Chapter 330 The Zhou Family
Tang Tang:.
So childish.

After a while, Tang Tang saw Aunt Wang coming in with a delicate small box. The small wooden box was extremely beautifully carved, as if it was a betrothal gift from the Gu family to the Tang family.

Sensing Tang Tang's curious gaze, Aunt Wang explained: "This is a century-old ginseng in the warehouse. My wife asked me to take it out and send it to the Zhou family."

Tang Tang from the Zhou family remembered that it was her grandmother's family.

However, the relationship between the Zhou family and the Tang family was in dire straits. Zhou Shulan repeatedly tried to repair the relationship with the Zhou family, but was rejected.

Despite this, Zhou Shulan will still carefully prepare gifts during the New Year and holidays. All kinds of rare treasures, medicinal materials, delicacies, and jewelry are sent to Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou.

It's a pity that the old couple of Zhou's family were stubborn. After decades, they were still unwilling to forgive Zhou Shulan.

"Last year, my wife bought a string of golden Buddhist beads from abroad. It is said that wearing it can ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters. I specially sent it to the Zhou family, but the Zhou family still ignored my wife." Aunt Wang sighed.

Tang Tang also felt aggrieved for grandma.

What is the hatred?After decades, the Zhou family still refuses to let go.

Aunt Wang nagged a few words and left with ginseng.

Fu Jingan leaned over and reminded in a low voice, "Zhou Tingting is from the Zhou family."

Tang Tang's eyes brightened slightly: "You mean, let's go to Zhou's house to find out?"

The two looked at each other and nodded in agreement.


Zhou's house in Kyoto.

After a cold wave, the temperature in Kyoto fell below 0 degrees Celsius.

Zhou Tingting got up early in the morning, put on her favorite pink skirt, wrapped in a fluffy wool coat, and asked the nanny to re-tie her ponytail.

"Our Tingting looks so good today, are you waiting for a boy you like?" The nanny cleverly braided two shofar braids for Zhou Tingting and put them on a silver hair clip. At first glance, she looked very beautiful.

Zhou Tingting shyly said: "No, I invite two classmates to come home and do handwork together."

In the group grouping at the end of the term, Zhou Tingting was particularly lucky to be assigned to a group with Fu Jingan.She tentatively invited Fu Jingan to do homework together, but Fu Jingan agreed.

The sky was overcast with thick clouds, and the wind blew on his face like a knife, but Zhou Tingting was obviously not frightened by the cold wind. After a while, she asked the nanny if Fu Jingan had come.

Zhou Tingting's grandmother, Wang Qiuxiang, came over and told her: "Tingting, your grandfather and I will go out later. Be good at home and don't disturb your grandparents."

Zhou Tingting nodded obediently: "Okay, grandparents should come back soon."

Wang Qiuxiang touched her granddaughter's face with a smile, turned around and went out with her husband Zhou Xianzong.

Before leaving, Zhou Xianzong specially asked the bodyguards at home to pay more attention and not let Tingting's classmates run around.

Zhou Xianzong has been in a bad mood lately. He didn't expect that the Tang family would come back from a desperate situation. Not only did they not go bankrupt, but Zhou Shulan's daughter, Tang Wanru, was lucky enough to get engaged to the head of the Gu family, one of the four major families.

"The marriage between the Tang family and the Gu family should be kept secret first, and the two old guys in the family must not know." Zhou Xianzong rubbed his brows irritably.

Wang Qiuxiang touched the golden Buddha bead bracelet on her wrist, and said nonchalantly, "Don't worry, I stopped all the engagement invitations from the Tang family before."

Zhou Shulan must not be allowed to contact the Zhou family again.

Zhou Shulan was filial, and would give presents to Zhou's old couple every year and festival. They were all precious and good things, and Wang Qiuxiang accepted all of them as her own.

(End of this chapter)

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