Chapter 342 Dog Blood Mary Su Drama
Gu Yanting: "Wang Zhu, open the window and let him jump."

Assistant Wang opened a window in the corner, and the howling cold wind entered the room. Under the 70-story building, there was a dusty view of Kyoto.

Hetu stared at Gu Yanting with a slumped Xiaojun face, this guy is ruthless enough.

Of course, Hetu didn't want to let the patron's father go, so he just patted the table: "How about this, I will shoot you a costume TV series first, and if the TV series has a high ratings, you can invest in the movie for me! Look at my previous film "I "Called Spring Grass" "Let's Watch the Drizzling Rain""

Hetu is not only good at making movies, but also good at TV series.

Tang Tang rubbed his chin, and recalled Hetu's early filming of a family drama "My name is Spring Grass", a school drama "Let's watch the drizzle"

"My name is Chuncao" tells the story of a kind-hearted rural girl named Chuncao. Despite being beaten by her husband, abused by her mother-in-law, and bullied by her sister-in-law, she is still optimistic. Chuncao, who was bullied by everyone, finally moved everyone around her with her kind character People, harvest a happy family.

"Let's Watch the Drizzle Together" tells the story of a girl from a poor family who was admitted to a noble school and provoked the school's three major school girls. After experiencing a series of hardships such as amnesia, car accident, and cancer, the girl finally married the wealthy young master.

These dramas may have been very popular at the time, but there were too many dramas of the same type, and there was no innovation at all.

The corner of Hetu's mouth curled slightly, his eyes flashed with determination, and he handed over a new project proposal: "Mr. Gu, I knew you would not invest lightly. This is my new costume drama, and it will definitely explode."

Gu Yanting happened to be free today and had a lot of time, so he opened Hetu's new plan to have a look.

Tang Tang lay on his father's shoulders, and the father and daughter watched Hetu's second plan together.

The costume drama that Hetu is going to shoot is an ancient court drama called "Princess Qingshi".

[The story is about a princess who is all over the country and the city is loved by the princes of four other countries. In order to snatch the princess, there are constant disputes among the countries.

The princess's beauty aroused the jealousy of other women, and she was framed repeatedly.Relying on her unique personality charm, the princess attracted the admiration of imperial physicians, guards, and ministers. With the help of a group of admirers, the princess escaped from danger many times and finally married the handsome prince, becoming a virtuous and virtuous queen of a generation.The emperors of other countries laid down their weapons for the sake of the princess and never married for life. 】

"How about it? Is the plot particularly good?" He Tu was complacent. This is a drama that he collected audience preferences and planned after he researched the market.

Gu Yanting didn't speak.

Tang Tang covered her face: "Uncle Hetu. Isn't this the ancient version of the domineering president Mary Su? The emperor loves me, the imperial doctor loves me, the guards chase me, and every man loves me. Such a similar TV series on TV, one Grab a handful."

Hetu hasn't made a TV drama for several years, so of course he doesn't know the current TV drama market: rich sadomasochism, campus Marysu, ancient palace Marysu, anti-Japanese drama, these four dramas occupy most of the market.

The costume drama that Hetu wants to shoot has already been filmed by someone
The big cake of ancient court idol dramas has long been divided up. The audience has long been tired of similar dramas. If Hetu really wants to shoot this drama, he may not even be able to drink the soup.

Tang Tang said solemnly: "The most important thing in filming TV dramas is innovation, and no one has watched the palace idol dramas in the bad streets."

(End of this chapter)

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