Chapter 341 Director Hetu's New Movie
"I'd better take Mommy to the hospital. Maybe she's under a lot of pressure recently. After all, Tsinghua's winter vacation homework is quite difficult." Tang Tang was worried, thinking that Mommy was in a bad mood because of the difficult winter vacation homework.

Gu Yanting also had this idea, and the father and daughter hit it off immediately.

Assistant Wang knocked on the door and reminded Gu Yanting: "Mr. Gu, director Hetu is here, and he wants to talk to you about the investment in the new movie."

"Let him in."

After a while, the director of Hetu walked in quickly, his face was full of spring breeze, his chestnut curly hair fluttered in the wind, and his smile was bright and brilliant.

Seeing Tang Tang, director Hetu showed joy on his face: "Tang Tang is here too? Long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

"I'm fine, Uncle Hetu, long time no see." Tang Tang obediently shook his chubby paw, and greeted him politely.

Director Hetu sat down, first talked about a bunch of things, then handed over the project plan, straight to the point and began to ask for money:
"Mr. Gu, the filming and editing of "Ruan Menghua" has been completed, and the later release will be coordinated by the company. I have another film project in hand, and the script and actors have already been prepared. You just need to invest some money to help the crew start work."

As a genius director, Hetu has been very idle lately.

After the filming of "Ruan Menghua" was completed, Hetu traveled abroad and returned to China to continue making movies.But the films he shoots are mainly literary films, the market is limited, and the investment he can get is too little.

So he ran to Gu Yanting to ask for money.

"President Gu, don't worry, this time I'm going to make a breakthrough and make a martial arts film by myself, which will definitely lead the trend of the times and won't lose money." Hetu poked out five fingers expectantly, "You only need to invest [-] million yuan."

Gu Yanting didn't answer, and flipped through the items handed over by Hetu.

Tang Tang leaned over to take a look, and the martial arts film that Hetu was going to shoot was called "You Ji".

Tang Tang always felt that the word "You Ji" seemed familiar.

Over there, Hetu was still chattering: "Don't worry, Mr. Gu, I'm definitely a professional! Martial arts movies have a huge market in China and even the world, and this will definitely become a commercial blockbuster that hits the box office!"

Tang Tang looked at Hetu sincerely: "Uncle Hetu, in fact, it is very likely that it is a bad movie."

She has the memory of her previous life and knows about Hetu's life.

He Tu is talented, capable and willing to endure hardships. He is a great director in the history of Huaguo film and television, but the life of a great director is not all smooth sailing.

In the previous life, "Ruan Menghua" filmed by Hetu was blocked due to the accident of the original heroine Tan Meng.

Later, Hetu didn't give up, and went to shoot the martial arts film "You Ji". The picture and actors of the film were beautiful, but the plot was so bad that the investor lost all his underwear.

In his previous life, He Tu was hit hard and didn't make a movie for five full years. Later, with the encouragement of actor Shen Yunsu, he made a comeback and filmed his personal transformation movie "Brokeback Mountain", earning both fame and fortune to a new height.

In a word, the martial arts movie "You Ji" has lost all its money, and the shooting must be rushed.

The kind that makes one's own mother deny her and the money owner scold her.

Gu Yanting put down the project proposal: "You've never made a martial arts movie before, not even a costume drama. I won't invest."

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, as expected of my father, his vision is poisonous.

With tears in his eyes, Hetu looked at Gu Yanting pitifully: "The most important thing is to try, how will you know I can't do it if you don't try? Mr. Gu, if you don't agree, I, I will just jump out of your office window."

(End of this chapter)

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