Chapter 236 Fire
The resort covers a very large area, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery of the mountains and fields is just right at the end of August.

There is a huge closed floor-to-ceiling window in the hotel room, the curtains are drawn, and outside the window is the bright mountain scenery in midsummer, with a winding and clear river flowing slowly, which is too beautiful to behold.

"It's really good." Zhou Shulan put down her small bag, sat by the floor-to-ceiling window and brewed black tea comfortably.

Tang Guozheng packed his luggage and looked at the luxurious suite.

Royal gold is the main tone of the room, and the room is full of thin silk and white gauze.

Most of the home decorations in the room are made of wood, top oak floor, tea table woven with bamboo, small rattan chair woven with rattan, and even the bed is a kind of precious original forest log.

"Strange, why is there no fire extinguisher in the house." Tang Guozheng opened the fire cabinet and was about to check it out when Zhou Shulan called out to him, "Husband, come and taste this tea, it seems to be your favorite Dahongpao."

Tang Guozheng turned around and walked over, smiling: "Here we are."

The couple had a beautiful candlelight dinner, and went for a walk by the lake in the resort at night, and the resort was lit with lights at night.

The lanterns are made of bamboo, and the white light leaks out, which contrasts with the moonlight reflected in the lake.

Zhou Shulan picked up her mobile phone and clicked to take a few pictures of the lakeside scenery, then asked her husband to take pictures for her, and then recorded a video to send to the family group.

"Husband, I still remember that our first date was by the lake." Zhou Shulan took Tang Guozheng's hand and looked at the moonlit lake.

Time flies so fast, time flies, 25 years have passed in the blink of an eye.

She has changed from a young girl to a mother and a grandmother, with wrinkles from the years on her face. The only thing that remains the same is that her husband is still by her side.

"Of course I remember." Tang Guozheng held his wife's hand tightly, "We sat by the lake on our first date back then, thinking about the future and where we would travel after retirement."

The couple looked at each other with happiness in their eyes.

It is rare to meet a true person in a lifetime.

This life is very long, only loving one person is enough.

They have lived together for 25 years, and there are still many unseen scenery in life, waiting for them to discover and appreciate.

"Let's go." Tang Guozheng pulled Zhou Shulan back with the cold wind on the lake at night, "It's windy at night, so have a good rest tonight. Let's go boating and mountain climbing tomorrow, and then go to the farmhouse to eat your favorite tofu soup."

"it is good."

The couple held hands like a young couple in love, and returned to the suite under the bright moonlight.

At night, the couple lay on the bed and talked sweetly for a long time.

Zhou Shulan thought of Tang Tang who had a fever, and was concerned about her grandson, so she wanted to make a call to ask Aunt Wang.

But I took out my phone and saw that I took too many pictures today, and my phone ran out of battery.

"Honey, call Aunt Wang and ask about Tang Tang's situation." Zhou Shulan rubbed Tang Guozheng's arm.Tang Guozheng reached out to the bedside table, and suddenly smelled a strange burning smell.

He immediately turned on the bedroom light and got out of bed to check.

Unexpectedly, there was a bang——

Sparks burst out from the plug terminal board in the corner, and the electric sparks splashed onto the veil beside the bed. The veil was an extremely flammable substance, and it ignited instantly.

Tang Guozheng hurriedly turned around and called Zhou Shulan: "Get up, my wife, it's on fire, you go and hide outside first. I'll find a way to put out the fire."

Zhou Shulan was startled, and took Tang Guozheng's hand: "Let's go, let's go out together! Call the waiter!"

The suites are huge and they sleep in the master bedroom.

Close the bedroom door at night.

But Tang Guozheng held the doorknob and was surprised to find that the lock was broken!
(End of this chapter)

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