Chapter 343
Gu Yanting looked at his daughter with satisfaction, she seemed to understand the market quite well.As expected of a child of my Gu family, he has a unique vision since he was a child.

He Tu's complexion showed signs of deterioration visible to the naked eye.

He sat on the floor decadent, scratched his head, and said to himself: "Innovation. How can you innovate in costume dramas"

Hetu is particularly troubled. It is very easy for him to innovate in movies, but it is a bit difficult for TV dramas.

He wiped the corners of his eyes, like the eggplant beaten by Shuang: "Tangtang. Thank you for reminding me, I will find a place where there is no one to cry. If you see me begging on the side of the road, remember to put it in my broken bowl Throw a few bucks in."

Seeing Hetu's pitiful appearance, Tang Tang couldn't bear it, and stopped Hetu: "Uncle Hetu, in fact, innovation is not difficult. For example, Gongdou drama, it can be made into a leading female lead drama."

He Tu looked confused: "The leading heroine?"

Gu Yanting also became a bit interested: "Tangtang, what is a leading female lead drama?"

Tang Tang saw that these two people were ignorant, so he simply gave them a popular science:

"The current TV dramas on the market are either the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or the drama of Dog Blood Mary Su, which is nothing new. The main heroine is different. For example, the heroine was selected as a concubine in the harem. At first she was innocent and kind, but was rejected The other concubines poisoned and entrapped her. She understood that kindness cannot survive in the harem, so she started a palace fight!
The favorite concubine bullied her, and directly designed to frame her back; the queen bullied her, and designed to trip the queen; the emperor drove her out of the palace, and the heroine planned to get pregnant and then return to the palace in glory; even if the emperor tried to kill her, the heroine dared to poison the emperor directly— —In short, the core of the heroine drama is [Shuang]. The heroine is not a weak little white flower. The heroine is clever and scheming, and she upgrades step by step.No one can be bullied, this is the heroine. "

Tang Tang was reborn, so of course she knew the rules of TV dramas in her previous life—the sadomasochistic dramas of Grandma Qiongyao, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas, and Mary Su dramas similar to "Meteor Garden" were popular at the beginning.

Later, with the development of the times, the bloody and brain-dead dramas could no longer meet the needs of the audience, so time-travel dramas and heroine dramas stepped onto the stage of history one after another.

"The Palace", "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "The Legend of Chu Qiao" have appeared one after another, becoming phenomenal hits.

After Tang Tang finished speaking, he was thirsty.

Drink two sips of milk tea to moisturize your throat.

Looking up again, he found Hetu and her father staring at him strangely. Tang Tang tilted his head and looked innocent: "What are you looking at me for? Isn't the big heroine not good?"

Gu Yanting pinched her daughter's little face, secretly delighted, she is indeed my daughter, Gu Yanting!
Unique vision!

The light in He Tu's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he was enlightened. At that moment, it seemed that the second vein of Ren and Du was opened after being needled by Nanny Rong.

Tang Tang's words opened the door to a new world of TV dramas, and countless ideas flooded into Hetu's mind. He uttered a mouthful of obscenities excitedly: "Fuck, Tangtang, you are such a little genius! Let Uncle Hetu give you a kiss~~"

As soon as he pouted, Gu Yanting kicked him away in disgust.

My lovely little girl, who has never been kissed by a father, you are worthy of Hetu!

He Tu excitedly jumped on the spot: "Mr. Gu, prepare the money! I will come to you with a plan some other day, haha."

Hetu smiled, danced and ran out of the president's office.

His exaggerated laughter can still be heard from far away, soaring into the sky.

Tang Tang took two sips of the milk tea, and secretly raised the corners of his mouth with powder, feeling happy.

At this time, the lounge door in the office opened, and Tang Wanru came out stretched, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

The father and daughter became tense instantly, thinking that Tang Wanru was going to lose her temper.'s all foreshadowing

  There are still a lot of plots that have not been written, and my brain hurts dT-Tb
(End of this chapter)

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