Chapter 212 The Truth About the Car Accident (Filling the Pit)

Zhu Shang is a well-known socialite in the entertainment industry. He has a gentle personality and is willing to communicate. He is good friends with many directors, actors and singers.

And he is also an apprentice of Wang Kehao, the godfather of music. With excellent singing talent and handsome appearance, he is currently the most popular singer in the music circle.

Tang Tang heard the movement and raised his head subconsciously.

Seeing the handsome singer in black uniform, Tang Tang's pupils suddenly enlarged, and he nudged Fu Jingan next to him: "Old dog Fu, this person. This person is Zhu Shang!"

Fu Jingan glanced up, his expression suddenly serious: "It's him."

Tang Tang and Fu Jingan both showed vigilant expressions.

They are too familiar with Zhu Shang!

In her previous life, Tang Tang took on a hit-and-run case.This case caused great disturbance in the society. A mother and son were hit and killed by a car while crossing the road, and the perpetrators fled on the spot.

The owner of the hit-and-run car was Zhu Shang, a well-known male singer!
Originally, the case was settled, and Zhu Shang was about to be sentenced.

But strangely, the witnesses who had testified suddenly overturned their original testimony in court, claiming that the mother and son had stepped forward to touch the porcelain and were hit.

Then Zhu Shang's defense lawyer took out the deceased's medical certificate, saying that the deceased suffered from depression and had a weak sense of survival, and that he deliberately crashed into Zhu Shang's car in order to die.He also said that Zhu Shang was sitting in the co-pilot and his assistant was driving.

Tang Tang and Fu Jing'an, as the victim's lawyers, stayed up late every day to study the case during those days, checked and visited in many ways, and finally got evidence of perjury by witnesses.But the two were in a car accident on their way to the court for the final trial.
"Thinking about it now, the car accident we both encountered at that time was weird everywhere." Tang Tang touched his chin with a serious face on the chubby face.

Fu Jingan nodded slightly: "It's not easy to wish business."

Everyone in the entertainment industry knows the good old man, and the old man respected by the newcomers, there is almost no negative remarks from Zhu Shang.But can an entertainer who can become popular in the entertainment circle really be a good person?

"Wicked people often walk by the river. There is no one who does not get wet shoes. Sooner or later, he will catch his fox tail." Fu Jingan said coolly, with a strong murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

Tang Tang nodded her head, and secretly squeezed the chubby claws.

Over there, Zhu Shang has brought the new actress over there.

Zhu Shang's facial features are sharp and angular. Although his appearance is not as monstrous as Shen Yunsu's, he is also highly recognizable in the entertainment industry.

Zhu Shang shook hands with director He Tu, and then introduced: "Director He, this is the company's new signing. Her name is Li Mengyan. I heard that He is looking for a heroine. I think she has a good image and good acting skills. She came to try it."

He Tu raised his eyebrows and looked at this young girl named Li Mengyan.

The appearance condition is good.

But the temperament is still far from the Ruan Menghua in Hetu's mind.

He didn't directly reject Zhu Shang, but just waved his hand: "All right, let the makeup artist try on her makeup. You will also act in a scene later."

Li Mengyan's pretty face flashed joy, and she hurriedly bowed: "Thank you director for giving me a chance."

In the entertainment circle, there is no female star who does not want to be famous.

As a newcomer, Li Mengyan made a huge physical sacrifice, so that the seniors in the company wished Shang a sigh of relief and gave her a chance to audition.

Li Mengyan has specially researched Ruan Menghua's life, this is a heroic and fearless song god of a generation.

Li Mengyan watched Ruan Menghua's video tape over and over again, learning her voice and smile, she is sure to win this opportunity!

Sitting in front of the makeup chair, Li Mengyan secretly looked at Tang Wanru who was chatting with Shen Yunsu not far away.

He looks very good, but unfortunately he looks too gentle and quiet, soft-spoken, and his gestures are too dignified, which is completely different from the heroine Ruan Menghua.

Li Mengyan became more confident.

Over there, Zhu Shang walked forward with a smile, and took the initiative to greet Tang Wanru: "You are Miss Tang Wanru? I have been admiring you for a long time."

Tang Wanru recognized him as Zhu Shang.

He looks quite handsome, but it's a pity that Tang Wanru is not so handsome yet.

The handsome guys Tang Wanru knew, Shen Yunsu, that duck, and He Chen, all of them could crush Zhu Shang.

There was also the male god Shen Yunsu beside her. Tang Wanru tried her best to show a gentle smile, and shook hands with Zhu Shang, her voice was soft as if she could pinch water: "Hello, I am Tang Wanru, Mr. Zhu Shang sings very well."

Tang Wanru's voice was exceptionally gentle and pleasant.

She did it on purpose.

In order to maintain a good image in front of idols, she has to look like a lady!
Zhu Shang held her soft hand, and the smile in his eyes deepened, hiding deep interest: "Miss Tang lives up to her name, and her voice is as melodious as a yellow-ling bird's. She must sing very well."

Tang Wanru nodded, full of confidence in her singing voice: "I really sing very well."

Zhu Shang smiled, the director of Hetu really has a good eye for beauty contestants.

Tang Wanru's appearance is top notch even in the entertainment industry.

Zhu Shang looked at her clear and beautiful face indiscriminately, his throat was a little dry.

Such a beautiful woman must be tasted. After staying in the entertainment industry for a long time, everyone has a mask to cover the truest self.

Zhu Shang's mask was worn very firmly, perfectly hiding his perverted heart.

After chatting for a while, Li Mengyan had already finished her makeup over there.

Li Mengyan was already pretty, but with makeup and styling, although her appearance was not as good as Tang Wanru's, she could still meet Hetu's aesthetic standards.

"Success, are you all ready? Let's go to the studio to try out a scene." Director Hetu raised his voice, calling everyone to prepare for shooting.

The photographer, lighting engineer, and props team are well-trained, and they will be ready soon.

He Tu's sharp X-ray eyes swept across the set, and suddenly put down the horn and ran to Shen Yunsu's side, looking at the small silver buttons on Shen Yunsu's neckline.

After narrowing his eyes and thinking for a few seconds, Hetu snapped his fingers: "It would be better to lower your head and unbutton the neckline."

Shen Yunsu bent down slightly, and his eyes fell on director Hetu's messy yellow curly hair.

Director Hetu personally unbuttoned the hero's collar: "That's right. The male protagonist learned that the female is going abroad, so he hurried out and forgot to fasten the buttons. This is in line with the character's psychology."

With starlight hidden in Shen Yunsu's handsome eyes, he nodded slightly: "It makes sense."

He Tu Pi Dian Pi Dian ran back to the director's role, picked up the loudspeaker: "Okay, start filming right now!"

The scene to try today is very simple:
[The female protagonist Ruan Menghua and the male protagonist Gu Shen are walking on the street. Ruan Menghua wants to go to country A for further studies, but Gu Shen feels that country A is in turmoil and it is too dangerous for her to go as a weak woman.A fierce quarrel broke out between the two, and in the end Ruan Menghua kicked over the trash can in anger and walked away.Leave the lonely Gu Shen behind. 】

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely take the position of heroine." Li Mengyan said in a low voice, looking at Zhu Shang anxiously.

Zhu Shang smiled gently and whispered in her ear: "If you can't win the heroine, you will be miserable."


(Author's words: drop, check in daily)

 Here is a hole filled, the car accident between Tang Tang and Fu Jingan was the result of this Zhushang sent people to do it~~
  In fact, there are still several pitfalls, which will probably be revealed later~~ Good night, good night
(End of this chapter)

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