Chapter 337 Rich Dad
Taking advantage of his inattention, Tang Tang swiftly slashed left and right with two fat claws, pinching Fu Jingan's cheeks, kneading and kneading as if kneading white dough, Fu Jingan's handsome little face was deformed by her.

Fu Jingan was so angry that he wanted to kick someone, but thinking that Tang Tang had undergone surgery on his belly, Fu Jingan endured it forcefully, and said through gritted teeth, "Tang Xiaoer, let me go!"

The two cute babies were chattering non-stop, the cold wind was blowing in the city outside the window, and the winter light was slowly flowing.

Two days later, when Tang Wanru was writing a project for the university winter vacation, she encountered several questions about business management.Tang Guozheng was not at home on a business trip, so Tang Wanru simply took Tang Tang to find the child's father. Gu Yanting was the boss, and if he asked him about the return of the company's funds, this person would definitely be able to answer.

Before leaving, Zhou Shulan rushed over to tell her: "Wanru, remember to take Tangtang to the hospital for reexamination this afternoon."

"Understood, Mom, you should rest at home."

Butler Li drove, while Tang Wanru and Tang Tang sat in the back seat of the car.Tang Tang shook her feet boredly. From the corner of her eye, she saw that her mother was making up her makeup carefully. She painted her eyebrows with foundation and lipstick, and also specially put on a sexy white winter dress with a fluffy red mink fur coat.

At first glance, it is glamorous.

The corner of Tang Tang's mouth flicked lightly, and he joked: "Sure enough, it's the appearance of a woman who pleases herself, Mommy, you go to see Dad, you dress up really nicely."

In my impression, this seems to be Tang Wanru's first visit to the headquarters of Gu's Group. When the wife of the future CEO of the group comes, she must dress up and suppress those female employees who have evil intentions in the company.

Tang Wanru shrugged and said disdainfully: "Who dressed him up? I didn't make up for him. Don't you know, Tangtang, that your father's company recruits a group of top elite employees from all over the world every year, who graduated from prestigious schools , looks really handsome."

She went to Gu Yanting's company firstly to consult him on professional issues, and secondly to see the handsome guy!
Tang Tang:.
"I'll sleep for a while, and call me later." Tang Wanru yawned, hugging the soft pillow in the car, and fell asleep within 2 minutes.

Tang Tang watched Tang Wanru go from bouncing around to falling asleep soundly, dumbstruck, my mother's sleep quality recently is too good!
Sleep wherever you go, sleep at least 12 hours a day.

Recently, Tang Wanru's appetite is very strange, sometimes at least three bowls of rice for a meal, and sometimes she is full after just one bite.

Also, Tang Wanru's temper also fluctuates, and even a trivial matter can cause her to get angry, cursing and losing her temper;

But sometimes it hurts Qiu Beiyue inexplicably.

Tang Tang also ran into Tang Wanru watching "Peppa Pig" last night. Tang Wanru actually cried and was out of breath. The reason was that she felt that Peppa was so pitiful. A girl actually looks like a hair dryer. .
Tang Tang pondered, going to the hospital for a reexamination in the afternoon, why not ask the doctor to do the same for Tang Wanru?
My mother has been acting weird lately, a bit like early menopause, or a lot of anger?
There was a traffic jam in the city today, and it took more than an hour to drive more than ten kilometers to reach the city center and stop opposite the most eye-catching skyscraper.

Tang Tang jumped out of the car and raised his neck to look at the glittering commercial building. The sun is still bright today, and the winter sun shines through the dark clouds. This building with more than 70 floors looks extraordinarily majestic in the sun.

Outside the building is a circle of top-notch green plants and gardens. The huge fountain gushes out crystal water. Luxury cars are parked in front of the door from time to time. Businessmen in suits and leather shoes come and go in and out of the building. The business is full of modern atmosphere.

"Mommy, my dad is really rich."

Tang Tang looked at the building happily, and was already making plans in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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