Chapter 258 Bless the Tang family through the crisis

This wonderful mother and son noticed the little girl carved in jade at the door.

The old lady noticed the golden longevity lock on Tang Tang's neck, and her eyes were slightly hot. The children of the rich in the city are really lucky. They are only a few years old, and they start to wear gold and silver.

"A man, of course he wants to do a great career. For example, I want to start a business and become a big boss. I want to be a big boss." Wang Guangzong is proud of himself. Being a boss is a decent life.

Tang Tang nodded, seemingly naive and ignorant: "Uncle, you want to start a business as a boss, do you know how to invest? Do you know the market division? Can you understand the ledger stocks? Do you know what methods to attract investment? The education is a bachelor's degree. Or a master's degree? Is there a venture fund of 100 million? Or, uncle, what are you good at?"

Wang Guangzong was stunned, what market?What investment promotion?
Butler Li glanced at Tang Tang in surprise, the little lady knows a lot.

Wang Guangzong was speechless, but he refused to lose face, so he had to rack his brains to retort: ​​"I, I know a lot, for example, I am very good at playing League of Legends, and now I am a diamond rank-yes, I know a lot of game tactics , you can start a big e-sports company, recruit professional players to play games, and you can win tens of thousands in a game."

To be honest, Wang Guangzong knew very well that he didn't have any special skills, and he was lazy and couldn't bear hardships.

When I was young, I didn’t study hard, and played games in Internet cafes every day; when I grew up, I didn’t care about work, and often played in Internet cafes for days and nights.

He lost his job as a security guard and was fired by the property company because of frequent absences.

Tang Tang: "Oh, diamond rank——"

From the corner of the eye, he caught sight of Fu Jingan who had just returned home. Tang Tang beckoned Fu Jingan over, pretending to be curious and asked him, "Fu Jingan, what rank is your League of Legends?"

Fu Jing'an: ".The strongest king."

Wang Guangzong opened his eyes wide: "How is it possible!"

"How is it impossible?" Fu Jingan folded his hands on his chest, "I am six years old, and I am already investing in a professional team, and I am the behind-the-scenes boss. The WD team that has been in the limelight recently, I am the one who runs it."

As a veteran game fan, Wang Guangzong certainly knows the WD professional team that has been in the limelight recently.

Unexpectedly, the boss behind the scene is actually a six-year-old child
"Uncle, you are only a middle-level player in games, and you still want to start a game company?" Tang Tang shook his head, "It's not me who hit you, I'm afraid you won't be able to start a company for the rest of your life at your level. And uncle, you have hands and feet, Even if you go to build floor tiles, you can earn at least a few thousand yuan a month."

Wang Guangzong was speechless, his old face flushed.

He is not willing to lay bricks, it is bitter and dirty.

The old lady next to her couldn't stand it anymore and waved her hand: "Don't talk nonsense, Gui Fen, hurry up and take 10 yuan to give your brother the house down payment."

"Mom, I really don't have [-] yuan." Aunt Wang felt suffocated, "I give you more than half of your salary every month, and I only keep a few hundred yuan for myself. Where did I get [-] yuan!"

Wang Guangzong retorted with a shy face: "I heard that people in the city have year-end awards, who knows if you have hidden the year-end awards—sister, I'm your own brother, you can't be too selfish."

"I fed you and clothed you, is this how you repay me?" The old lady was unreasonable, she felt that she had worked so hard to raise Wang Guifen, and this child was so stingy, it was really unfilial.

Aunt Wang's nails were deeply pinched in the flesh, her heart ached.

Tang Tang looked at this wonderful pair of mother and son, and finally understood why Aunt Wang never mentioned her family in her previous life, and even changed her face to completely break with her family.
"Aunt Wang." Tang Tang looked at Aunt Wang worriedly.

Wiping the corners of her eyes, Aunt Wang told Steward Li next to her, "Old Li, you bring the two children in. This is my private matter, and I will handle it myself."

Steward Li took Tang Tang and Fu Jingan away with worry in his eyes.

After Steward Li left, Aunt Wang turned cold: "Mom, brother, anyway, I have no money now. The Tang family is about to go bankrupt, and my job may be gone. Don't force me anymore."

Aunt Wang's grades were actually very good when she was a child, but her parents felt that it was useless for girls to study, so they forced her to drop out of junior high school and go to work in the city.

Aunt Wang was lucky to meet Zhou Shulan, a good host.Aunt Wang has been working in the Tang family for more than ten years.

Now that the Tang family is about to go bankrupt, Aunt Wang remembers Zhou Shulan's kindness and refuses to leave.

"Bankrupt? Bankrupt, why are you still staying in the Tang family?" The old lady was so angry, her eyes rolled around, and she lowered her voice, "The gold collar on the little girl's neck just now is estimated to sell for more than [-]. Why don't you put it on?" Sneak away the money from the sale—"

"Mom! That's Tangtang's longevity lock, how can I take the child's things." Aunt Wang felt unreasonable.

The last time Tang Tang had a high fever for several days and nights, Zhou Shulan felt sorry for the child, so she went to Shenghua Temple to invite eminent monks to consecrate Changshousuo.The eminent monk said that children should wear this longevity lock for at least one year, so that they can ward off evil spirits and get rid of illnesses and live a safe life.

Aunt Wang would never do anything to offend the Tang family.

"You stinky girl, you're a brainless girl." The old lady hated iron and steel, and cursed, "If you're over 30 and still can't get married, you deserve it no one wants you!"

Aunt Wang closed her eyes, speechless.

When Aunt Wang was in her 20s, she actually met a boyfriend who was in love with her, and even had a child with him.But when it was time to talk about marriage, Aunt Wang's parents offered a sky-high price of 30 as a bride price, and asked the man to buy a house in the city. The lion opened his mouth and scared Aunt Wang's boyfriend.

Later, the two were forced to break up, and Aunt Wang's child had a miscarriage, and Aunt Wang has been single ever since.

"I'm very busy, so don't come to me if you have nothing to do." Aunt Wang turned around cruelly, "I will call home if I have money. Also, I won't give the down payment for my brother's house. I will find a way to find a share for him." Work, if he quits, I will leave him alone."

The old lady was so angry that her heart ached: "He is your brother!"

Aunt Wang turned her head: "I don't want this kind of trash brother!"

After all, Aunt Wang slammed the big iron gate of the Tang family shut.

The mother and son outside Tuliu's door cursed loudly.

Aunt Wang is not the kind of traditional and humble old-age woman. She has been with Zhou Shulan for many years, and her personality has gradually become independent and self-reliant.

She clearly knew that if she continued to entangle with her original family, her life would be ruined.

If the family forced her again, she would break the pot and break with the family completely.

It doesn't matter even if the Tang family goes bankrupt, she will change her identity and continue to take care of Tangtang and Wanru.In Aunt Wang's heart, Tangtang Wanru is her relative.

Aunt Wang raised her head, looked at the gray sky, and prayed to God.

"God, please bless the Tang family through this crisis. The Tang family are all kind people, and they shouldn't suffer like this."

God didn't answer, and the black clouds in the sky squeezed out large swaths of water, which drenched the entire city.

 It's all foreshadowing

(End of this chapter)

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