Chapter 237 Buried in the Sea of ​​Fire
The door of the suite is the most expensive and safest password security door on the market. It cannot be opened by violence, and can only be opened by collecting fingerprints or portraits.

It stands to reason that they live in the bedroom, so they should be able to open the door directly - but the anti-theft door seems to be a sealed shackle, which cannot be opened no matter what.

"Ahem, put out the fire first." Zhou Shulan was choked by the smoke and coughed continuously.

Tang Guozheng hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call the hotel, and at the same time sent his wife to the large bathroom attached to the master bedroom: "My wife, you should hide in there for a while, ahem——I will find a way to put out the fire."

But as soon as the words fell, the electrical appliances in the room exploded again, and the electric spark ignited more flammable items.

The beautiful wooden floor started to burn quickly.

The fire was so fierce and strange that it could not be extinguished at all!

Tang Guozheng saw the glass floor-to-ceiling windows in the master bedroom. The floor-to-ceiling windows are made of very strong tempered glass and cannot be broken by brute force.The only open window was extremely high, corroded by raging fire.

Tang Guozheng quickly calmed himself down. He faintly felt that something was wrong with this room. There were too many inflammable materials, as if a natural incinerator had been created to incinerate two corpses.

I called the front desk of the hotel, but I couldn't get through.

Called 119, and 119 said he would come right away.

The fire got bigger.
Tang Guozheng had to hide in the bathroom with his wife, and billowing smoke seeped in through the cracks.The faucet in the bathroom was also strangely out of water, and he couldn't cover their mouths and noses with a wet towel.

"Ahem." Too much smoke made Zhou Shulan breathless and dizzy.

The flames outside were startling, burning brightly to light up the night.

The temperature in the bathroom started to rise.
"Honey, are we going to die here?" Zhou Shulan curled up in her husband's arms, already a little confused.The concentration of carbon monoxide around her was too high, and Zhou Shulan felt dizzy and uncomfortable.

Desperation and sadness came to mind.

She didn't expect that the couple's wedding anniversary might become the anniversary of their death.

You never know when tomorrow and the unexpected will come.

Tang Guozheng had already heard the 119 siren not far away, and comforted his wife in a gentle voice: "Xiaolan, don't be afraid, I will always be with you."

Zhou Shulan wanted to cry loudly, but she couldn't cry. She held her husband's hand for a long time with wet eyes, and murmured:
"If, if we confess here today, it can be regarded as coughing and dying in the same year, the same month, and the same day. I, if I take a step first, I will wait for you by the Naihe bridge. Let's drink Mengpo soup together. Keke, in the next life Let's be husband and wife again."

Tang Guozheng was heartbroken, and hugged his wife tightly: "Stop talking, we will be fine. Wanru Tangtang is waiting for us to go home."

He was tall and hugged Zhou Shulan like a shell trying to protect the pearl in his arms.

Zhou Shulan smiled sadly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

The concentration of carbon monoxide was too high, and Zhou Shulan passed out completely.

Tang Guozheng tried his best to stay conscious, hugged his wife tightly in his arms, and prevented the flames from burning his wife's face.

The wooden door of the bathroom has been scorched and rotten, and the overwhelming black smoke spreads in, wrapped in a cannibalistic red flame.

Every time Tang Guozheng breathed, there was a sharp pain, and he could even smell the smell of burnt flesh.

it's painful.
But Tang Guozheng endured the burning pain and still hugged his lover tightly.

In the smoky atmosphere, he once again thought of his first encounter with Zhou Shulan.

Back then, Zhou Shulan was young, beautiful and beautiful as morning dew. He fell in love with her at first sight and could never forget it.He deliberately created a romantic encounter by the lake, planted a large area of ​​purple Phalaenopsis for her, and finally defeated a group of rich men and successfully captured her heart.

Meeting Zhou Shulan was the greatest luck in his life.

He only hates that the time is too short, only enough for him to love her for 25 years

"I'm sorry I couldn't grow old with you."

"Wait, next life"

At this moment, Tang Guozheng had no pain, no hatred, only the happiness hidden in his heart.

He showed a happy smile while muttering to himself, Zhou Shulan had already passed out, and she didn't feel the pain of being burned until she died.

On the contrary, Tang Guozheng, who was holding her, hugged his wife tightly in his arms, protecting her face, and endured the pain of scorched skin until his death.

late at night.

Tang Wanru stepped on the gas pedal of the car like crazy, ran through countless red lights along the way, and the speed of the car was so fast that she finally arrived at the resort.

The resort was enveloped in darkness and the sky was already in flames.

Due to the narrow road, the fire truck aerial ladder could not enter at all and was blocked outside the resort.There is no way, the firefighters can only carry fire extinguishing tools into the resort to manually extinguish the fire.

"Has anyone been rescued?" Tang Wanru rushed downstairs to the hotel, caught a firefighter and asked, "I ask you, has the couple on the sixth floor of the hotel been rescued!!!"

Her voice was trembling.

The firefighter showed embarrassment: "Sorry, many fire-fighting facilities in this resort are not qualified. There is not even water in the fire hydrant. The fire is too fierce. The tourists from the first to fifth floors have come out, and there is no news for the passengers on the sixth floor. "

Tang Wanru's eyes turned black.

Almost passed out.

Holding her breath, she wanted to rush upstairs to find her parents.He was stopped by two firefighters, who stopped him loudly: "This guest! Don't be impulsive! The open fire is still up there, you will have an accident if you go up rashly!"

"Let go of me! Dad! Mom! Come down quickly!" Tang Wanru yelled heart-piercingly, tears streaming down her face.

At this moment, she felt unprecedented despair and pain.

The family has finally cleared up their suspicions, and there are still a lot of good times that they haven't enjoyed, but they have already suffered painful parting.

Kneeling on the cold gravel road, tears glistened in his eyes, reflecting the raging fire.

Tang Wanru's internal organs were so painful that they were about to burst open, her face was pale and bloodless, remorse spread throughout her internal organs, and even her breathing was painful and numb.

I don't know how long it took before the raging fire was extinguished, and a light rain fell from the sky, which wet Tang Wanru's clothes and hair.

Firefighters used an electric drill to cut open the security door of the master bedroom on the sixth floor, and found two charred bodies in the bathroom.

They hugged each other tightly until death.

No one can separate them.

Tang Wanru saw her parents' charred corpses being carried out, crying and making noise in a daze.

She was helped by the doctor to the ambulance and given a sedative. Tang Wanru sat there blankly, her soul seemed to be taken away, not knowing how to face the pain of the death of her blood relative.

Until a slender figure appeared in front of her wearing white high heels.

It's Tang Ya.

Tang Ya has long hair and shawl, exquisite makeup, wearing a light black embroidered gold cheongsam, wrapped in a furry waistcoat, which is out of place in the chaotic scene.

Tang Ya raised the corners of her lips, mocking indifferently: "Sister, you cry like a dog, it's so ugly."


(Author's words: Evening ~ Ann ~
 Keep 4k+ updates every day in May, update on time at around 0:[-] every day without delay, and there are more than [-] manuscripts saved, this month's full attendance is stable, work hard (ò x ó)

(End of this chapter)

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