Chapter 363 Dragon and Phoenix?
Just messing around.

He believed that Ruan Meng would come back sooner or later and he gave Ruan Meng time to adjust his mood.

Ye Bai's voice was too serious and cold, the nurse had never seen such a terrifying Ye Bai, she shrank her neck in fright.Doctor Ye Bai, who used to be soft-spoken to everyone, has recently become very eccentric.

"Tang Wanru is pregnant with twin boys. She is not in good health. She must take these medicines regularly." Ye Bai left instructions, turned and walked towards the operating room.

The nurse nodded absently, and left with the obstetric inspection form and medicines.

The hospital took the nurse to Tang's house by special car.

The news of the marriage between the Gu Group and the Tang family spread all over the capital. Miss Tang's family was still pregnant, and the nurse looked at the resplendent Tang residence in amazement.

The Tang family renovated again, expanding the garden area, planting more beautiful red plum blossoms, and a greenhouse full of flowers and plants.

The Tang family is not considered a wealthy family in the capital, but for an ordinary working class like a nurse, it is already a supernatural existence.The nurse guessed that the Tang family and the Gu family were just a business marriage, and Mr. Gu and Ms. Tang definitely had no relationship basis.

The nurse was so sad, she murmured: Poor rich man, so what if he is rich?Not even love.

She followed the butler of the Tang family into the mansion, and heard the butler Li ask her: "Miss nurse, please give me the prenatal inspection report and medicine first. The medicine still needs to be tested, so you wait here for a while."

All the medicines that Tang Wanru takes on a daily basis have to be tested by instruments, just in case.

The nurse smiled politely: "Okay, I'll wait here."

Butler Li asked the servant to bring the nurse to the living room, and brought him a cup of jasmine tea and two plates of snacks.

The nurse sat in the small living room in an orderly manner. Not long after she was seated, laughter came from the gate.

The nurse first saw two children rushing in, a little girl carved in pink and jade, and a delicate and cute little boy. The two children were still holding ice-cold snowballs in their hands, laughing and throwing snowballs at each other.

"Tangtang Xiaoan! You two don't throw snowballs here and there, making the ground dirty. Director Hetu will come to visit at night, so you two are not allowed to be naughty anymore." Aunt Wang looked at the scattered snow on the ground and felt a headache. Busily and skillfully picked up the broom to sweep the snow off the ground.

Then, the nurse saw another man and woman walk in.

The man was wearing a well-tailored gray suit, with serious eyes, and was helping a beautiful woman in a mink fur coat into the room.

The nurse knew that this was Gu Yanting, the boss of the Gu Group, and the lady next to him must be Miss Tang.

The nurse thought that there was no real relationship between the rich and powerful. But she saw with her own eyes that the chief executive was carefully supporting Tang Wanru, acting cautiously as if she was caring for a treasure. The nurse felt weird.

Tang Wanru kept rolling her eyes, and slapped Gu Yanting's hand away casually: "I'm just pregnant, not terminally ill, so I don't need someone to help me when I walk."

Since she was pregnant, the whole family has been watching her closely.

Tang Wanru couldn't help but feel awkward.

When the family entered the room, they all noticed the strange nurse sitting on the sofa. The white nurse uniform she was wearing was particularly eye-catching.

Tang Tang tilted her head and said in a sweet voice, "Sister nurse, are you from the hospital?"

The nurse hurriedly stood up. Seeing the rumored Gu Yanting was still a little nervous, her mouth responded faster than her brain: "Dr. Very healthy, just need to take regular medication for maintenance."

Too nervous, she misremembered the twin boys as twins.

As soon as the nurse finished speaking, the room was silent for two seconds.

Tang Tang: "Dragon twins?"

Gu Yanting pondered: "Dragon and phoenix twins"

 Ye Bai: Twins and two boys
  Nurse (wrong memory): twins

  Tang Tang (gratified): Sure enough, there is a stinky brother
  Gu Yanting (satisfied): Fortunately, there is a little girl, and a brat as a gift.

  A few months later, two boys were born in the delivery room.

  Tang Tang: Two stinky brothers? ? ?

  Gu Yanting: Where's my daughter? ? ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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