Chapter 336 Fu Jingan, I Always Think You Have a Problem

Zhou Xianzong scolded coldly: "Old fox."

The incident happened suddenly today, Zhou Xianzong was unprepared and full of flaws, but the innocent Zhou Shulan was fine, but it was very difficult to deceive Tang Guozheng.

Zhou Xianzong gritted his teeth and walked into the room with a flick of his sleeves.

Zhou Shulan was silent all the way, and she didn't even eat lunch when she got home, she hid in the room alone and sulked.

Tang Guozheng was quite sensible, so he called Tang Tang into the study to ask.

How can a four-year-old child have any bad thoughts?

Tang Tang added oil and vinegar to tell the story of meeting the old lady Zhou, and at the end Tang Tang blinked her innocent eyes and said, "Grandpa, that old grandma has been asking about my grandma and how she is doing. But Zhou Xianzong is so fierce, he heard that I was a child of the Tang family, he drove me away immediately, and warned me not to contact Mrs. Zhou."

The more Tang Guozheng listened, the more silent he became.

Wave your hand and let Tang Tang go out to play first.

Tang Guozheng wandered around the study with his hands behind his back, thinking about the past 20 years, and the strange situation of Zhou Xianzong and his wife today.

The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he became. Tang Guozheng called the company assistant and asked the assistant to find someone to secretly investigate the Zhou family.

Tang Tang left the study and saw Fu Jingan sitting cross-legged on the sofa, carefully tearing off a band-aid and sticking it to his wrist.

The Zhou family's bodyguards were too strong today, Fu Jingan had been protecting Tang Tang all the time, and his hands were scratched in several places.Tang Tang looked at his hands, which were white, thin and beautiful, so the red marks left by the friction were more conspicuous and dazzling.

Tang Tang stared at Fu Jingan for a while, and felt that this kid had been raised by the Tang family for a year, and the food in our Tang family was really good.When I first picked it up, I was as thin as a monkey, but now my skin is tender enough to squeeze out water.

"Fu Jing'an, my fingers are scratched too, put a Band-Aid on me." Tang Tang ran over and raised his right index finger, shaking it.

Fu Jingan glanced at Tang Tang's chubby fingers: "Hurry up, let Butler Li drive you to the hospital?"

Tang Tang: "A little scratch, why go to the hospital."

Fu Jingan sneered: "If you don't hurry up and go to the hospital, the injury on your finger will heal."

Tang Tang:.
"I'm just kidding, come on, for your pity's sake, Sister Tang will help you put on the Band-Aid." Tang Tang tore off a piece of Band-Aid, and hooked his hand towards Fu Jing'an.

Fu Jingan did not refuse, and stretched out his right hand: "Tang Xiaoer, you chatted with the old lady of the Zhou family, did you find anything?"

Tang Tang stuck the Band-Aid on Fu Jingan's finger, and wrapped it around carefully: "Of course I found it. There must be something wrong with Zhou Xianzong's couple."

Fu Jingan's expression became serious, and he warned seriously: "Tang Xiaoer, you are still young, so don't take risks yourself if you find a problem. You just need to find the problem and leave it to the adults to solve it."

He can no longer watch Tang Tang take risks.

Changing the trajectory of fate, this kind of risky thing should be handed over to adults who have more say.

He and Tang Tang only need to play chess in secret to keep fate from deviating from the track.

Tang Tangman always felt that there was something wrong with Fu Jingan. She narrowed her beautiful eyes and stared at the little boy in front of her:

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. Mrs. Zhou is shrewd, and my grandfather is not stupid. They will definitely take action——but, Fu Jing'an, I always think you have a problem. You are always preventing me from meddling in adults' affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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