Chapter 222
At the beginning, most netizens were optimistic about the casting of the heroine of the movie.

After all, this rookie actress is extremely beautiful, and director Hetu has always had a good eye.

Director Hetu organized the photos of the makeup for the movie casting into a book and sent a copy to the screenwriter Mr. Gu Shengu.

Gu Zhaili.

"Gourd Baby" was playing on the TV, and Mr. Gu opened the makeup photo album sent by Hetu.He took a special look at the little actor from his childhood, his eyes lit up, yo, these two little dolls look so familiar!

One of them is chubby, it seems to be Tangtang.

Mr. Gu laughed loudly and stroked his beard. Fate is really wonderful.

Looking at the actress who played the role of Ruan Menghua in his youth, Mr. Gu was stunned for two seconds, then his hand holding the photo trembled slightly, and his eyes sparkled——

"Okay. That's great!" Mr. Gu wiped his moist eye sockets.

The actress's appearance was somewhat different from Ruan Menghua's.

But their temperament is very similar!Ruan Menghua has been ups and downs all his life, and he is indomitable. The heroism and tenacity exuded from his bones are like a sharp sword just out of its sheath.

"Yan Ting, come and take a look!" Old Master Gu called Gu Yanting who was about to go out, and handed him the makeup photo with red eyes, "Look, how well the protagonist of the movie was chosen."

Gu Yanting glanced at the heroine.

It was Tang Wanru.

Dressed like a female student of the last century, wearing a gray school uniform and holding a book in her hand, her eyes are cold and sharp.

Gu Yanting's thin lips slightly raised an arc: "It's really pretty."

Tang Wanru can always bring him surprises and surprises. This is a very special woman, and he is very interested in it.

Mr. Gu froze in place, completely dumbfounded. Did I see my son smile just now?


Back then, when his wife gave birth to Yan Ting, the illness accumulated over the years broke out overnight and passed away very quickly.

After his wife passed away, Mr. Gu was immersed in the pain of losing his wife for a long time, and he didn't care much about the child Gu Yanting left behind by the two.

For a long time, Gu Yanting's childhood was gloomy and indifferent. He believed that his birth killed his mother.

Gu Yanting's personality became gloomy and indifferent, taciturn. Later, his son took over the Gu's consortium after inheriting his father's business, and his personality became even weirder.

Mr. Gu hadn't seen his son smile for a long time, and he had mixed feelings for a while.

The corner of the old man's mouth opened, and he took out his mobile phone and pointed it at Gu Yanting: "Do you want to stop smiling? I'll take another photo and save it."

Gu Yanting's expression returned to normal, and he handed the photo album back: "I'm going to work."

Turn away.

Mr. Gu curled his lips, hugged the photo album and continued to watch cartoons, hearing the gourd babies happily call "Grandpa", he was very happy.


On the Internet, discussions about the casting of the movie "Ruan Menghua" continue to be heated.

But soon, some people in the know began to expose the black material of the heroine.

[Anonymous User 1]: "I'm a student at the Primary School Attached to Kyoto. Let me break the news. I know Tang Wanru. She has been a school bully since elementary school and has been bullying and beating students. Many people in our class have been beaten by him. I really don't know this How did such a person become a heroine in a movie, the entertainment industry is really weird, and dare to accept all kinds of garbage."

[Anonymous User 2]: "I testify that I was beaten by Tang Wanru more than once when I was in junior high school! She was really cruel. I was walking well on the way after school, but she beat me up! Here is the picture I went to In the hospital, the doctor took a picture of my wound."

(End of this chapter)

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