Chapter 340

"Mommy, let's go to Dad's office. I'm very curious about what Dad's office looks like."

Tang Tang gently grabbed Tang Wanru's hand, begging softly.

Tang Wanru glared at Gu Yanting, then strode into the elevator next to her.

Gu Yanting wanted to pull her into the president's exclusive elevator, but was stabbed back by Tang Wanru.

In short, the last family went upstairs together and disappeared from everyone's sight.

After the president left, the employees on the first floor woke up from the extreme shock and chattered non-stop:
"Fuck! Was it really the wife of the president just now?"

"I've never heard of the CEO getting married and having a baby. Isn't he always single!"

"I remembered. An uncle of mine who was in business mentioned it before. Mr. Gu got engaged in a low-key way not long ago. I thought it was fake!"

"But that little girl is so cute, my God, you don't know how gentle the CEO looked at the little girl just now."

". But the president's wife, how should I put it, the president is so fierce that he dare not look directly at her."

"I look at Madam's eyes, as if she is going to kick Mr. Gu away in the next moment..."

Just now, the CEO, who was like a god in the eyes of the employees, fell from the altar.

He became a gentle father, a husband who was afraid of his wife, an unattainable god fell into the world, and became an ordinary man no different from the people around him.

The two employees who had taunted Tang Wanru just now lowered their heads and returned to their workstations, trembling with fear.They had no idea that this mother and daughter were really Mr. Gu's family!
The two looked at each other with concern in their eyes.

In the president's office, the atmosphere is very dignified.

Holding the warm milk tea, Tang Tang blew on the steaming heat, and listened to the disputes in the back room.Tang Wanru and Gu Yanting seemed to be arguing, or Tang Wanru lost her temper unilaterally.

"Why didn't you announce our engagement? Are you regretting the engagement?"

"Your birthday is a few days away, and I want to announce it to the public on your birthday."

"Then I called you, why didn't you answer? Do you want to follow the old path of that scumbag Ye Bai!"

"I am in a meeting."

"Gu Yanting, I think you are very strange recently. Do you not love me anymore? If it doesn't work, let's break up. I will take Tang Tang to remarry."

". Wanru."

In the end, I don't know what method her father used, but there was no sound behind Tang Wanru, maybe she fell asleep.
After more than half an hour, Gu Yanting came out of the back room lightly, and gently closed the door.Tang Tang was holding the milk tea, seeing that her father's clothes were a little messy, Tang Tang had a subtle expression.

"Tangtang, tell Dad the truth, what has happened to your mommy recently?" Gu Yanting asked Assistant Wang to bring hot coffee, and took two sips to relieve the pressure.

Since the two got engaged, Gu Yanting clearly felt that Tang Wanru had undergone many changes.

Sleepy, gluttonous, sensitive and irritable
Tang Tang shrugged, her small face was also depressed: "I don't know, Mommy cried while watching "Peppa Pig" last night."

Gu Yanting: "Your mother kicked me out of bed last night because she didn't like my blue pajamas."

Tang Tang: "Mommy ate a big pot of chili last weekend, and no one can persuade her."

Gu Yanting: "Wanru had a dream last week. I dreamed that I was playing games with her. I snatched her weapon and won. She woke up and scolded me for half the night."

The father and daughter poured out their bitterness, Qiqi talked about Tang Wanru's recent changes.

Finally, both father and daughter sighed together.

What else can I do besides pampering?After all, she is my wife/mother.

(End of this chapter)

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