Chapter 259
inside the house.

Tang Tang watched the rainwater flow through the glass, like tears falling wantonly.Tang Tang saw that Aunt Wang looked normal again, and went into the kitchen to continue working on the family's dinner.

"Aunt Wang is a very good person." Tang Tang said to Fu Jing'an next to him.

There was a laptop on Fu Jingan's lap, and he seemed to be playing games without raising his head: "I know, you used to mention her often."

Before, refers to before rebirth.

Tang Tang's family was destroyed, and the orphan Tang Tang was adopted by Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang raised Tang Tang with difficulty, and she suffered from a whole body of illnesses.

The first salary that Tang Tang received after graduation was all handed over to Aunt Wang, but she was not filial to her, and suddenly encountered a car accident.
"Fu Jingan, our Tang family is about to go bankrupt, you should go back to your house." Tang Tang leaned over and rubbed Fu Jingan's arm.

The Tang family encountered a bankruptcy crisis, and Tang Tang didn't want to involve Fu Jingan, let alone ask Fu Jingan for help.Besides, Fu Jingan's father's company is not big, and it can't save the Tang family.

"I don't have a big appetite, so I can't eat much rice from your family." Fu Jingan didn't raise his head, and he was still working on the keyboard, obviously not planning to leave the Tang family.

Tang Tang shrugged and said quietly: "It's up to you."

Fu Jing'an stayed in the Tang family, and his father still paid a large amount of child support every year, so don't take it for nothing.

Tang Tang knew that her current strength was too weak, she was just a little girl with no power to restrain the chicken, and there was no way to save the Tang family from desperation.She may even face dropping out of school, because the annual tuition fees of Shenghua Primary School are sky-high, and the Tang family after bankruptcy cannot afford her sky-high tuition fees.

But Tang Tang is not discouraged. She still has a head full of knowledge and memories of future financial outlets.

She can no longer be a salted fish, she has to use her strengths to become stronger.It's just this powerful process, and it will take several years.

The rain fell outside the window, and Tang Tang's chubby face was stained with a touch of sadness. Looking at the gradually darkening sky, he felt that the burden on his shoulders began to weigh.

The patter of rain began to fall, and a black luxury car drove into the eastern district of Kyoto in a low-key manner.

Stop outside a large independent courtyard.

The car door opened, Zhou Shulan opened her gray umbrella, stepped on her black high-heeled shoes, carefully crossed the ponded water on the side of the road, walked along the tree-lined avenue of a well-manicured private house, and walked towards the marble threshold in the center.

She hadn't come back for many years, Zhou Shulan held up her umbrella and saw two majestic stone lions on the left and right in front of the door.The rain water turned the lion into a dirty black, Zhou Shulan hesitated for a moment at the door, and lightly pressed the doorbell.

"Who is it?" the security guard inside asked.

Zhou Shulan held the umbrella tightly: "It's me, Zhou Shulan."

The security guard was stunned: "Second Miss?"

Zhou Shulan was particularly upset: "Yes, I'm coming back to find my parents. Please let me know."

Going back to her mother's house, she still needs to be notified by the guard at the house.

Because she doesn't have the key to the gate of the house.

Disregarding everyone's opposition to marrying Tang Guozheng back then, Zhou Shulan broke with her natal family completely, and had little communication for more than 20 years.

Every time Zhou Shulan wanted to visit her parents, she was turned away.

This time Zhou Shulan came here because she wanted to beg her family for help and save the Tang family who was on the verge of bankruptcy.
After about 10 minutes, the door opened a gap, and it was Zhou Shulan's half-brother Zhou Xianzong who came out.

Zhou Xianzong had a fat and greasy belly, and when he saw his sister holding an umbrella at the door, he had a delicate expression.

 For the college entrance examination, I wish the third-year students nominations for the gold list~~haha for the Tsinghua University exam! and can comment now T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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