an actress, so he specially recommended a young and beautiful newcomer.

"Newcomer?" Hetu wondered.

At this time, the door of the dressing room opened, and Zhu Shang walked in with a beautiful girl.

The assistant director hurriedly greeted: "Zhushang, here."

 The brilliant prototype of Ruan Menghua is Ms. Teresa Teng. My university teacher likes her very much, and I like her very much~a very attractive female singer~

(End of this chapter)

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