Chapter 329 No.2

What hurt her was her stomach, but not her head, and her IQ was still there.

Not long after Tang Tang was discharged from the hospital, he dragged his sick body to take the final exam.

As winter came, the report card finally came out.

"Come on, you two have a look at your grades, you did very well." Aunt Wang handed over the envelope with a smile.

Tang Tang and Fu Jingan ripped open the envelope with a bang, and there were transcripts and final homework arrangements in the envelope.

Tang Tang opened his report card with high spirits - his smile froze.

95 points in Chinese, 100 points in mathematics, 100 points in English, 100 points in social practice, and 100 points in science education.

Total score ranking: No.2.

Tang Tang was not willing to be reconciled, but let Fu Laogou win a small game again. What kind of evil did he do? He lost to Fu Jingan in every exam in his previous life.

Tang Tang sat back on the sofa and threw the report card on the small coffee table irritably, but heard Fu Jingan ask in surprise: "Tang Xiaoer, you actually got the first place in the exam?"

Tang Tang thought he heard it wrong: "I am not the first, I am the second."

Fu Jingan seemed to think of something, and put his report card and Tang Tang's report card side by side on the coffee table.

Tang Tang sensed that something was wrong, leaned over, bumped Fu Jingan's head away, and looked at the transcripts of the two——

The two had the same score and tied for second place in the grade.

So here comes the question, both of them are No.2, who is No.1?
Fu Jingan hastily opened the parent WeChat group of the class:
The head teacher just sent a group message.

[Head Teacher Xue Zhi]: "@All Parents The ranking of the final grades of this period has been released, and the winter vacation is coming. Parents, please urge your children to complete their homework. There are group assignments that require children to cooperate, and the list of group groups has been issued."

Fu Jingan clicked on the results ranking, and his face collapsed instantly.

"It's amazing, Ming Sichen is actually the first in the grade! How come the reborn Xueba can't pass him in the exam." Tang Tang's eyes were sharp, and he saw that the No.1 throne was suddenly occupied by Ming Sichen.

I admire you!Worthy of being a god of learning!

Excellent since childhood!

Fu Jingan snorted coldly: "That's because I didn't try my best."

Tang Tang patted him on the shoulder with a sigh: "You have a hard mouth. When your autopsy report comes out, the forensic doctor said that your whole body is soft, only your mouth is still hard."

Fu Jingan secretly poked his teeth, he really didn't try his best!
Tang Tang was seriously injured in a car accident. In order to make Tang Tang happy, Fu Jingan deliberately released water and did a few math problems wrong.

Originally thought that Tang Tang could take the first place in the exam, but in the end Ming Si Shen took the lead.

Super angry!

Tang Tang comforted him with a smile: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, work hard next time, you will definitely be able to rank first with my male god."

Ouch, seeing Fu Jingan deflated, why is she so happy?
Fu Jingan opened the group cooperation list sent by the class teacher, and changed the subject: "You and I are in a group with Zhou Tingting, and we have to complete the manual homework together during the winter vacation. Let's find time to find Zhou Tingting and finish the homework quickly."

He didn't have any impression of Zhou Tingting. The only ones who impressed him in the entire Shenghua Primary School were Tang Tang and Ming Sichen.

"Okay, this Zhou Tingting seems to be from my grandmother's family. Let's secretly investigate next Zhou's house." Tang Tang tilted his head, "But I still want to interview you. How does it feel to be deprived of No.1?"

Fu Jingan rushed over and snatched the remote control panel, gnashing his teeth: "Tang Xiaoer! Don't even think about watching idol dramas today!"

(End of this chapter)

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