Chapter 221 Really fragrant...

Tang Tang opened his mouth wide in surprise, thinking he had heard wrong.

After a while, he came over, and the chubby paw touched Fu Jingan's forehead, and said doubtfully, "Old Dog Fu, do you have a fever? Women's clothing, don't you hate women's clothing the most!"

Simply incredible!
Fu Jingan waved her chubby paws calmly: "I really like eating lollipops recently."

Tang Tang has nothing to say.

Now that the two cute babies agreed, director Hetu immediately asked the makeup artist to change the two cute babies.

Children's clothing is simpler than that of adults.It didn't take long to complete the basic makeup of the two cute babies.

Tang Tang was wearing a small cotton-padded jacket worn by the landlord's daughter in the last century. Her hair was combed into a beautiful bun. Under her swarthy bangs was a pair of big watery eyes. She was chubby and very cute. At first glance, she was the landlord's pet.

As for Fu Jing'an, he was wearing a gray maid's robe, his messy short hair was casually tied into a frizzy ponytail, his little face was dusty, and his eyes were resolute.

Put a small broken bowl in front of him, like a little girl wandering on the streets of the world.

"Perfect, it's perfect, I know my eyesight will never make a mistake." Director Hetu looked at the two cute babies who looked brand new, and gave him thumbs up and praised again and again.

The preparatory work for the movie "Ruan Menghua" has been full of twists and turns, until now, the protagonists have finally been assembled, and all aspects of shooting work have been prepared.Shooting will start soon!

Tang Tang looked at her pretty little maid, and was amazed: "Fu Jing'an, I didn't expect you to be quite cute in women's clothing."

The clothes and face are dirty, but you can still see the delicate appearance.

Fu Jingan took out the script and put it in front of Tang Tang: "Read the script together."

Tang Tang's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and he entered the scene in seconds: "Okay, little girl, hurry up and wait for this lady to wash her feet, otherwise you won't be able to eat at night, and you will be punished to sleep in the kennel!"

Fu Jingan:
For the bed-scene and kiss scene, I will bear it!
Two days later, the Weibo of the movie "Ruan Menghua" released the actors' makeup photos and announced that the movie was officially filmed.

"Ruan Menghua" has received a lot of attention. On the one hand, the actor Shen Yunsu is in charge, and fans have high expectations; on the other hand, the scandal of the former actress Tan Meng has aroused everyone's attention to the movie.

Everyone is very curious, who is the actor who replaced the heroine Tan Meng!
Netizens who eat melons look at the makeup photos——

Well, she is really beautiful, her eyebrows and eyes are glamorous without losing her heroic spirit.

But why haven't you seen her before?This actress named Tang Wanru is actually a newcomer with no works!
[Don't change your name if you don't take the top five in the math test]: "Fucking sister, I can do it! Tang Wanru is much prettier than the previous Tan Meng! Lick the screen~"

[Mom said that if the name is long, fools will follow it]: "Uh, as expected of the director of Hetu, I like to use newcomers."

[Study hard and get posted every day]: "I don't know why, but I always feel that the three words Tang Wanru, seem to have heard hiss somewhere, where have I heard it?"

【Aimengmeng Life Mengmeng Come on】: "If my family Tan Meng is still there, what's the matter with this woman?"

[Melon-eating netizen Xiao Fanfan]: "Upstairs, Mengmeng of your family is blocked now, there are so many filial sons."

[Aimengmeng, Mengmeng, come on]: "Fucking up some morals, take care of your boss!"

[Melon-eating netizen Xiao Fanfan]: "Hahahahahahahahahaha, my boss Fanfan has already been involved in the game, and now he is probably stepping on the sewing machine."

(End of this chapter)

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